Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3282: Battle of Kunba

When the chaos powerhouse was killed, Gu Fei directly used Shanhe Ding.


Void shook, and an ancient ding flew up from Gu Fei's hand and smashed directly at the chaotic powerhouse opposite. Although ancient ding was only the size of a fist, its power was amazing.

In just an instant, the entire void was imprisoned, and the chaotic creatures could not move immediately, and were completely imprisoned by the mighty power of the mountains and rivers.

He could only watch the fist-sized Gu Ding smashing towards him.

"this is……"

The shock of the chaotic powerhouse was truly extraordinary. When he saw that he was about to be hit by the fist-sized ancient cauldron, a cloud of chaotic light burst out of his body.

That chaotic light directly broke through the power of Shanhe Ding's seal, and then collided with Shanhe Ding.


With a loud noise, two powerful forces erupted, and the chaotic light actually blocked Shanheding's blow, which made Gu Fei feel a little incredible.

You know, that is Shanhe Ding.

What really moved Gu Fei was the thing in the chaotic light. You must know that the chaotic light couldn't stop the mountain and river cauldron, and it was the thing in the chaotic light.

"This guy……"

Above the sky, the Devil Girl who saw this scene was also shocked. No wonder this chaotic powerhouse dared to directly kill here, and his feelings are dependent.

As soon as the chaotic light rushed out of the chaotic powerhouse, the chaotic powerhouse was able to move, and the imprisoning force of Shanheding was driven away.

An aura that made the soul tremble erupted from the body of the chaotic powerhouse.

Even Mo Peng Nu had to use the Heavenly Demon Blood Banner to protect her body at this time. When she flipped her right hand, a small banner immediately appeared in her hand, and then quickly rotated and grew directly.

The strongest power of the Demon Dao spread out, shielding the Demon Peng Girl in it, and blocked the extremely Dao aura that leaped from the chaos powerhouse.

At this time, Shanhe Ding had already flown back to Gu Fei's hands, but the group of chaotic light that rushed out of the chaotic powerhouse fell into the hands of the chaotic powerhouse.

It was also the ancient tripod that was the size of a fist. Unlike the Shanhe tripod, this ancient tripod was filled with chaotic lights.

This is Chaos Cauldron, although it is the size of a fist, the Cauldron is full of chaos, as if it contains a chaotic world.

"You actually have the power of the strongest, how is this possible."

The chaotic powerhouse stared at Gu Fei and said, he almost died just now. If he hadn't taken the chaos cauldron with him this time, he would really be dead.

The creatures in the Primordial Chaos Ground called the Supreme Dao Supreme the Strongest, and the Dao Tools refined by the strongest from the Primordial Land were the Xeon Dao Tools.

"For me, nothing is impossible."

Gu Fei said.

"It's a big tone."

The strong chaos stared at Gu Fei coldly, and a cold murderous aura spread from his body, and he was about to kill the low-level creature in front of him.

"Want to kill me, hum, I'm afraid you don't have this skill."

Facing the chaotic creatures' killing intent on him, Gu Fei didn't take it seriously. Since his debut, he doesn't know how many people want to kill him, but he is still alive.

"is it."

A sneer appeared on the face of the strong chaos.

"The person I want to kill, no one has ever been able to live."

"I want to live, Gu Fei, no one can kill."

Gu Fei smiled and said casually. He was telling the truth. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to live until now. He would have been killed many times.


At this time, the Devil Peng Nv looked thoughtfully at the chaotic figure above the sky. She used to be the Great Demon Ancestor, and naturally she knew some great secrets between heaven and earth.

The Primordial Chaos may really be the source of the heavens and myriad worlds. Since the endless years, countless peerless experts have wanted to know where the source of these heavens and myriad worlds is.

However, there is absolutely not much to truly understand the existence of Chaos Origin.

The Devil Girl had naturally heard of this place, the Kun Clan, and even a large clan in the Primordial Chaos Land, this Kunba, I am afraid it is not the most powerful existence in this clan.

Just as the Mo Peng Girl was pondering, Gu Fei and Na Kunba had already moved, and the two figures moved extremely fast in the void, reaching the extreme.


The two fists collided together instantly, as if two ancient sacred mountains were colliding. The power fluctuations that broke out instantly annihilated the surrounding void.

Gu Fei and Kunba separated instantly, but the next moment they collided with each other, the violent force was raging, and the entire world of void seemed to explode.

The combat power of these two people was too tyrannical, and between their gestures, they showed the mighty power of destroying the world.

The two extreme powers swayed between the sky and the earth, even the Mo Peng Girl had to retreat, and the creatures in the area within a radius of a million miles were like the end of the day, panicking to the extreme.

