Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3834: Fierce Heaven and Fiend Valley

Sheyang Temple is one of the superpowers in the southern region of the Ancestral Realm, much stronger than the Mu Clan, and the lord Sheyang Supreme is the supreme powerhouse of the Great Dao Dacheng.

The supreme supreme of Jidao Dacheng, that is, there are not many in the entire Ancestral Realm!

This is the confidence of Sheyang Temple, the ultimate success, who will fight for it?

Gu Fei crossed the Tribulation, shaking the entire Ancestral Realm, and naturally also alarmed the Sheyang Temple, but Gu Fei was crossing the Tribulation in the Ancestral Mountain Range, and the Lord of the Sheyang Temple did not take action.

But now, Gu Fei actually killed the two great ancestors of the Mu clan and captured the Nine Great Dao Supremes. In this way, Sheyang Temple could not sit still.

The Nine Great Sovereigns plus the second great ancestor of the Mu Clan are already the Eleven Great Sovereigns, which is almost half of the Jidao Sovereign in the endless territory of the southern ancestor realm.

In the entire Southern Region of the Ancestral Realm, there are only less than thirty Extreme Dao Supremes. Gu Fei defeated the Eleven Great Supremes, which means that he has already beaten half of the Southern Region of Ancestral Realm Invincible.

"Lei Dao Supreme is a mid-level powerhouse in the extreme Dao. Even he was defeated by the guy named Gu Fei. We have no grudges against that lunatic, and there is no need to provoke this lunatic!"

Said a supreme young man.

In the ancestral hall of Sheyang Temple, there are thirteen Supreme Dao Supremes. Among these Supremes, Sheyang Supreme has the highest cultivation base and the strongest combat power. The other Supremes are naturally looking at the Sheyang Supreme Horse Head.

"Xingchen, what do you mean, do you want to stay out of the matter?" An old man in black angered at the young supreme.

"Yes, our Southern Territory Cultivation Circle has been beaten to the door. If we don't stand up, others will think our Southern Territory is no one."

A middle-aged man in white nodded and said.

The auras on the two of them are a little special, and the black-clothed old man seems to be shrouded in a black mist, his figure blurred.

But the white-clothed middle-aged man was full of domineering, extremely domineering, he just sat there, but it was like the same supreme overlord looking down at the common people under his feet.

"Haha, it's really funny, Black Wind, and you Li Huangji, can you represent the entire Southern Territory?" Xingchen Supreme said with disdain.

Heifengzhizun and Li Huangji couldn't help being furious when they heard the words, and the two powers of the extreme way erupted from their bodies immediately. The next moment, the whole Sheyang Ancestral Hall shook.

"Why, want to fight? Just let the horse come."

As he spoke, an extreme coercion erupted from the body of Xingchen Supreme, and there seemed to be a starry sky around his body, with countless stars flickering.

This star is the supreme, cultivates the power of the stars.


Li Huangji was not so good, but the Black Wind Supreme sneered, stood up directly, and took a step forward.


Just when the swords of the two Great Dao Supremes were drawn and the battle was about to begin, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that the speaker was actually Sheyang Supreme on the throne.

When this Sheyang Supreme spoke, whether it was Star Supreme or Heifeng Supreme, he stopped. The Heifeng Supreme said nothing, and he obediently returned to his seat without daring to put a fart.

Xingchen Zhizun glanced at Sheyang Zhizun on the throne, did not say anything, and returned to his seat.

"I'm still saying that, make a decision and then move." Sheyang Zhizun glanced at all the Supremes in the hall, and then said lightly.

"If you can ask that existence to come out of the mountain, all the Nine Dao Supremes are scum."

Black Wind Supreme stared at the opposite Star Supreme, gritted his teeth and said, fierce light flickered in his eyes.


The other supreme in the hall were surprised when they heard this.

"You actually want to please that existence? Is this possible?" Someone exclaimed, that existence is definitely a taboo existence.

At this time, even Xingchen Zhizun didn't say much anymore, he knew that Heifeng Zhizun couldn't ask that person.

"Okay, so be it!"

Sheyang Zhizun stood up as he spoke, and then turned back to the back of the main hall, leaving a group of Jidao Supremes looking at each other at a loss.

The Xingchen Zhizun also stood up, and then walked out of the Sheyang Ancestral Hall.

He had no grievances with Gu Fei, unlike other supreme ones, these people had fought against Gu Fei when they were fighting in the Ancestral God Realm, and they had good luck with Gu Fei.

You know, in that battle in the Ancestral God Realm, the two great ancestors of the Mu tribe invited a lot of Ji Dao supreme, so that these Ji Dao supreme have been pitted by the Mu tribe ancestor.

In the ancestral hall of Sheyang Temple, those Supreme Supreme Beings who have not left gathered together, and the rise of Gu Fei made them feel dangerous.

"You must ask that existence to come out of the mountain."

Black Wind Supreme said bitterly.

The other Supremes couldn't help nodding their heads.

