Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3871: The first magic weapon

As soon as the Sky Demon Tower came out, he immediately suppressed Xuanwu Supreme and the others. The Three-Eyed Demon Venerable couldn't help being very proud. With the Sky Demon Tower in his hand, he didn't even pay attention to the Daoist.

"Brother Netherworld, Brother Heifeng, what are you waiting for, let us urge the Sky Demon Tower together and send them on the road!"

Three-eyed Demon Lord said to the Supreme Black Wind and the Supreme Nether.


The Supreme Netherworld nodded and said, killing the Eight Supremes at once. This battle was enough to shock the Supreme Dao in the Ancestral Mountain Range.

Only Heifengzhizun's anxiety became stronger and stronger.

However, at this time, Black Wind Supreme didn't care about that much, he bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the Sky Demon Tower.

The Three-Eyed Supreme and the Nether Supreme also spewed a sip of blood towards the Sky Demon Tower, only to see that the Demon Tower quickly swallowed these three extremely Dao Demon Blood that day.

In the next moment, as if a supreme great demon who had fallen asleep for endless years awakened from its deep sleep, the Sky Demon Tower was constantly shaking.

In just an instant, the monstrous demon powers gathered by the Three Jue Demon Demon Formation were completely swallowed by the Heaven Demon Tower, and the terrifying demon intimidation shocked and sealed Shi Fang.


The nine-story magic tower was under the gaze of everyone, like a horrible magic mountain, suppressing everyone from the sky, the devil energy hanging on the magic tower, dancing like a magic dragon.

On this day's magic tower, the essence and blood of the three extreme Dao Supremes could really burst out of real power, but this shocked the Xuanwu Supreme and others inexplicably.

In the next moment, they only felt that a wave of extreme magic power was descending violently. At this moment, the superiority of the various supreme cultivation bases immediately showed.

I saw Tianpenglong Supreme and Jin Sheng directly knelt on one knee, and even though they were fully operating the profound arts in their bodies, they couldn't stand up.

But Xuanwu Supreme is stronger than Tianpeng and Jinsheng, and can still stand.

The two great ancestors of the Li family and the Misty Supreme had a higher cultivation base than the Xuanwu Supreme, but they also had to run the profound arts to contend with the pressure from the sky.

But the people who still stood calmly were only Gu Fei and Dao Ren.


The Three-eyed Demon Lord and the Nether Supreme didn't think anything, but the Black Wind Supreme saw that the black-clothed youth in front of the temple was still calm and calm. He couldn't help being shocked, and his mind flashed.

"Is he..."

Heifengzhizun suddenly thought of someone, and his face immediately changed.

"Brother Heifeng Dao, what's the matter, are you afraid that you won't be able to clean up these guys?" The Netherworld Supreme noticed the changes in Heifeng Supreme.

"Hey, the two Dao brothers don't worry, in today's Ancestral Realm, except for a limited number of Extreme Dao artifacts that can contend with the Sky Demon Tower, the other Dao artifacts or Supremes have only one end under the Sky Demon Tower, that is, they are completely wiped out. "

The Three-Eyed Demon Sovereign said very confidently.

"Yeah, too, I was worrying too much." Black Wind Supreme nodded and said.

At this time, the power of the magic way that erupted from the Sky Demon Tower was still soaring, and soon, there were countless cracks in the temple behind Gu Fei and them.

Finally, with a "boom!", the entire temple couldn't bear the oppressive power of the Sky Demon Tower, and it collapsed into the void, and countless Dao patterns were annihilated.

With the collapse of the heavenly temple, the Eight Supreme Beings were directly suppressed by the Heavenly Demon Tower and fell onto the ruins of the top of Longpan Mountain.

At this time, the disciple of the Xuanwu Supreme Sect on Longpan Mountain, as the suppressive force of the Heavenly Demon Tower came, directly shattered into a cloud of blood mist, disappearing in form and spirit.


When Xuanwu Supreme saw this scene, he was almost mad. On this mountain, many of his own sacred masters had gathered, so did these sacred masters fall?

Among the powerful saints who fell under the supreme magic power, there are even a few quasi-supreme.

The power of the Sky Demon Tower is too strong, and those quasi-supreme can't bear it, let alone other powerful saints.

I saw the power of those powerful saints who had vanished into the sky soaring into the sky, and was instantly swallowed by the Heavenly Demon Tower.


Seeing this scene, the supreme lords on Longpan Mountain were shocked, and the magic tower of the sky could even swallow the spirit of the monks killed by it.

This is definitely not a good thing for Xuanwu Supreme.


Gu Fei was still calm. He looked up at the Heavenly Demon Tower that looked like a demon mountain slowly descending from the sky, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

After swallowing the essence of dozens of holy path powerhouses, the magic power that erupted from the Heavenly Demon Tower became stronger. A magic tower stunned ten directions, and the whole world was shaking.

The sky seemed to explode.

At this time, many Ji Dao figures appeared near Longpan Mountain, but these Ji Dao Supremes were all on the sidelines, and there was no sign of rescue.

The Heavens and Myriad Realm Wheels were born, and these supreme lords wished that Gu Fei would all die, but this way they would have lost many competitors.


Xuanwu Supreme made a move, and he directly sacrificed a tortoise shell, and saw that the tortoise shell became as huge as a mountain, and directly slammed into the heavenly devil tower.


The next moment, the tortoise shell slammed into the sky devil tower, but the tortoise shell was directly shaken away by the sky devil tower.

At the same time, Tianpeng Supreme and Jinsheng Supreme also shot.

On this day, Peng Zhizun opened his mouth and protruded a war spear. The war spear pierced through the void and instantly pierced the sky demon tower. However, without any suspense, the war spear was also shaken off.

Tianpeng Supreme shook his body, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Reverse time and space!"

The second ancestor of the Li clan made a move, and he was the most powerful technique when he shot, and the entire world was distorted, trying to break the sky magic tower into the turbulent flow of time and space.

However, seeing the magic tower lightly that day, it directly shook away the power of time and space of the second ancestor of the Li clan.

The second ancestor of the Li family only felt as if he had been severely hit by an invisible sledgehammer, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

In the face of an absolutely powerful force, even the power of time and space is useless.

This is the ultimate power that Gu Fei has been pursuing. As long as the power is strong enough, all the powers of the Great Dao will be vulnerable to a single blow, and he will be trampled under his feet.

The magic tower is really too powerful this day, and the four supreme beings can't stop this extremely magic weapon, which is known as the first magic weapon in the ancestor world.

The Misty Supreme also took action, and a burst of water vapor immediately rose up on the top of the mountain. The next moment, the top of Longpan Mountain seemed to have an endless ocean appearing, blocking the Sky Demon Tower.

"The power of water travel?"

When Gu Fei saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback. This ethereal supreme repair was actually the power of water travel.

The world is softer than water, but the power of the ethereal supreme still makes the Heavenly Demon Tower that is going down to a halt.

The Heavenly Devil Tower is still killing down from the sky.

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