Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3087: Where did it come from

In the dim world, a cold light suddenly appeared, and it strangled in front of the white witch in an instant, and the speed was extremely fast.


The witch in white was taken aback. She didn't even think about it, and she moved a dozen feet horizontally. The cold light strangled her forehead, and a strand of blue silk floated down from the air.


The witch in white was furious, if it weren't for her alertness, she would have become a corpse now.

She turned around abruptly and saw that the person who attacked her was a strong man in Tsing Yi. Judging from his appearance, he was not very old.

However, in the cultivation world, the most unreliable thing is the age and appearance of the monk, because often a little boy is older than the so-called ancestors.

"go to hell."

The witch in white was staring at the strong man in Tsing Yi, as if fire was about to spit out in her eyes, she shot directly, and a magic light that looked like a red training immediately rushed out of her hand, towards the young man. The person pierced through.

This is the blood evil magic light, wherever the magic light passed, a dark space crack appeared in the void.


The Tsing Yi strong man sneered, then lifted his right hand, and a ball of magic light immediately emerged from his hand and blocked it forward.

The powerful magic power exploded above the magic light in the hands of the strong Tsing Yi.

The blood evil magic light from the witch in white collided with the magic light in the hands of the strong Tsing Yi, and it was instantly swallowed in and disappeared without a trace.


The witch in white can't help being moved, this guy can even swallow her own blood evil magic light, how is this possible.

"This deity just lacks a bed-warming wife, you are the only one."

The strong man in Tsing Yi looked at the witch in white, with magic lights flickering in his eyes, he was looking at the witch in white unscrupulously, and his eyes kept wandering on the witch in white.

"what did you say."

As soon as the witch in white heard the words of the powerful demon road, a pair of willow eyebrows were erected immediately, and the fierce light in the phoenix eyes flickered. If the gaze could kill people, the powerful demon path might have died countless times.

"Haha, the deity didn't say anything, just wanted to carry you home."

The demon master said with a wanton laugh.

"Devil Willow, you are looking for death."

The witch in white roared, and in the next moment, red light burst out all over her body, and each red light was extremely radiant, revealing a terrifying magical aura.

Countless blood evil magic lights intertwined into a big net in an instant. This is a **** magic net, covering the entire void of the world, covering the strong man in the green clothes.

That strong man in Tsing Yi is not an unnamed person. It is a willow tree that becomes a demon, called the willow demon. He cultivates the way of the void. It is precisely this way that he can hide in the void and not be discovered by the witch in white. .

"Oh, I'm angry, I like the way you are angry."

Liu Mo smiled and said, but he was also taking action, a round of cyan magic light rose from behind his head, like a round of magic sun, blooming endless magic light, crushing the void, and spreading the envelope. The blood evil demon net.


Seeing this scene, the witch in white couldn't help being shocked again. This willow demon is indeed powerful, worthy of a generation of demon venerables, and she did not expect that the Heavenly Demon Lake had invited this fellow.

The power of the Willow Demon is absolutely beyond doubt. You must know that this guy is a hero of a party. Although he is not the Great Demon Venerable, his combat power is close to the Great Demon Venerable.


The cyan "devil sun" was shaking, and the blood evil demon net of the witch in white immediately dissipated, turned into blood evil demon light, and then was swallowed by that group of "devil sun".


The witch in white was shocked to the extreme. This willow demon was actually devouring her own power. How could she fight this? The opponent's power would get stronger and stronger, but her own power would get weaker and weaker.

The outcome has been divided.

"You should obediently let me carry home to warm the bed, haha..."

Liu Demon is arrogant, of course, he does have arrogant capital, because he is already invincible at the realm below the Great Demon Venerable.


The witch in white did not answer, she rushed towards the main peak of Xuanmo Mountain.

"Hey, go there, sister, come here, brother."

Liu Mo yelled and chased the Witch in White. He was not in a hurry to capture the Witch in White, because it would be no fun to catch the Witch in White at once.

At this time, Luo Peng who saw this scene suddenly smiled, and he immediately used the Demon Path Killing Technique to attack and kill the Demon Que, and fought against the Demon Que.

And the mountain lord of the mysterious demon and the undead demon are also fighting fiercely, but the mountain lord of the mysterious demon has revealed its defeat, and the immortal body of the undead demon is really abnormal.

Even if the Profound Demon Mountain Lord performed the third change of the Profound Demon, it could not reverse the situation.

"You escape, you escape, why don't you escape? I see where else you can escape."

At this time, Liu Mo had already chased the witch in white and came to the main peak of Xuanmo Mountain, blocking the witch in white in front of the mysterious demon palace, and grinningly pressed towards the witch in white step by step.

Liu Mo was unscrupulous, because the strongest Xuanmo Mountain Lord of Xuanmo Mountain was entangled by the undead demon.

No one on Xuanmo Mountain can save the Witch in White.


The witch in white sneered twice. She looked at the willow demon coming step by step, but she looked unusually calm, with the corners of her mouth still rising, showing a slightly sarcasm smile.

"Haha, are you playing mystery trick with me?"

Liu Mo smiled very happily. There can be no masters on Xuanmo Mountain who can compete with him. If the Lord Xuanmoshan is not stopped by the undead demon, he still has some scruples, but now, the master of Xuanmoshan lacks skill. what.

"Okay, go back with me obediently."

As he said, Demon Liu directly reached out and grabbed the witch in white on the opposite side. With the appearance of the witch in white, he could barely warm his bed.

"I advise you to go back wherever you came from."

The witch in white clothes stared at the willow demon and said with a smile, changed her panicked look just now, and became calm and composed, as if she didn't put the willow demon in her eyes at all.

"You dare to underestimate the deity."

The disdainful look of the Witch in White completely angered Willow.

"She's right, I think you should get out of here."

At the moment when Liu Mo's hand was about to rest on the white-clothed witch's shoulder, a voice suddenly came from the mysterious demon palace behind the white-clothed witch.


Liu Mo's hand immediately stopped in the air, with an incredible expression on his face.

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