Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3270: Shock

The origin of Shanhe Ding is extremely secret. Throughout the ages. No one knows who sacrificed and refined this extremely Taoist implement. but. Shanhe Ding is one of the most powerful Dao Dao tools ever since.

Gu Fei held the mountain and river tripod. Directly engaged with the invading great demon with extreme power. A chaotic sword light rushing out of the mountain and river tripod chopped off an arm of the great demon.

but. A terrifying force of destruction is corroding this great demon's extreme magic body. Just a few breaths. The small half of this great demon turned into flying ash. And this trend is still spreading.


The great demon was roaring and roaring. He gritted his teeth. It was actually a wave. He cut off half of his body. The flesh and bones that were cut off by him instantly turned into fly ash. Dissipated in the void.

"Damn it."

This great demon was frightened and angry. He is scared. He felt the breath of death just now. It has been a long time since he felt the threat of death. He almost forgot this feeling.


Nine chaotic sword lights flashed quickly in the void. Break through the devilish energy. Going through the hole toward that great demon. The speed is extremely fast.

at this time. This great demon is also desperate. Actually, he directly displayed the method of evading blood. To burn their own demon blood. Come to release the most powerful magic power. Then get the ultimate speed.

This great demon turned into a **** light. It broke the void directly. Want to escape into the chaos.

Behind the void is chaos. Torn the void. Then you can enter the endless chaos. but. Gu Fei wouldn't let him escape so easily.


Gu Fei roared. Directly aroused the power of mountains and rivers. The speed of the nine chaotic cosmic sword lights suddenly increased by a lot. He caught up with the great demon in an instant.


The great demon only had time to let out a horrified roar. Nine Chaos Magnificent Sword Light passed through its body. Then turn back again. Strangled this great demon into a ball of fly ash.

Poor, this great demon actually died without even the soul.

I saw the nine chaos sword light after strangling that great demon. Then it soared into the sky. Directly dispelled the endless demonic energy shrouded in the sky.


See this scene. All the monks in the ancient city below were shocked. Especially those two messengers from the stone demon clan and the willow demon clan.

Gu Fei put them aside. They have not been summoned. These two guys were already angry. Almost couldn't help but have an attack.

but now. When they saw that Gu Fei easily killed a great demon with extreme power. It was startled in a cold sweat. The anger disappeared.

"This guy is too fierce. It's no wonder that even the patriarch is unwilling to provoke this guy."

The envoy of the Stone Demon clan said with a trembling voice.

The current Stone Demon clan didn't want to conflict with Gu Fei anymore. of course. This is only temporary. As the primitive demons. The stone demons are naturally fearless of Gu Fei.

The same goes for the Willow Clan. They were very scrupulous about Gu Fei. But once they are pressed. If you die with Gu Fei. Gu Fei also had a headache.

Both the stone demons and the willow demons want to retain their strength. I don't want to have a big fight with Gu Fei, a lunatic.

at this time. The devilish energy shrouded in the sky was dissipated. Nine chaos sword light descended from the sky. It fell directly into the mountain and river tripod in Gu Fei's hands.

"This supreme path device is terrible..."

The strong man of the Willow Clan looked at the scene in the sky. Can't help but feel terrified. That is the fear from the depths of the soul.

At this time. There were cheers in the ancient city. The big demon who came to commit the crime was beheaded by Gu Fei. This greatly boosted the morale of the monks in Xuanmo Mountain.

They are too aggrieved this time. Was caught off guard by the chaotic creatures. Hiding in Tibet like a bereaved dog. Live a life that may be killed at any time. Frightened.

just now. All the monks in the ancient city felt that the haze shrouded in their hearts finally dissipated. Gu Fei's return. Let them see the hope of living.

"The master's cultivation level seems to have improved again."

The Master Xuanmoshan and others looked up at the figure in the sky. Their hearts are also extremely shocked. but. He is very clear. The ancient tripod in the hands of the owner. Is the key to victory.

"Only this level can dare to mess with Lao Tzu. It's like holding a lamp in the pit. You are looking for death."

Gu Fei said disdainfully.


He suddenly felt something. He turned sharply and looked at Yuankong. Budo Tianyan was launched. I saw an afterimage disappearing at the far end of the sky.

"That is……"

Gu Fei's heart trembled. Someone was hiding in the side. He didn't notice it. By the time that guy is leaving. I feel it in my heart.

Except Gu Fei. Even Mo Peng Girl didn't even sense the existence of that mysterious guy. This surprised Gu Fei again. Could it be that that guy is even stronger than the Devil Girl.

It seems impossible. Because it is more powerful than the Devil Girl. Only Jidao Supreme.

