Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3066: Zhan Fanxiu

The Buddha Earth Spirit Mountain in the human world is not the real Xumi Mountain, but the Foshan in the Heavenly Buddha Tao is the real Xumi Mountain.

On the top of Sumi Foshan, there is also the Buddhist palace where the ancient Buddha once lived. This Buddhist palace is not simple. It was once practiced by the ancient Buddha with the supreme Buddha power.

There are nine layers in the Buddha Palace, and each layer is an almost endless world.

Back then, Gu Fei and Heitian had repeatedly rushed to the Triple Buddha Palace, and finally fought against the demons in the Huangquan of Hell in the third Buddha Palace, and obtained the legendary Three Realm Monument.

The Three Realms Monument was an extremely Taoist artifact, originally used to suppress the Huangquan group of demons, but after being taken away by Gu Fei, it released the most powerful demon among Huangquan.

However, in the Huangquan Heaven and Earth in the third Buddha realm, the two most powerful demon heads, Youdi and Mingzun, fought a battle. In the end, they both lost and fell into the Nine Nether Springs and disappeared.

No one knows whether these two monsters have fallen.

Finally, Gu Fei and Heitian rushed through the Jidao Buddha Formation in Huangquan World, and returned to the wild world of the Third Buddha Realm.

Thinking of all the things back then, even now Gu Fei was lost in consciousness, and I don't know what happened to the Tyrant God Emperor back then. Since returning to the human world, the Tyrant God Emperor and the Ye Family have disappeared.

Unlike the wild beast master and the chaotic demon master, the Tyrant God Emperor was not surrendered by Buddhism. He and the Ye Family were both free and unfettered.

The human world is so big, even with Gu Fei's ability, it is not easy to find them.

Now, Gu Fei stood in the void, looking at the Foshan that was shrouded in the boundless Buddha light in front of him. Foshan is still the same, and the eternal Buddha palace on the top of the mountain is also the same, but the people are not the people of the past.

Gu Fei is now the quasi-sovereign, and now the person who is in charge of the eternal Buddha palace, it seems that he is no longer the great monk of Fa Tian, ​​and replaced with Fan Xiu's small bald head.

Gu Fei had learned about Fanxiu's little bald head. This guy, like the old tortoise, was an old ancestor of black hands and slaps.

At this time, the young monk Fanxiu was standing in front of the eternal Buddha palace, and the breath of the whole person was merged with the entire Mount Xume. At this moment, he could arouse the strongest Buddha power of Mount Xume for his own use.

The Buddha power condensed in the entire Mount Xumi in the endless years is absolutely huge to the extreme, I am afraid it can be compared to an extremely holy artifact.

Gu Fei stared at the figure on Mount Xumi with a solemn expression on his face. At this time, the young monk Fan Xiu was absolutely confident, this is his place.

"Do you borrow the power of Mount Xumi?"

Gu Fei smiled and said.

"Gu Fei, I didn't think you would really dare to break in here."

Little Monk Fanxiu held a purple golden bowl in his hand, and the Yuebai monk's clothes spurred in the wind. There was no light from the Buddha on his body, but it gave people a very special feeling.

His breath has merged with Mount Xumi, even Gu Fei, if you don't look at it with the naked eye, you can't sense his existence at all.

"Cut, this is not a Longtan Tiger Den, why don't I dare to break in, even if this is the real Longtan Tiger Den, I am not afraid."

Gu Fei said disdainfully.

"You are still as arrogant as ever."

Little Monk Fanxiu suddenly smiled, and then, an endless Buddha light burst out of his body, and a Buddha shadow immediately emerged from his body.

The sound of Buddha sounded in the void, as if there were countless Buddhas chanting.

At this time, all the Buddhist monks who were cultivating on Mount Xumi were shocked, and many Buddhist monks were shocked. Isn't the Heavenly Buddha Dao already sealed? Why would anyone break in?

"It's him."

A Buddhist monk recognized Gu Fei and couldn't help but be moved. You must know that this guy made a big storm in the Heavenly Buddha Dao back then.

The first battle of the year has reminded these Buddhist experts that they are palpitating.

"He's here again, this time see where he can go crazy."

Some Buddhist experts said.

Gu Fei broke into the Heavenly Buddha Dao again, which made many Buddhist experts feel uneasy. It is not easy to know this murderous man, but it is different now.

Now it is not the Fatian monk in charge of Mount Xumi.

"Gu Fei, I think you can still devote yourself to my Buddhism. Buddhism is vast, and anyone who has a predestined relationship with the Buddha can be saved. I think you have a good relationship with my Buddha."

Little Monk Fanxiu looked at Gu Fei indifferently and said such words.


Gu Fei burst out laughing when he heard this.

"Little bald head, I seem to have a good relationship with you, otherwise, how about you break away from Buddhism and become my disciple."

Gu Fei said with a smile.


Little Monk Fanxiu also laughed, but when he was smiling, the purple golden bowl in his hand suddenly "buzzed." With a sound, there was a blast, and then instantly rose from his hand to the sky. , The change was as huge as a mountain and shrouded towards Gu Fei.

