Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3063: Dialogue with the eternal Buddha

Gu Fei escaped directly into the Lingshan Mountain and pulsed towards the earth ancestors in the depths of the earth. Along the way, golden light and Buddha patterns appeared, intertwined into formations, trying to block his footsteps.

However, Gu Fei broke through the numerous Buddhist formations like a broken bamboo, and then directly entered into a huge space deep in the earth.

"He actually entered the ancestral veins of the earth, what can I do?"

Above Lingshan, those Buddhist monks who sensed all this could not help being shocked. Even a Buddhist sage who had cultivated for endless years could not remain calm.

You know, the ancestral veins of the earth are the foundation of Lingshan. If that person destroys the ancestral veins together, then Lingshan will not be destroyed by half as it did in the past.

"Patron Fatian and Patriarch Fan Xiu are not there, who can compete with this person."

Just when the Buddha on Lingshan didn’t know what to do, an old monk walked up to the top of Lingshan, then sat cross-legged on the boulder, approaching, he actually inspired the gathering from ten directions. Immeasurable Fuli adds body.


There was a tremor in the void, and then, the phantom of a golden Buddha emerged from the old monk.

The moment the golden Buddha appeared, there was an endless auspicious light from the sky, and golden lotuses gushing out of the ground, as if the Lord of the ancient Buddha came to the world, there was a sound of Buddha in the void, like an ancient Buddha. The Lord is chanting the same.

The vision that appeared on the top of Lingshan could be seen thousands of miles away. The Buddhist disciples on the top of Lingshan quickly worshipped the golden Buddha on the top of the mountain.

Countless Buddhist believers within a thousand miles of Lingshan also bowed their prayers in the direction of Lingshan.

The power of mind in this area is actually increasing rapidly, and the power of mind is transformed into infinite Buddha power, and it gathers towards the golden Buddha on the top of Lingshan. The golden Buddha seems to step out of the void and evolve the true body of the Buddha. general.

"Is the ancestor of Tianchan born again?"

Above the Lingshan, there was a Buddhist monk and a sage who said such words.

The ancestor of Tianchan is definitely a legend among the Buddhist monasteries of the Western Earth, because in each life, he will show the Dhamma, appear in the world, and walk on the earth.

Even in the darkest era of the late ancient times, this ancestor of Buddhism was still born, walking on the wild land.

On the ancient stone inscriptions on Lingshan, the ancestor of Tianchan can also be found. No one knows when he became enlightened, and no one knows his relationship with the ancient Buddha.

This is a mysterious ancestor of Buddhism.

"The ancestor of the cicada came too timely."

All the Buddhas on Lingshan breathed a sigh of relief. With this old ancestor taking action, Gu Fei, the murderous man, would naturally not be able to act fiercely on Lingshan.

"Buddha is with me."

The ancestor Tian Cicada's body bloomed with endless Buddha light. The next moment, his figure became faint and unreal, and soon, he unexpectedly merged with the golden Buddha that emerged from his body.

At the moment when the ancestor Tianchan merged with the golden Buddha, the golden Buddha suddenly gained endless vitality and came alive, opening his eyes.

A strong wave of Buddha power spread from the golden Buddha's body. The golden Buddha's eyes seemed to penetrate the endless void, and instantly fell on Gu Fei's body in the ancestral veins of the earth.


Gu Fei immediately felt his heart. He suddenly raised his head and looked up. There were Dao patterns intertwined in his eyes, as if directly ignoring the barrier of the void, he saw the golden Buddha on the top of Lingshan Mountain.


Gu Fei didn't pay attention to the golden Buddha at all, and rushed towards the depths of the ancestral veins of the earth.


At the same time, the golden Buddha on the top of Lingshan disappeared directly into the void. The next moment, the golden Buddha appeared in the ancestral veins of the earth deep in the earth.

The golden Buddha light diffused from the golden Buddha illuminates the dim void.

Among the ancestral veins of the earth, the aura of heaven and earth is at its extreme, and entering here is like entering a void filled with water.

The aura here is almost liquefied.

Gu Fei knew that if the eternal Buddha master left the undead medicine he got back then, the earth ancestral veins under Lingshan would definitely be a good place for the undead medicine to take root.

However, he sensed an extremely powerful divine mind locked himself.

"It's really hateful."

Gu Fei was a little upset, he was stupid and didn't want to fight against those big bald heads in Buddhism, but now it seems that it is not good, the other party has locked himself with his spiritual thoughts.

However, Gu Fei didn't want to fight against the powerful Buddhist monk who was tracking behind him now. He directly used the Eight Desolate Steps, showing the eight steps of extreme speed, and moving quickly in the ancestral veins.

