Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3205: Extreme magic ship

Gu Fei's strength caused all the powerful demons to feel extremely heart palpitations. This person had no scruples and even killed the important figures among the three superpowers.

Whether it is Liu Ao from the Devil Willow clan, the Stone Boy from the Stone Demon clan, and the Blood Cangxiao from the Nether Blood Sea, they all have great backgrounds!

The Demon Willow clan is the primitive demon clan, even if compared to the Extinguishing God and Demon Palace, this clan is only strong but not weak. Liu Ao was beheaded by Gu Fei, and Gu Fei definitely pierced the sky.

Liu Ao has always been favored by Liu Tianzheng, the head of the Devil Willow clan. He is the most promising person among the Devil Willow clan to become the next generation of clan head. But now, Liu Ao is dead.

Naturally, the Devil Willow clan would not just let it go, and would definitely make the strongest reaction, but no one thought that the Devil Willow clan's anger would erupt so quickly.


Not long after Gu Fei beheaded Liu Ao, in the sky above the Super Killing Array where Gu Fei and the others were located, the void suddenly burst into dark space cracks.

A warship, shattering the void, rushed out of the void directly, and a murderous aura appeared between the heaven and the earth, and the temperature in the whole heaven and earth was dropping rapidly.

On the bow deck of the warship, there was a middle-aged man in white standing. He was standing with his hands on his back, his long hair dancing, his long face like a crown jade, and three long beards floating on his chest.

This is a gentle middle-aged man, but at this time, this middle-aged man is murderous, and the phantom of a magic willow is looming on his body.

The strong murderous aura that broke out on the warship originated from this middle-aged man.

This person is exactly the contemporary clan leader of the Devil Willow clan, Liu Tianzheng, the clan lord of the Devil Willow clan actually led the Devil Willow army to the killing.


At the far end of the sky, a Mozu giant saw the figure on the battleship, his eyes almost fell out, and Liu Tianzheng actually committed suicide.

"This time there is a play."

The other Mozu giants were also shocked and inexplicable, but they were also very curious, looking forward to the battle between Liu Tianzheng and the guy named Gu Fei.

As the demon giant of the Chaos Demon Realm, the news is naturally very well-informed. Gu Fei's origin does not seem to be a secret, and you can know it after a little investigation.


The huge warship appeared in the sky above the Super Killing Array like a mountain, blocking the sunlight in the sky and casting a huge black shadow.

The terrifying magical aura erupted from the figure above the battleship.

At this time, powerful figures came out of the cabin, and each figure revealed a monstrous devilish energy. These people are all big figures in the magic willow clan.

Of course, these people are also big figures in the entire Chaos Demon Realm, and they belong to the kind of existence that will shake the entire Chaos Demon Realm with one step.

"Did the magic willow clan come out in full force?"

Many Mozu giants who were watching from afar saw the group of people coming out of the warship, and they couldn't believe it. It was a group of old-fashioned existence!

Each of these guys walked out of the Devil Willow Clan, and they were all Demon Clan tycoons, nine powerhouses, and each one was a Demon Ancestor-level existence.

The nine great demon ancestors of the Devil Willow clan appeared at the same time, and the aura erupting from above the nine figures seemed to crush the heavens, and even those demon giants who were watching from afar were throbbing.

You know, these nine powerhouses are not Demon Venerable or Great Demon Venerable. They are Demon Ancestors who are more powerful than Great Demon Venerable. Such powerhouses are definitely rare in normal times.

It can be seen that this time because of Liu Ao's death, the Devil Willow clan is really moving, because there has never been anything that can make the Devil Willow clan nine great demon ancestors take action at the same time.

This also shows that the Devil Liu clan must kill Gu Fei to avenge Liu Ao.


The battleship was suspended in the sky above the super killing array, revealing a terrifying aura. On the hull, a series of runes appeared, which belonged to the unique magic pattern of the magic willow clan.

That magic pattern is shaped like a willow tree, and every magic pattern is blooming with magic light, revealing powerful waves of extreme level.

"This is actually an extremely Dao-class warship?"

Seeing this warship, all the giants of the Demon Race were stunned. It was an extraordinary warship, and the entire warship was actually a huge sacred tree.

It is really hard to imagine that besides the magic willow, there is also an extreme magic tree in this world, and the body of this extreme magic tree has been refined into a warship by the magic willow clan.

Isn't there only one extreme magic tree in the Chaos Demon Realm?

Of course, the secrets in the Chaos Demon Realm, even those giants of the Demon Race, can't be fully known. The appearance of the Extreme Warship has caused the demon giants who are waiting to retreat.

"Gu Fei, come out and die!"

A loud shout was uploaded from the Extreme Demon Ship, and it spread throughout the entire world in an instant, reverberating continuously between the heavens and the earth, for a long time.