A force of swallowing the sky came out from the purple gold bowl, and wanted to collect Gu Fei into the purple gold bowl.

Little Monk Fanxiu made the move. He knew Gu Fei very well. This man's Dao heart was so firm that he couldn't fool such an existence at all.

Since Gu Fei can't be fooled with a three-inch incorruptible tongue, then just surrender it directly.

The powerhouses in Buddhism are all like this. If they can't fool others into Buddhism, they will come hard. The Chaos Demon Lord and Wild Beast Master were all surrendered by the Fatian monk.


The void shook, and Gu Fei discovered that in the purple gold bowl, there was a "ten thousand" Buddha seal emerging, and the power of the Buddha's way was mighty, and he could not help flying towards the purple gold bowl.

However, Gu Fei directly smashed his fist toward the purple golden bowl, and a violent and tyrannical force exploded from his fist, and it actually shook the purple golden bowl that was enveloped.

Little Monk Fanxiu waved his hand, and the purple golden bowl flew back into his hand.

"The Quasi-Supreme is really powerful."

Little Monk Fanxiu held the purple golden bowl in his hand, and he still had a calm face. Although Gu Fei showed strong combat power, it did not move him.


At this time, there was a sound like rushing to the thunder in the void, and Buddha lights rushed out from Mount Xumi, turned into Buddha seals, and directly imprinted on the body of the young monk Fanxiu.

This is the blessing of Buddhism. The young monk Fanxiu is borrowing the strength. He is borrowing the power of Mount Xumi.

Gu Fei did not take action to stop the young monk Fan Xiu, he was also very curious about how strong this young monk Fan Xiu could be even if he borrowed the power of Mount Xumi.

The vast wave of Buddha power spread out from the young monk Fanxiu, becoming stronger and stronger. In the end, he turned out to be like an eternal Buddha, and the breath of "Buddha" spread throughout the Tao of Heaven.

Heavenly Buddhism Dao is a big world opened up by the ancient Buddha masters. There are countless Buddhist monks who subtly cultivate in the Heavenly Buddhism Dao. At this time, all Buddhism powerhouses were alarmed.

"This Gu Fei is crazy enough."

In a valley at the entrance of Tianfo Road, in an ancient temple, an old monk suddenly opened his eyes and said such words.

This old monk was exactly the old monk Gu Fei encountered when he first entered the Heavenly Buddha Dao.

"It's the Dharma with Buddha and I."

When Gu Fei saw this scene, he couldn't help frowning. You know, this kind of Dharma has great power, just like the reappearance of the ancient Buddha.

However, Gu Fei soon discovered that this kind of Dharma performed by the young monk Fanxiu is fundamentally different from the Dharma of the Buddha and I, because he is just borrowing power. He has not turned into an eternal Buddha. He is still himself. .

Soon, the little monk Fanxiu stopped. At this time, his body was branded with Buddha's seals, and these Buddha's seals sealed an extremely powerful Buddha power in his body.

"Gu Fei, you didn't stop me just now, but now it's too late."

Little Monk Fanxiu stared at Gu Fei and said.

"Haha, it's not too late, come and let me see how powerful you are."

The young monk Fanxiu, who was at the top of Mount Xumi, waved Gu Fei and said.

"I will never disappoint you."

Little Monk Fanxiu said calmly.

"Really, you won't know until you have played."

Gu Fei immediately took a step forward as he spoke. His figure disappeared into the void in an instant. The next moment, when he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the young monk Fanxiu, and then turned towards the young monk Fanxiu. He smashed it with a punch.

This punch did not have any power fluctuations, but the entire void that was smashed was collapsing and destroyed, and a terrifying aura of destruction spread.

At this time, Little Monk Fanxiu stretched out his right hand and slapped it out.


Gu Fei's fist smashed into the palm of the young monk Fanxiu, and the two strongest forces collided, the void collapsed, and a series of pitch-black space cracks spread to the surroundings.


The two forces turned into a wave of destruction and surged out toward the surroundings, and the void was constantly annihilated.

Gu Fei only felt a strong force coming from the opponent's fist, and he immediately flew backwards involuntarily.

The little monk Fanxiu was also shocked, and a series of Buddha seals appeared on his body, and he was also shaken off by Gu Fei's fist.

"Come again."

Gu Fei roared and stopped the retreat directly, and then rushed towards the little monk Fanxiu.

The two figures moved quickly on the top of Mount Xumi, and a fierce battle fought, and terrifying power fluctuations spread out from the two figures, alarming all directions.

At this time, the Buddhist monks in the entire Tian Buddhism path couldn't sit still, and the Buddhist monks who were far away went straight to Mount Xumi.

You know, this kind of battle between peerless powerhouses is not so easy to encounter.

Some of the Buddhist old antiques who have been cultivating endless years in the Tian Buddhism can not sit still, and rush to Xumi Mountain.

In fact, many experts in the Heavenly Buddhism and Taoism are very curious about who is so awesome that they can break into the Heavenly Buddhism and Taoism to be wild.

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