Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3836: Dead end

Gu Fei retreats on the Ancestral Mountain of Yingtian Ancestral Land, which is known to only a few high-level officials in Yingtianzong.

With Gu Fei sitting in Yingtian Ancestor Land, Ying Tian Ancestor's confidence is naturally very strong, he acted unscrupulously, and raised his hand to destroy those guys who dared to cross the boundary.

He didn't bother to ask what his identity was and what his origin was, so he killed him directly.

In his opinion, even if the sky is falling, Gu Fei is in front of him. Gu Fei can defeat the Nine Great Sovereigns together. In this ancestor world, who else is his opponent?

However, just after the ancestor Ying Tian shot the saint who broke into the ancestral land, the voice of a guy who was suspected to be the supreme dignity came.

What made the ancestor Ying Tian really feel the palpitations was that with his own cultivation base, he couldn't sense the existence of the other party, and that person's cultivation base in secret must be above him!

Extreme Dao Supreme, the opponent is definitely a Extreme Dao-level existence.

"Huh! Are you afraid?"

The mysterious voice sounded again.


At this time, not only the ancestor Yingtian, but also the Qingyun Taoist master and Shijue Palace master, and the Wutianjiao ancestor were not calm, they looked at each other, and they were a little frightened.

You know, Ji Dao Supreme, that is the most powerful existence in the heavens and all realms, Quasi Dao Supreme is actually not much stronger than Ants.

You will never know the power and horror of the Supreme Dao Realm before you.

"Huh! Whose site is here, you don't know, if you dare to make a move, where would you talk so much nonsense with us?" Old Ancestor Ying Tian said coldly, and he kept looking around.

Since Divine Mind couldn't even sense the presence of the other party, and seeing it with the naked eye, it was even more difficult to find the guy in the dark.

The person in the secret stopped speaking and was silent.

Gu Fei's record is really too scary, even the mid-level powerhouses of Jidao are not opponents, and they beat nine one by one, and the nine supreme team is also completely abused by him.

Even if the opponent is Extreme Supreme, he definitely dare not offend Gu Fei easily.

"Huh! Let's go!"

Ancestor Ying Tian gave a disdainful sneer before turning around and leaving.

Dao Master Qingyun and others quickly followed.

"No shame!"

At this moment, the already silent voice suddenly sounded.


When the ancestor Ying Tian heard the words, he stopped immediately, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

In the next moment, a big hand appeared directly in the void, patted directly at the ancestor Yingtian and the others, an extremely powerful might spread from the big hand, shaking the surrounding world.

The ancestor Yingtian and the others saw the big hand clapping, and the shock was really extraordinary.


The ancestor Ying Tian and others desperately urged energy to protect the body.


The ancestor Ying Tian and the others were shot and flew out with a big hand, directly smashing into the depths of Ying Tian ancestors land, but the monks they brought were directly shattered into the void, and the Ji Dao opened by the mighty The level of strength fluctuations shook into a cloud of blood, which was immediately destroyed.

People who can follow Ying Tian's ancestor are naturally the top powerhouses in Ying Tianzong. A dozen of them have fallen, and Ying Tian ancestor is estimated to vomit blood.

The current Ying Tianzong has gone through several major purges, and there are not many elite disciples left. Now there are a dozen more fallen, and there are not many elite disciples left in Ying Tianzong.

Qingyun Dao, Shijue Palace, and Wutianjiao are the same. Mu Jinghong killed a group of disciples who were loyal to them before, and after they regained the position of the ancestor of the religion, they killed a group of traitors.

After tossing like this, the four major forces were greatly injured, and they could no longer withstand the toss.

At this time, the ancestor Ying Tian and the others who were shaken by the big hands directly smashed into the depths of the land of Ying Tian ancestors, and slammed on the Zu Mountain.

The Jidao Supreme in the dark didn't kill Ancestor Yingtian and they were already merciful. However, Ancestor Yingtian and the others were severely injured and fell directly from the Ancestral Mountain and collapsed at the foot of the mountain.

The supreme Supreme is making a test.


The eyes of the major forces outside were all stunned when they saw this scene, because various information indicated that Gu Fei was now in Yingtian Ancestral Land.

If someone dared to make a move here, wouldn't he be afraid to provoke the murderer?

"There is a good show!"

Someone said secretly.


At this moment, an immortal sword light rushed directly from the top of the ancestral mountain in Yingtian Ancestral Land, and instantly penetrated a mountain peak thousands of miles away from the ancestral land.


Immediately after a loud noise, the entire mountain peak exploded directly, the dust was soaring, and the sky was chaotic. With the mountain peak as the center, the area within a radius of tens of miles was suddenly chaotic.

At the same time, a figure broke through the dust and rocks, soaring into the sky, an extremely powerful aura of extreme Dao swept away.

This was a man in black, and saw that the man in black turned to shatter the void and was about to escape into the chaos.

However, at this moment, the man in black suddenly felt that the void around him suddenly solidified, and his movements slowed down.


A sneer sounded, and the next moment, a fist hit the man in black instantly.


In the extremely shocking voice, the man in black was directly killed by this fist and turned into a cloud of blood fog. A soul rushed out of the blood fog and wanted to escape.

However, Gu Fei couldn't easily let go of this existence who dared to provoke himself.

Seeing Gu Fei sitting on the top of the mountain just stretched out his hand, that Dao Shen flew back to him directly, then he swallowed it in one bite, and directly refined it.

"If you are not afraid of death, just come."

A wave of divine consciousness centered on Yingtianzongzu Mountain, shrouded in all directions, it was just a moment, and the monks in the area of ​​a million miles heard this voice.


This voice was not heard, but a voice that rang directly in the hearts of billions of creatures.

"Gu Fei really is inside."

Someone said inexplicably shocked.

When Gu Fei was making a shot, he directly blasted the Extreme Supreme who dared to provoke him into scum.

"The myth is indeed a myth, and it is well-deserved!"

Some people couldn't help but marvel that the black-clothed man's cultivation base was not high, but it was a pity that he met Gu Fei and dared to provoke Gu Fei. Isn't this seeking death by himself?

A Supreme Dao Supreme has fallen. This is not a trivial matter. The news spread, shaking the entire ancestor realm cultivation world at once.

When countless monks heard that Extreme Dao Supreme was the newly promoted Extreme Dao Supreme.

"That Gu Fei again?"

"Isn't he who else?"

"This is amazing."

There are people talking about Gu Fei everywhere in the ancestor world.

Gu Fei actually killed so many Extreme Dao Supreme, when did this Extreme Dao Supreme become so weak?

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