Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3106: Two catastrophes

The Western Region of the Chaos Demon Realm has undergone tremendous changes, and the news spread, and the entire Chaos Demon Realm was shaken, and the Tianmo Lake was actually destroyed by the Xuanmo Mountain.

You know, among the three powers in the Western Regions, the power of Xuanmoshan is the weakest.

This result made all the forces in the Chaos Demon Realm feel incredible, but soon there was news that someone behind the Profound Demon Mountain was supporting it.

Behind this incident, there were behind-the-scenes black hands pushing, otherwise Xuanmo Mountain would not be able to destroy the Tianmo Lake at all.

However, no one knows who this behind-the-scenes man is. Not even the Moon Demon in the Lunar Demon Palace, which is a force in the Western Regions, knows the origin of Gu Fei.

In this way, no one knew the reality of Xuanmo Mountain, so no one dared to attack Xuanmo Mountain. You know, Tianmo Lake is a good example.

The Heavenly Demon Lake was wiped out by the Profound Demon Mountain, and those who originally wanted to deal with the Profound Demon Mountain had to back down.

Because the result of the estimation error is very serious, those in power of the demons are not stupid, they will evaluate everything in advance before putting it into action.

Especially for this kind of major event of conquering other sects, you must be more cautious, because once you fail, the result will be severely injured, and even cause a catastrophe for your own sect or family.

At this time, the Chaos Demon Realm, whether it was the Lunar Demon Palace or the forces outside the Western Regions, was watching.

However, no matter how many Profound Demon Mountain, they began to take over the Tianmo Lake site in an orderly manner. Of course, the process of taking over was not so smooth.

As a result, Xuanmoshan began to kill, but all the old parts of the Tianmo Lake that did not return were directly slaughtered, and none of them were left. Even the slaughter of the city happened.

This is the Chaos Demon Realm. The creatures of the Demon Dao possess a stronger killing power than ordinary creatures. Therefore, some people think that the demons are bloodthirsty races.

In fact, this is not wrong, because among the demons, there is really a bloodthirsty race. That is the blood demons. The demons of this race use blood as the source of power. Wherever they go, Blood will inevitably flow into a river.

At this time, the lord of a city under the command of Tianmo Lake beheaded the envoy sent by Xuanmoshan and openly confronted Xuanmoshan.

"Peng Demon, go take a trip."

Halfway up the mountainside of Xuanmo Mountain, in a pavilion, there are a few powerful magic shadows. The leader is the Xuanmo Mountain Lord. On the left and right sides of the Xuanmo Mountain Lord, there is the Demon Lord Luo Peng and Feng. Witch Sparrow, and the Demon Emperor Peng who had just taken refuge in Gu Fei.

At this time, the Demon Emperor Peng was secretly grateful, because he stood in the right team this time, so he survived, otherwise, he will be like the Demon Bear and the Black Mountain Emperor, and he will die in that battle.

"I go."

Peng Demon Sovereign said, he wanted to get angry, but he glanced at the Xuanmo Mountain Lord, but he didn't dare. You know, the Xuanmo Mountain Lord is a great demon.

He was not arrogant enough to think that he could compete with the Great Demon Venerable.

"It's not you, it will be us."

Luo Peng said with disdain, if this guy hadn't surrendered to Gu Fei, this guy would have died a long time ago, how could he sit here.

"Since you returned, you haven't done anything, this time is a good opportunity for you to do it."

The Phoenix Witch looked at Demon Emperor Peng and said calmly.

"Do you want to disobey."

Luo Peng glanced at Demon Sovereign Peng unkindly and said.

Demon Emperor Peng did not speak, because at this time, the mountain master Xuanmo, who was sitting in the upper position, was watching him all the time. He was not afraid of anyone, just because of the mountain master Xuanmo and the new master Gu Fei.

He stood up directly, then stepped forward and walked out of the pavilion, and then a magic light shot up into the sky from the mountainside of Xuanmo Mountain, and instantly disappeared into the void.

Xuandu City originally belonged to a magic city under the command of Heavenly Demon Lake, but now that Heavenly Demon Lake has been wiped out by Xuanmo Mountain, the current Xuantu City has become an isolated city without a master.

At this time, Xuandu City was shrouded in an extremely depressing atmosphere, because the lord of Xuandu City had just killed the envoy from Xuanmo Mountain.

When the two armies are fighting, it is the rule in the Chaos Demon Realm that they do not cut the enemy, but once they are cut, it is to fight directly. There is nothing to say.

"The Lord of the City is crazy, and he actually killed the envoy of Xuanmo Mountain."

The demon cultivators in Xuandu City were all talking about this. The news of the destruction of the Heavenly Demon Lake had already reached this magic city. Originally, the city lord of Xuandu City planned to surrender, but the arrival of two guys actually made Xuandu City. The lord changed his mind.

As a result, it happened that the city lord of Xuandu City beheaded Xuanmo Mountain.

"If this wait has sealed all our escape routes."

Some demon cultivators dissatisfied and said that the Tianmo Lake has become a thing of the past, and not many demon cultivators are willing to work for the Tianmo Lake anymore.

"Yes, I don't want to die here."

