Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3118: Desperately

In Gu Fei's view, the Great Demon Venerable Ming Xuan was really weak. If he wanted to kill this guy, it would be easy, but he wanted to play first.


Great Demon King Mingxuan was angry, he had never been so despised before, he turned into a terrifying beast, fiercely rushing towards Gu Fei.

It was a huge monster like a mountain, with the body of a dragon, but there were a pair of blood-colored bone wings on the back. There were no horns on the ferocious head, but the magic light was in the mouth and eyes.

It was the first time that Gu Fei saw such a monster.

"Bloodwing Devil Dragon."

Such a name popped up in Gu Fei's mind. He once read the memory of the devil's primordial spirit and knew many things in the Chaos Demon Realm.

This blood-winged demon dragon is a strong clan among the demon clan, and the great demon venerable Mingxuan is the strong clan in this clan.

Gu Fei completely angered the Great Demon Lord Mingxuan, and made this great demon Lord show its true shape. He saw the huge blood-winged monster like a mountain violently open its mouth at Gu Fei and sprayed a demon fire. .


A ball of demon fire exploded, and Gu Fei was enveloped in the demon fire in an instant, and the void was silently annihilated under the envelope of the demon fire.

This kind of demon fire is very overbearing, as if it can burn everything between the world and the earth, even if the Great Demon Lord is shrouded in this kind of demon fire, he will die if he does not die.

"Burn you bastard."

The blood-winged devil dragon was roaring, and this devil dragon seemed to be in madness. At the same time, twelve blood-colored bone spurs rushed out of the blood-colored bone wings.

Each bone spur turned into a blood-colored magic rainbow, directly piercing the Gu Fei hole in the magic fire.

At this time, Gu Fei stood in the middle of the demon fire, and the chaos gods shielded his body, blocking all the demon fire that could annihilate the void.

At the next moment, the twelve blood lights broke through the magic fire directly, and went through to Gu Fei Cave. The twelve bone spurs showed the strongest power.

This is the ultimate move of Great Demon Emperor Mingxuan. No one has ever forced Great Demon Emperor Mingxuan to use twelve bones to assassinate an enemy. This is the first time.

However, the magic rainbow formed by the twelve bone spurs pierced on Gu Fei's bodyguard, but was all shaken away, unable to break through the chaotic light outside Gu Fei's body.


At this time, Gu Fei stepped on the Eight Desolate Steps, and instantly disappeared into the void. When he appeared again, he was already outside the scope of the magic fire.


Gu Fei stretched out his big hand directly, and a large chaotic hand immediately appeared in the void, and fell from the sky, with a "boom.", it directly slapped the huge bloodwing devil dragon.

The Blood Wing Devil Dragon screamed, and was directly photographed from the sky by the great chaotic hand that descended from the sky, "Boom." With a sound, it smashed a large mountain below and smashed directly into the earth.


The earth shook violently, and the dust rushed to the sky, just like the end of the day. The horror reached its extreme, and the ground continued to collapse. In just a moment, a huge pit appeared on the earth.

It was just a scene of ruining the sky and the earth. All the demon experts who saw this scene were shocked. It was incredible that someone could easily defeat the Great Demon Venerable Mingxuan.

The power of the Great Demon Venerable Mingxuan is beyond doubt.

Especially the blood-winged demon dragon clan behind the Great Demon Venerable Mingxuan, this clan is definitely one of the most powerful demon clan in the Central Territory, and even the entire Chaos Demon Realm.

This clan is not only the Great Demon Venerable Mingxuan, but there is also a super old antique in this clan. I don't know how many years he has lived.

The ancestor of the Bloodwing Devil Dragon even experienced the darkest period in the Chaos Demon Realm.

There was that super old antique sitting in the blood-winged devil dragon clan, naturally no force dared to move this clan, the blood-winged devil dragon clan has been passed down to this day.


There was a roar from the earth, the terrifying magic power erupted, the whole land was trembling, and the void burst into dark space cracks.

The mighty power of the magic way slammed the earth up and down like a wave, the mountains were collapsing, and the dark cracks of the earth spread to the distance.

The ruined scene reappeared.

When the earth shook and the dust filled the sky, a demon shadow broke through the mud and stones directly, soared into the sky, and came to the high sky.


The blood suddenly appeared, and the twelve magic rainbows flew out from nowhere, and went toward Gu Fei Cave.

At this time, there was still a group of demon fire burning in the sky, and the demon fire would not go out. You know, it was a source of demon fire in the blood wing demon dragon.

I saw that Devil Dragon opened its mouth and inhaled, and immediately flew back towards the Devil Dragon by the burning ball of devil fire, and was swallowed by him.

At this time, Gu Fei used his hand as a sword to cast the Nine Zhutian Swords. The twelve **** bone spurs that penetrated him were all cut into two by him and fell from the sky.

The magic lines inside the bone spurs were also cut off, and the powerful bones were destroyed.

Even some big demon-class demon giants were heartbroken when they saw this. You know, those twelve bone spurs are the bone artifacts that the Great Demon Venerable Mingxuan sacrificed for endless years, and they have great power.


Great Demon King Mingxuan was shocked, this opponent was so strong that he seemed to have to use his last hole card.

"If you have any ability, use it quickly, or you won't have a chance."

Gu Fei contemptuously looked at the huge bloodwing devil dragon opposite and said.

"The master must win."

At this time, the Demon Emperor Peng who saw this scene in the distance was extremely excited. Gu Feiyue became stronger, and it was more beneficial to him. It didn't seem to be a bad thing to be able to follow such a powerful master.

Of course, not everyone had the same thoughts as him, because once Gu Fei fell, then they would be free, but it seemed impossible.

"I will die with you."

The blood-winged devil dragon roared and rushed directly towards Gu Fei, a bright demon fire erupted from the entire dragon body, and the demon fire burned out from the inside.

This monster is burning its own magic element, it seems that it is really going to die with Gu Fei.

"Haha, it's not that you want to die together, but you die together. It's better to die by yourself."

Gu Fei laughed and said, and then, a wave of power that was so powerful that the Blood Wing Devil Dragon's heart trembled erupted from his body.

"What..., you..."

The Bloodwing Devil Dragon had to be shocked, because he found that the black-clothed youth still retained the combat power and did not make a full shot.

At this moment, the Blood Winged Demon Dragon that rushed towards Gu Fei rushed out of a thing, and a terrifying aura that made the heavens lose its color immediately erupted from that thing. After opening, the whole world seemed to be shattered, the horror was extreme.

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