At this time, Gu Fei didn't know that someone would be disadvantageous to him, and he was still retreating in Yingtian Ancestor Di. Everything in the outside world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

At this time, the ancestor Yingtian exhaled and raised his eyebrows. Wutianjiao, Qingyundao, and the original owners of Shijue Palace were all rescued by the ancestor Yingtian.

As a result, a great cleansing kicked off, and those strong men who were loyal to the Mu tribe among the four major religions were directly dealt with, and the four major religions were greatly injured.

The ancestor Ying Tian joined forces with the other three ancestors to hunt down Mu Jinghong.

Gu Fei can ignore Mu Jinghong, but they can't. You know, this Mu Jinghong is just a quasi-supreme. The four quasi-sages have joined forces, and are afraid of him.

Besides, there is Gu Fei behind them to support them.

However, Na Mu Jinghong was very cunning, Ying Tian ancestors could not find this guy at all. The Mu Clan had been in the Southern Territory for endless years. If Na Mu Jinghong wanted to hide, he would probably be the Supreme Master. I couldn't find this guy even if I shot it.

Just when the ancestor Yingtian and the others started chasing Mu Jinghong, this Mu Jinghong had already walked into the Ancestral Mountain Range, and soon he came to an inconspicuous valley.

Mu Jinghong did not walk into the valley, but took out a jade charm from his body, and then directly crushed the jade charm.


The next moment, a earth-shattering roar suddenly spread from the valley, and the whole valley seemed to be shaking, and the originally peaceful world suddenly became lively.

Countless birds and beasts all rushed away to escape.

Just when Mu Jinghong was shocked, a big hand stretched out directly from the valley, then grabbed Mu Jinghong and grabbed him into the valley.

The roar from the valley spread far away, and the monks passing by in the nearby area heard the roar.

Some guys who were not afraid of everything rushed in the direction of the sound, wanting to see what happened.

However, just when the monks arrived in front of the valley, a divine light suddenly rushed out of the valley, and then swept over.

The cultivators didn't even have time to make a scream, they were beheaded with a sword, and even the corpses were turned into dust. When the wind blew, they disappeared into the void and disappeared.


Those monks who had just come nearby to see this scene were all frightened.

"here is……"

A monk recognized this place.

"It's actually Tiansha Valley!" a monk exclaimed, before turning around, Fei also fled.

Tiansha Valley is one of the many Jedi in the Ancestral Mountain Range. From the outside, this valley is very ordinary and nothing special, but inside it is a different scene.

Throughout the ages, all the creatures who entered the Heavenly Fiend Valley have not been able to get out of the valley. Some people say that there is a terrifying existence in the Heavenly Fiend Valley.

"Mu Jinghong may have escaped into the Sky Fiend Valley?"

When Old Ancestor Ying Tian got the news, it was already half a day later.

"Tiansha Valley..."

The ancestor Ying Tian and the other masters couldn't help but glance at each other. Although they are all Quasi-Supreme-level existences, they will be invincible if Ji Dao-Supreme does not take action.

However, even they did not dare to easily venture into the famous Jedi in the Ancestral Mountains.

Unless it is the existence of Gu Fei's series, because the existence of this kind of series is enough to ramp up the world and no one can beat it.

However, Gu Fei was in retreat, and Ying Tian ancestor did not dare to disturb Gu Fei.

In the ancestral hall of Ying Tianzong, the ancestor Yingtian is sitting on the throne in the hall. At this time, he has a very headache. Mu Jinghong must be eliminated, or there will be endless suffering.

"Send someone to monitor the Sky Fiend Valley."

The ancestor Yingtian directly ordered.

He could only do this, because he didn't want to send people into the Heavenly Fiend Valley to die. In fact, some people in the cultivation world had speculated that there might be extremely Dao-level creatures entrenched in this Heavenly Fiend Valley.

Because there was a Supreme Dao Supreme who had broken through the Heavenly Devil Valley, that Supreme was almost unable to get out. In the end, even though he came out of the Heavenly Demon Valley, he was seriously injured, and his cultivation almost fell from the Extreme Dao realm.

Even the Supreme is injured, the creatures in the Sky Fiend Valley are absolutely powerful enough, who would dare to break into such a Jedi.

Tiansha Valley is a Jedi, but why did Mu Jinghong dare to break into Tiansha Valley?

"Unreasonable, Mu Jinghong, if you catch him, I want him to regret coming to this world." Shijue Palace Master gritted his teeth and said.

Qingyun Taoist and Wutianjiaozu also hated them. They were caught by Mu Jinghong and suffered all the humiliation. They could not wait to tear Mu Jinghong to pieces, and beat their spirits into the nether fire to burn them for thousands of years. The pain of refining the soul can give out this breath.

"Hmph, the Mu Clan has finished playing, and even the ancestral land has been blown up. With just a Mu Jinghong, what storms can he afford?"

Ancestor Ying Tian smiled and shook his head and said.

At this time, in the Heavenly Fiend Valley, Mu Jinghong knelt in front of a black mountain and kept kowtow, his forehead was already bloody.

On the top of the Black Mountain, there was a dark shadow sitting cross-legged. It was a man in black. With his eyes closed, the man in black actually ignored Mu Jinghong at all.

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