Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3815: The ancestor of the Zhanmu tribe

A punch blasted the ancestor of the Mu clan. This scene made everyone stunned in disbelief, and it was difficult to recover for a long time.

"how can that be……"

"I'm not dazzled!"

"An invincible supreme was bombarded with a punch?"

This scene completely surpassed everyone’s cognition. No one has ever heard of that Extreme Dao Supreme was bombarded with a punch, and the person who exploded Extreme Dao Supreme had just passed the Extreme Dao Supreme Tribulation. Become the Supreme Supreme!

"The Elementary Supreme blasts the Intermediate Supreme?"

Even the Extreme Supremes of the Ancestral Realm who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

There is a difference between the strengths and weaknesses of the Supreme Dao, and the Supreme is invincible. That is relatively speaking, the Elementary Supreme is naturally not the opponent of the Intermediate Supreme, and the Intermediate Supreme is not the opponent of the Dacheng Supreme.

The strongest supreme is naturally the supreme in the pinnacle realm of the extreme path.

However, this is for the average supreme, and some extreme supreme are very abnormal, and they have cultivated a supreme practice that can overcome all kinds of ways.

Just like the incarnation of the avenue created by the imprint of the avenue left by Hongmeng Supreme during the ancient Feidu Tribulation, Hongmeng Avenue can crush the heavens.

The general Jidao Supreme can also distinguish its strength from the number of avenues it masters. In general cognition, the more perfect avenues it masters, the stronger it is.

For the supreme who has mastered a variety of perfect roads, leapfrogging challenges is not impossible.


An angry roar sounded in the void, and the blood mist in the void seemed to be burning, revealing a brilliant light.

The next moment, this group of great divine light shrank fiercely, and an extremely terrifying figure instantly appeared in the void.


The extreme power erupted, and the entire world seemed to be exploded. With the ancestor of the Mu tribe as the center, the souls of the creatures in the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles were trembling at this moment.

The mighty power of the supreme in the ten directions, even the hidden supreme of the extreme way was shocked.

"That guy from the Mu tribe is going crazy again?"

"Who knows what he is crazy about."

When the ancient Fei crossed the Tribulation, the hidden Extreme Dao Supremes did not appear, but when the Mu Clan's ancestors showed their power, these hidden Extreme Dao Supremes could not sit still.

Because the Mu people have two lunatics, once these two lunatics become mad, the consequences may be serious.

"Haha, my uncle is angry, this guy is going to be unlucky." Mu Jinghong is very clear about his uncle's temperament. Once he becomes mad, his father will have to retreat.

The other supreme ancestors of the Ancestral Realm gave this guy a nickname, and they were Mu Sancras. This Musancrazy had been mad three times a day and killed the three major tribes of the Ancestral Realm. It can be described as crazy.

"This madman is going crazy!"

The nearby Ji Dao Supreme hurriedly blocked the great Dao divine might that spread from the ancestor of the Mu clan. You know, ordinary creatures can't withstand this pressure.

In this short instant, there were more than a dozen Saint-ranked powerhouses, and thousands of Saint-ranked powerhouses fell directly under this ultimate power.

This is the horror of Jidao Supreme, a ray of energy can also kill a large number of creatures, without having to do anything.


At this moment, Mu San let out a mad roar, and in the next moment, countless vines rushed out of him like a big dragon, winding towards the opposite Gu Fei.

On the vines, there were countless tentacles and barbs. If they were entangled, it would definitely be a terrifying thing.

In just an instant, Gu Fei was wrapped in countless vines and disappeared from everyone's sight, and a huge sepak takraw appeared in the sky.

At this moment, Mu Jinghong suddenly raised his hand to catch a flash of fire. The next moment, his cold face showed a sullen look.

"Ancestor Yingtian..."

Mu Jinghong took a deep look at the sepak takraw above the sky, then turned around and drove the chariot directly away. The three-headed star beast stepped on the void, pulling this incomparable star chariot from Going away quickly in the air shocked many people.

"Huh! The ostentation of the Supreme Descendants is really big!"

Someone said very upset.

"Speak down, if you are heard by that person, be careful not to save your life!" someone said cautiously.

"Cut! What are you afraid of!"

That person disagrees.

"Haha, little guy, dare to be presumptuous in front of this seat, and wait until this seat **** you up!"

The ancestor of the Mu Clan, Mu Sancrazy, was laughing wildly, and the voice spread out from afar, all the strong people nearby hummed with their ears, and the blood in the body rolled.

Some strong people with weaker cultivation bases fell directly from the sky.

Of course, the existence that can watch the battle nearby is naturally extremely powerful. Even if it falls from the air, it will not fall to death, but it will be extremely embarrassing.

The ancestor of the Mu clan was the supreme mid-level of Jidao, and his cultivation was unimaginable. Even if he was bombarded by Gu Fei's Deji Fist, he didn't seem to suffer any damage.

"Hmph, it's just that I just became the supreme of the extreme path, but I dare to challenge the supreme of the older generation. Isn't this looking for death?"

Above the sky, a strong man who had made friends with the Mu clan said with disdain.

"Who says no, the supreme of the older generation is invincible! This guy is too overwhelmed."

"Hey! I thought it was an overstatement of how powerful the Nine Dao Supreme is in the legend."

The strong men who watched the battle from a distance were talking in a low voice.

Even the other Jidao Supremes were not optimistic about Gu Fei, but these Supremes were indeed shocked by Gu Fei's blow to the ancestor of the Wooden Clan before.

However, at this moment, the ancestor of the Mu clan who was laughing suddenly stopped, staring at the sepak takraw ball entwined by his vines with a solemn expression.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the sepak takraw ball in the air exploded in an instant, and a powerful martial arts aura spread, and the audience was shocked.

I saw a figure rushing out of the shattered sepak takraw, and directly stretched out his big hand, slapped towards Mu Jinghong, the speed was extremely fast.

This is not a sky-shielding hand, because the combat skill of the sky-shielding hand has been erased by Gu Fei, but Gu Fei also has great power in every move.

The huge palm instantly enveloped the entire void of heaven and earth, and naturally also enveloped the ancestor of the Mu clan under Gu Fei's big hand.


The void under Gu Fei's big hand was shaking violently, and a series of pitch-black spatial cracks broke out in the void.

Even the extremely stable void of the Ancestral Realm could not withstand a blow from the Supreme Dao, and would be bombarded with a punch by the Supreme Dao.

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