"Whoever he is. Dare to mess with me. Just kill him."

Gu Fei looked at the direction where the man disappeared. self-mumbling.

"what are you saying."

at this time. The Devil Peng Girl has refined that drop of Extreme Dao Devil Blood. The breath radiating from her body became stronger. The vitality seems to be a lot stronger.

"Nothing to say."

Gu Fei shook his head and said.

"It's a pity. That guy was directly killed by you into the ashes. There should be at least a dozen drops of Extreme Demon Blood in that guy's body. But it's wasted."

Mo Peng Nu said with regret.

"That guy only has a dozen drops of extreme magic blood on his body."

Gu Fei couldn't help being a little surprised. In his opinion. That great demon possesses the ultimate demon body. Isn't the extreme magic blood flowing inside the extreme realm?

"Why this expression. That guy is not the real Extreme Dao Demon Ancestor. Extreme Dao Demon Body can hardly regenerate Extreme Dao Demon Blood."

Mo Peng Girl said.

"There is such a thing."

Gu Fei looked at the Devil Girl in surprise and said. It was the first time he knew such a thing. After the extreme demon ancestor fell from the extreme realm. Even if it is possessed of the ultimate monster. It is also difficult to generate extreme magic blood in the body.

This is the great secret only known by the existence of Extreme Dao supreme level. Sure enough, there was a problem with the bodies of those who used to be extremely supreme.

"You offended those guys. I'm afraid there will be no peace."

Mo Peng Girl said. Now she and Gu Fei are in the same boat. Gu Fei is in trouble. It is equivalent to her in trouble. What a headache.

"Cut. If those guys dare to come. Then I will kill one if one comes. Come two. I will kill one pair."

Gu Fei said nonchalantly.

"You bull."

Mo Peng Girl gave Gu Fei a thumbs up.

at this time. A figure appeared in the void without warning. A powerful sacred aura spread from this figure.

"This guy……"

As soon as Mo Peng Nu saw this person. But frowned. This person is Cangcai.

Cangque left for ten days. Finally home. However, the figure of the Golden Goddess and others were not seen. I don't know if Cangque found them.

"Am I missing something good."

Cang Que looked at Gu Fei and Mo Peng Nu and said. He can sense the extreme aura in the void that has not completely dissipated. It seems that in his absence. An enemy is coming.

And the guy who came is not under him.

"Haha. You missed a good show."

Mo Peng Girl laughed and said.

"Okay. Let's go down and talk about it."

Gu Fei flew directly from the sky as he said. Back to the ancient city. Then entered the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion. Sit on the throne.

Cang Que and Mo Peng Nu also followed. They sat casually on the seats in the hall.

"Have you found them."

Gu Fei glanced at Cang Que and said.


The shortcomings of the warehouse.

"Why don't they come back."

Gu Fei asked.

"They still have some things to deal with. They will come back when they are done."

Cangque replied.

"Really. Those guys from the Stone Demon Clan and the Willow Demon Clan have sent envoys."

Gu Fei was lying halfway on the throne. Looking at Cangque and said.

"Really. They agreed."

Cangque heard the words. The eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hehe. I haven't summoned those two guys yet. Let them hang aside first. I will summon them when I am free."

Gu Fei said.


Cang Que is not as calm as Gu Fei. To know. He has been away from the Ancestral God Realm for a long time. I want to go back all the time. Now there is a chance. He naturally didn't want to miss it.

"I know you want to go back to your hometown."

Gu Fei said. then. He spoke to the Gorefiend standing outside the hall.

The Gorefiend immediately turned and left. quickly. He led two monks towards the main hall of the city lord's mansion. at this time. Many figures were already standing outside the hall.

Gu Fei beheaded the big demon who came. Naturally, the master of Xuanmoshan and others wanted to find out.

but. They did not get Gu Fei's call. Dare to enter the hall. Can only wait outside the hall.

At this time. The Blood Demon was carrying the two monks. He walked directly into the hall. Came below the throne.

"Master. These two are the messengers of the stone demons and the willow demons."

The Gorefiend said to Gu Fei bowed on the throne.


Gu Fei nodded. Then looked at the two messengers below.

"I have seen Master Gu Fei."

The envoys of the Stone Demon and the Willow Demon hurriedly flew towards Gu. In front of this murderous man. They dare not presumptuous. To know. They had seen Gu Fei cut the great demon with extreme power with their own eyes.

The powerhouse of the magic path of that level, even if their clan master sees them, dare not neglect. But Gu Fei killed such a peerless expert.

"You shouldn't let me down."

Gu Fei smiled and said to the two messengers.

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