This is still the consequence of Gu Fei and Kunba carefully controlling their respective extreme powers. If they had no scruples and tried their best, there would be many dead creatures.



The two powerhouses are like two chaotic war gods coming from the depths of the chaos, constantly colliding, constantly fighting, and vibrating in the void, and the black space cracks are like black lightning, raging outward.

"These two guys..."

When Mo Peng Nu saw this scene, she couldn't help but feel moved.

At this time, the Chaos Demon Ape, which was easily blown away by Kunba, and the three major stone war monsters had rushed back from a distance. When they saw that the Chaos creature could actually fight the immortality with their master, they were shocked. The eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

"This guy is so powerful."

The foreheads of the three major stone demons such as Chaos Demon Ape were sweating. They and this guy were not in the same series at all. If the other party wanted to kill them, it would be easy.

"This Gu Fei..."

At this time, further away, the figure of Shi Hong, the lord of the Stone Demon clan, appeared. This Kunba was brought in by him. He thought that Kunba could easily kill Gu Fei, but now it seems, Kunba doesn't seem to be good either.

"I can't make a clear move, but I can secretly give Na Gu Fei a ruthless shot."

Liu Tianzheng, the head of the Liumo clan, came over.

"What do you want to do."

Shi Hong said curiously.

"Let's go, I know where there is power to borrow."

Liu Tianzheng, the clan leader of the Willow Demon clan, turned and left as he spoke, and soon disappeared into the void, disappearing.

Shi Hong thought for a while, and then followed.

"These two guys..."

Mo Peng Girl glanced in the direction where Shi Hong and Liu Tianzheng had disappeared. These two guys were not afraid, because behind them were the Stone Demon and the Liu Demon clan.

As the clan owners, they have too many things to worry about. Even if they want to kill Gu Fei, they dare not do it openly. You must know that if they can't kill Gu Fei, the consequences are beyond their reach.

On the contrary, Gu Fei has no scruples and does whatever he wants.

At this time, Gu Fei and Kunba soared into the sky and rushed into the starry sky. The next moment, wherever they passed, stars continued to explode.

Seeing Kunba stretched out his hand and grabbed it, a dozen stars flew into his hand immediately, and he made a dozen orbs and smashed toward Gu Fei.

Gu Fei waved his hand, and the dozen orbs of divine orbs that flew there instantly didn't know where they were flying.

"Take my palm."

Gu Fei yelled and blasted towards Kunba with a palm, and the power of the extreme power exploded, and a huge chaotic hand appeared in the starry sky and was wiped out towards Kunba.

This is the hand that covers the sky, shrouded the entire starry sky under the big hand of Chaos, and countless stars exploded under the big hand, blooming with extremely bright light.


Kunba's face became dignified, and he quickly backed away. At the same time, as soon as he pointed out, a chaotic divine light immediately rushed out of his fingers, and pierced toward the chaotic big hand that had been wiped out.

That chaotic divine light was like a chaotic war spear, which directly pierced Gu Fei's great chaotic hand, making a clanging sound.

The Chaos War Spear was directly shook off by Gu Fei's sky-shielding hand, and then collapsed into the void. Even Kunba himself received a great impact and was directly shaken away by thousands of feet.

The moment Kunba stabilized his figure, a flush of flush appeared on his face, and then a stream of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

Kunba was injured. This was something that even him couldn't believe, because he hadn't been injured for a long time, and this Gu Fei could actually hurt himself.


Kunba roared, a shocking force burst out of him, and the chaos that had already melted into his body rushed out of him when it stood up.


The Chaos Cauldron was trembling, and a wave of fierce Chaos Light rushed out of the Chaos Cauldron in Kunba's hand, turned into countless sword shadows, and slashed towards Gu Fei like the sky.

At the same time, the mountain and river cauldron on Gu Fei also screamed, and a force of swallowing the sky immediately came out of the mountain and river cauldron, and it actually collected the countless sword shadows that had been cut into the cauldron. in.


When Kunba saw this scene, the shock was really extraordinary. Could the other party's cauldron be more powerful and terrifying than his own chaotic cauldron.

"Back to you."

Gu Fei yelled, and then turned the mouth of the Shanhe Ding in his hand to Kunba. The next moment, I saw countless chaotic lights rushing out of the Shanhe Ding.

Every chaotic light turned into a sword shadow, flying quickly through the void, and headed towards Kunba Cave. Every sword light directly slashed the void, leaving a black mark in the void that was difficult to repair. Come.

"Good guy."

When Kunba saw this, he couldn't help being moved. The next moment, he disappeared into the void in an instant.

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