Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3061: Buddhism

The news that Gu Fei left the heavens and returned to the human world quickly spread, and some people who had enemies with Gu Fei became a little uneasy, you know, this guy is a murderer.

However, some of the people who had made friends with Gu Fei were overjoyed. Gu Fei returned to the human world, and the human world would be unstable.

There are also many people who want to compete with the murderous man in this legend. These people have heard many things about Gu Fei in the human world, and naturally some people are not convinced.

Some people think that Gu Fei's ability to smooth out the restricted area of ​​the heavens and destroy the fierce land in the heavenly ruins of the eastern world of the human world is only relying on the power of the ultimate holy artifact, which is not his own power.

Especially those strong men who never came to Tenglong Ancestral Star from Zhou Zuxing or other life ancestor stars, these people are also powerful men who shock one party on their respective life ancestor stars.

The news of Gu Fei's return to the human world was naturally shocking.

However, many people are speculating about what Gu Fei is going to do when he returns to the world. You must know that he will not come back for no reason. He must have something to do.

Soon, Gu Fei appeared in the Tianxu, then left the Tianxu directly and returned to the Eastern Vientiane City.

Everything in Vientiane City remained the same as when Gu Fei left. No one dared to attack Vientiane City again, even though those people knew that Gu Fei was not in Vientiane City.

You know, the news of Gu Fei's success in the robbery has already been sent back to the world. Gu Fei is already a quasi-supreme, who dares to provoke such an existence.

Moreover, there is still a saying in the Eastern Region that the disappearance of the Eastern Region Devil's Cave is believed to be from Gu Fei's handwriting. It seems that the only person in the entire Eastern Region who can do such crazy things is Gu Fei.

Moreover, the power that took over the territory of the Eastern Territory Demon Cave was Gu Fei's power.

When the East Territory Demon Cave disappeared, the people from Vientiane City entered the territory of the Demon Cave for the first time, and then took over all the territory of the Demon Territory.

Gu Fei's territory is undoubtedly enlarged many times, larger than the territory of other forces in the Eastern Region.

No one dared to **** food in Gu Fei's hands, because many people knew the consequences of doing so, Gu Fei's things were not so easy to take away.

The moment Gu Fei returned to Vientiane City, people from all major forces in the Eastern Region knew immediately, especially the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family.

There are only three powers in the Eastern Region now, Gu Fei’s Vientiane City, the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family, and the Eastern Devil’s Cave has become a thing of the past.

Both the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family once had a bad relationship with Gu Fei, especially the Eastern family. Although the grievances between the Eastern family and Gu Fei were under the mediation of Fengdu Ghost Emperor, they were temporarily put down.

However, no one knows how long this situation will continue.

Once Gu Fei went to war with the Eastern Family, it would be a disaster for the entire Eastern Region and even affect the situation of the entire Tenglong Ancestor Star.

Such a scene is something that Fengdu Ghost Emperor and others don't want to see. Therefore, Fengdu Ghost Emperor will come forward to mediate the grievances between the two families and prevent the two from breaking out.

However, the current Gu Fei is no longer the old Gu Fei. He is now Quasi-Supreme, and his cultivation base is higher than that of the ancestor of the Eastern family.

However, the Eastern Heaven Overlord had an imperial sword in his hand, it was the imperial **** soldier left by the imperial supreme, and could compete with the imperial **** soldier.

Once a battle begins, it is difficult to say who wins and loses. After all, the Eastern family has once appeared in the emperor's supreme family, with extremely deep background.

Who knows that the Emperor of the Eastern aristocratic family still has any future players.

When Gu Fei came back this time, he was not attacking the Eastern family. He just lived in the Vientiane City for a few days before leaving the Vientiane City. No one knew where he went.

Xitu, the entire region is occupied by a force, this force is Buddhism, this is also the only force on the Tenglong Ancestral Star that can occupy the entire region.

Xitu Buddhism in Tenglong Zuxing, has hundreds of millions of believers, extremely prosperous.

The inheritance of the eternal Buddha can be found on the Tenglong ancestor star to such a scale, I am afraid that even the eternal Buddha did not expect it.

At this time, a figure walked into Xitu.

This was a black-clothed young man. He wandered around, and wherever he went, he saw temples shrouded in the light of Buddha everywhere. In every temple, there was a Buddhist monk sitting in town.

Xitu Buddhism is the kingdom of Buddha.

The whole world was enveloped with a sense of peace, and even the fierce beasts here seemed to have Buddha nature, became very docile and would not hurt people.

"Buddha power can save the world, save sentient beings, and allow sentient beings to take refuge. This does not seem to be unreasonable."

Gu Fei walked all the way and couldn't help being moved when he saw this scene.

Buddhism seems to be closely related to all living beings. It was Gu Fei's observation of the entire Xitu with a quasi-supreme gaze, that he could understand a great secret of the Xitu Buddhism.

I have to say that the Lord Buddha of the ages is indeed an outstanding person of the ages, and he actually created such a method of cultivation.

"Could it be that Buddhism is the kind of illusory power of thought that Buddhism said."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. He didn't stop, and went straight to the depths of Xitu. In the center of Xitu, there was a spiritual mountain.

Lingshan is huge, towering into the clouds, and the entrance of the legendary Tianfodao is at the top of Lingshan.

The Tao of Heavenly Buddhism is one of the six reincarnations developed by the Buddha through the ages, and it is also the fundamental reason why the tradition of Buddhism has been passed on.

As long as the Heavenly Buddhism and Taoism are still there, the inheritance of the ancient Buddha will not be cut off.

Gu Fei could clearly perceive the changes in this area of ​​heaven and earth, and countless creatures in the Western Earth had thought power rushing out of their bodies, and then they gathered in the void and were absorbed by those temples.

The temples all over the western soil are like transit stations, turning the power of thought into Buddha power, and then converging towards Lingshan.

"Good guy."

Gu Fei was really stunned by this method. In the endless years, how much thought power had to be transformed into Buddha power, what did the ancient Buddha master do?

Ji Dao Supreme's methods are indeed amazing, and Gu Fei didn't know what the ancient Buddhas mainly gathered so many Buddha powers to do, but he knew that this was definitely a shocking secret.

It is impossible for ordinary people to perceive the secrets in the Buddhist monastery of the Western Earth. At least the quasi-sovereign can see all this.

However, how many quasi-sages are there in this world of earth and heaven.

Emperor Jiang absolutely knew about this, but he didn't take any action. Perhaps, only the existence of Quasi-Sovereign and above was qualified to know this secret.


Gu Fei stepped across the land of the Western Earth. With every step he took, he disappeared instantly, but when he appeared in the next moment, he was already tens of thousands of miles away.

He cultivated eight barren steps, showed eight steps of extreme speed, and the speed was absolutely unimaginable. Wherever he went, even the Buddhist monks of the holy order could hardly catch his figure.

Soon, a mountain shrouded in endless Buddha power appeared in front of Gu Fei.

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