Some monks of the demon race wanted to leave the city, but the city lord of the city had already closed the city, that is to say, all the cultivators in the city could hardly leave the city.

At this time, in the main hall of the city lord's mansion, the city lord of the city was sitting high on the throne in the middle, while the demons and demons were sitting below the throne.

These two guys escaped another catastrophe, and then fled to Xuandu City.

I have to say that the two difficult brothers and sisters, Liu Mo and Mo Kui, are really two disaster stars. Wherever they go, they will suffer, but they themselves are living well.

"Brother Liu, I hope you can do what you promised me."

The city lord of Xuandu City looked at the Liu Mo below and said, the lord of the city lord is burly in figure and looks mighty. Although he is sitting, he is a head taller than a normal person.

The powerful Demon Dao aura spread from the city lord of Xuandu City. This city lord of the Xuandu City is also an extremely powerful Demon Venerable, and his cultivation base is not below the Willow Demon.

"Haha, how dare the little brother fool you, don't worry, when you see my clan ancestor, you will definitely recommend him to him."

Liu Mo said with a smile, he promised a lot of benefits to the city lord of Xuandu City, and the city lord of Xuandu City promised to contend with Xuanmo Mountain. If there is no benefit, the city lord of Xuandu City would not be foolish against Xuanmo Mountain.

The forces behind the Willow Demon are very strong. To a certain extent, the forces behind the Willow Demon are much stronger than the current Xuan Demon Mountain.

However, the power behind the Willow Demon is not in the Western Regions, but in the Middle Territory. Even in the Middle Territories, the forces behind the Willow Demon are superpowers that dominate one side.

Knowing the details of the Willow Demon, the City Lord of Xuandu City promised Liu Demon not to surrender to Xuan Demon Mountain.

However, the city lord of the city of Xuandu knew very well that if he killed the messenger of the mysterious mountain, the mountain would soon take action. At that time, a great battle would be inevitable.

If the strong from Xuanmo Mountain is the master of Xuanmo Mountain, then Xuandu City is in danger.

However, relying on the great defense formation of the city of Xuandu, even if the mountain lord of the mysterious demon came personally, the city lord of the city would also ask himself the power of a battle.

"That's great."

The city lord of Xuandu City nodded in satisfaction and said, as long as he can join the force behind Willow Demon, then he will not be afraid of that mysterious mountain.

"Xuan Tong, come out and die."

At this moment, a loud shout came in from outside of the city, directly into the city lord's mansion, and even throughout the entire city.

Xuantong, it was the name of the city lord of Xuantu City. Hearing that someone dared to call the city lord of Xuantu City directly, all the demon monks in the city were shocked.

At this moment, on the high sky outside the city of Xuandu, there was a powerful demon shadow standing, and the monstrous demon energy rushing out of that demon shadow actually condensed into a demon peng that was bigger than a mountain.

"Who is that, Demon Emperor Peng?"

In Xuandu City, an older generation of Demonic Monks recognized the figure outside Xuandu City.

"Peng Demon Emperor is here."

The city of Xuandu suddenly boiled. You know, Demon Emperor Peng was the boss of the three emperors of the Heavenly Demon Lake. His cultivation was extremely strong, and half of his feet had entered the realm of the Great Demon Lord.

"I heard that Demon Emperor Peng descended on Profound Demon Mountain, is it true?"

Someone said such words.

"As soon as Demon Emperor Peng arrives, Lord City Lord will go out and die. It seems that he is here to attack Xuandu City."

Some powerful demon said.


The demon cultivators in Xuandu City were shocked and inexplicable, and the Demon Emperor Peng actually came to attack Xuandu City, and many demon experts couldn't believe it.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and Demon Emperor Peng was very impatient. He directly used the magical powers to evolve the Demon Peng and began to attack the great defense formation of Xuantu City.

Peng Demon Sovereign's cultivation base was extremely powerful, and with one blow, the entire defense formation shook.

"Peng Demon Emperor, I didn't expect you to be so frantic, and even if you return to Profound Demon Mountain, you still dare to attack Xuandu City. Are you in a hurry to make a contribution in front of your new master?"

With the sound of the sound, a figure rushed out from the city lord's mansion of Xuandu City, and this person was the city lord Xuantong of Xuandu City.

There is a great defense formation protecting the entire Xuandu city, and Xuantong knew that even if it was as strong as Demon Emperor Peng, it would be impossible to break through the great protection formation and enter the city.

Things were just as Xuantong thought. Although Demon Emperor Peng kept attacking the great formation of Xuandu City, he couldn't break this great formation.


Although Peng Demon Sovereign was fierce, it was still useless. With his cultivation base, he couldn't break the great defense formation of Xuantu City at all. This was also where Xuantong's confidence lies.

No way, Peng Demon Sovereign had to retreat desperately, and then returned to Xuanmo Mountain.

"I just said that this guy is useless, he can't even attack a mysterious capital city."

When Luo Peng saw Peng Demon Emperor, he ridiculed again.

Demon Emperor Peng was furious, but he did not dare to do anything to Luo Peng. He held his breath in his chest and had nowhere to vent, which made him almost crazy.


Just when the Demon Emperor Peng was going crazy, a divine light fell from the sky and landed in front of him. Amidst the divine light, an ancient monument was looming.

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