The emptiness in the ancestral veins of the earth was vast, and it was like an endless world. After a while, Gu Fei suddenly smelled a hint of medicine.

"this is……"

Gu Fei hurriedly stopped, then discerned the direction from which the fragrance of medicine was coming from, and rushed towards the direction where the fragrance of medicine came from.

Soon, a bright light appeared in Qianmen, and in the dim void, a group of divine light that glowed dimly like a divine moon appeared in Gu Fei's sight.

Gu Fei instantly appeared beside the group of divine light, and saw that the luminous thing was a divine stone, a divine stone whose whole body was crystal-like.

He found that the divine stone contained huge essence, but it was covered with cracks, and inside those cracks, there were some tiny root-like things.

"There used to be magical medicine rooted in this magical stone."

Gu Fei said with some surprise, a faint fragrance of medicine filled the **** stone.

Just when Gu Fei was surprised, the entire void was suddenly enveloped by a golden light, and a peaceful but powerful Buddha power came from behind him.

"I caught up so soon."

Gu Fei was a little surprised, and the speed of the Buddhist expert behind him was not slow.

He slowly turned around and saw the golden light dazzling, and a figure full of Buddha's light in full bloom came from a distance. When he saw this figure, he couldn't help but startled.

"Buddha and I am with you, you are actually borrowing the power of the ancient Buddha."

Gu Fei could see the truth and futility of this golden Buddha at a glance. The Buddha power radiating from this golden Buddha has the same source as the Buddha power condensed in Lingshan.

His previous cultivation level was not enough to gain insight into the secrets of Lingshan, but now it is different. The Buddha of the ages has a layout in Lingshan, and even the entire western land.

This is a great mystery of the ages, I am afraid that the Buddhist sages in Buddhism don't know much about it.

"At a young age, there is such an achievement. Is there finally a change in this world?"

The golden Buddha spoke aloud.

"What variable."

Gu Fei said solemnly, he could actually vaguely guess the meaning of this golden Buddha's words. In ancient times, there was more than one supreme being who deduced things about later generations.

The disappeared enemies will return again, the world and heaven will be shrouded in darkness, and a more cruel dark age will begin.

However, all supreme beings have deduced to a variable.

No one knows what this variable is, but they all think that this is the hope of the world, the ray of life for endless creatures.

"You are not qualified to know such things."

Said the golden Buddha.

"Then why did you come."

Gu Fei calmly looked at the golden Buddha opposite and said that although the other party was borrowing the power of the ancient Buddha power, he was not afraid.

"I'm here just because I have a relationship with you."

Golden Buddha said.

"Haha, don't fool me, I am not one of your followers."

Gu Fei smiled.

"As long as we can meet, we are destined."

The tone of the Golden Buddha is still so calm, neither happy nor sad, the harmony of Buddha power spread from his body, turning the entire void into a golden world.

"Okay, don't talk to me about these. If you want to fight, just shoot. If you don't fight, get out."

Gu Fei said impatiently.

"You and I are not enemies."

Golden Buddha said.

"Cut, it's not the enemy why you came to me."

Gu Fei said.

"What are you looking for, maybe I can help you."

Golden Buddha said.


When Gu Fei heard the words, he couldn't believe it and looked at the golden Buddha that looked like the Lord Buddha from the past. There was such a good thing.


Gu Fei said uncertainly.

"The monks don't speak any words."

Golden Buddha said seriously.

"Well, I heard that the ancient Buddha once got a potion of immortality. Do you know where that potion of immortality is?"

Gu Fei didn't hide it, and directly stated his purpose of entering the ancestral veins of the earth. The reason why he came to Lingshan was to find Fa Tian and Fan Xiu to settle accounts, but the immortal medicine was his real purpose.

He came for the elixir of death.

"That's the case. It seems that you are going to be disappointed. If you come earlier, you may still be able to see the undead medicine here, but now it is impossible."

Jin Buddha shook his head and said.


Gu Fei was a little unbelieving, but the other party was in this state as if the Lord of the Ancients had come, and he would not lie to him at all.

"Well, you have to remember that we are not enemies. We still have one day to see you and I. It was unexpected to meet his heirs unexpectedly."

The golden Buddha suddenly said such words.

"you are……"

Gu Fei suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help being surprised.

At this time, the figure of the golden Buddha suddenly became faint and unreal. Soon, the endless Buddha light dissipated into the void, and the Buddha figure disappeared.

"Could it be..."

Gu Fei was shocked, could something like this really happen.

An alternative reappearance of the ancient Buddha.

If my conjecture is true, didn't I just talk to the ancient Buddha.

Gu Fei felt that the scene just now was really unreal, but both the Emperor and the Sky Demon could reappear alternatively, and the Buddha of the Ages could naturally also.

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