Even the super kill array below could not completely block this sound.

"Someone came to die again?"

Sitting in the void, Gu Fei, who was trying his best to refine the essence of the earth's magic veins, opened his eyes impatiently, and the other party named him by name, which made him very upset.


Two chaotic divine lights burst out of Gu Fei's eyes. He suddenly raised his head and looked up. His eyes instantly penetrated the Super Killing Array, and saw the magic ship floating above the Super Killing Array.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Gu Fei sighed helplessly, he never caused trouble, why these guys just wanted to find him.

"It's Liu Tianzheng from the Devil Willow clan, do you want to help?"

The voice of Mo Peng Girl rang in Gu Fei's heart, and she recognized the murderous guys outside. The person who came was actually the head of the Mo Liu clan.

The head of the magic willow clan is the descendant of the legendary willow tree, and he has the blood of the magic willow.

This is the existence with the supreme bloodline, absolutely powerful to the extreme, I am afraid that it is only half way away from the existence of the extreme demon ancestor level.

Although Gu Fei is strong, it would be difficult to win against the existence of this series alone!

The other party came prepared, and even the Jidao Demon Ship was used, and the nine great demon ancestors of the Demon Willow clan were also dispatched. This is the rhythm to kill Gu Fei!

"Gu Fei, won't you come out to die? Well, then you don't have to come out."

The voice on the magic ship sounded again, and then, endless Dao patterns emerged and intertwined on the extreme magic ship, and magic pictures emerged from the magic ship.

Extreme magic is condensing.

This is an extreme magic ship, this magic ship is condensing extreme magic power, and it is about to launch a shocking blow to directly destroy the super killing array and Gu Fei below.

Of course, this is a blow of the ultimate power, no one knows whether it can break through the super killing array, but such a blow is absolutely terrifying.


In the super killing array, the ancient monument floated and sinked in the array's eyes, releasing the strongest aura of the extreme Dao, and the ancient Dao Dao patterns loomed from the ancient tablet.

The power of this super large array is also condensing, a group of bright light of destruction emerged in the eyes of the array, and the super killing array felt the threat and responded.

You know, this super kill formation can use the Three World Monuments to suppress the eyes of the formation. The Three World Monuments are extremely Dao tools, and they originally have autonomous will.

At this time, under the Extreme Demon Ship, a magic light of destruction also emerged, and the terrifying magic of destruction was condensing.

"These lunatics..."

The magical giants who were watching from above the sky saw this and immediately turned and left. This is a confrontation between extreme forces. If one is not good, the entire area will be sunk and will affect them.

"Who is yelling, there is no rule."

At this moment, a voice came from the Super Killing Array.

"Dare to kill!"

Above the extreme magic ship, the voice was roaring, and then the group of extinction demon light under the extreme magic ship exploded with the strongest power.


With a muffled sound, the group of extinction magic light on the Extreme Demon Ship rushed out from below the Extreme Demon Ship like a round of magic sun, and blasted towards the super killing array below.

The extreme power erupted, and the void below the extreme magic ship was instantly shattered, everything was destroyed, and everything passed by the magic light ceased to exist.

This is definitely a terrifying force that can kill the strongest like Cangque.

However, at the same time, in the eyes of the Super Killing Array below, there was also a divine light rising to the sky, welcoming the group of extinction magic light.

That is the ultimate power condensed by the Three Boundary Monuments, a force no weaker than the ultimate power condensed by the ultimate magic ship.


With a loud noise, the magic light and the divine light collided in an instant, and the two extreme powers broke out, turning into a wave of destruction and spreading out.

The void is annihilating, all the things shrouded by this wave of fluctuations are directly obliterated, and there is nothing left.

This is the ultimate power, which can obliterate everything. The horror reached the extreme. On the earth, except for the area covered by the super kill array, all the peaks on the earth were erased from the earth in an instant.

The entire ground is collapsing and sinking. This is the situation on the ground. Above the sky, the void is constantly annihilated. Even the Extreme Demon Ship in the sky has been fluctuated and shook slightly.


The demon ancestors of the magic willow clan on the Extreme Demon Ship were shocked. They never expected that the super kill formation below would have such power.

"Look at that guy."

On the bow deck, Liu Tianzheng's face was extremely solemn. He thought that by dispatching the Extreme Demon Ship, he could easily blast the guy who took away the branches of the ancestor into scum.

But now it seems that this guy is not simple, and the consequences of underestimating his opponent will be serious.

At this time, there was a sudden wave of extreme power in the distant void, and the void there was shattered, and a stone ship rushed out.

"Stone Demon Clan?"

When Liu Tianzheng saw the stone boat, his expression instantly changed.

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