Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4014: King City Shock

When the mysterious black-robed man saw that even the Lord of the Dragon Kingdom was trampled to death by Gu Fei, he was so frightened, he turned around and walked away without daring to stay for a moment.

However, just after he escaped dozens of miles away, and just stopped to take a rest, a voice rang from the side, and he almost jumped from the ground in shock.

When he saw the person's appearance, he almost collapsed in shock.

"Yes... is it you?"

The mysterious black-robed man's voice trembled, and he was not fluent in speaking.

"I want to be the lord of the Shenlong Nation, what can you do?"

Gu Fei glanced at the black robe man indifferently.


The black robe man was not so surprised when he heard this, because he heard the dialogue between Gu Fei and Shenlong Kingdom.

"Useless waste, what use do you keep?"

Gu Fei said lightly.

"Master is forgiving, master is dying, I have a way to make you the leader of the Shenlong Nation." Heipao said quickly, his life and death are between the other's thoughts, he absolutely dare not say that there is no way.

He directly regarded himself as Gu Fei's servant.

"Tell me!"

Gu Fei said.

"This...this..., as long as you get the canonization of the Tobu Dynasty, the master can be the leader of this Shenlong Kingdom." The black robe man said with sweat.


Gu Fei's tone immediately became cold.

"Of course, with the master's cultivation base, you don't need to be canonized by the Tobu Dynasty at all, just call yourself the king." The black robe man said in horror.

"Call yourself king? This seems pretty good."

Gu Fei said lightly, it seems that there is nothing in the world that can move him, and now he is free to do whatever he wants, pointing straight to his heart.

"I would like to take the Shenlong Kingdom for my master!"

The black-robed man quickly showed his loyalty.


Gu Fei was a little skeptical. This guy is just the cultivation base of the Innate Peak, and he has the means to win a vassal state?

If it is a warrior in the real world, Gu Fei still believes a little.

"Master, if the slave can't do it, come and see you."

The black-robed man patted his chest for assurance.


Gu Fei nodded.

"The little slave retired first."

The black-robed man said cautiously, as long as he gets rid of this guy, he will jump in the ocean and let the birds fly.

However, when he was proud, Gu Fei appeared beside him, and then patted his shoulder lightly.

The black-robed man only felt that a cold breath had penetrated into his body and lurked in his dantian.


The clothes on the black robe were soaked in cold sweat.

"You only have ten days!"

Gu Fei glanced at the black robe man and said.

"It's... Master..."

Black-robed people can only bow their heads, that chill is definitely not a good thing, once it breaks out, it will definitely kill him.

"You should know how to find me, get out!"

Gu Fei waved his hand casually.

The black-robed man immediately disappeared in the depths of the forest if he was amnesty.

"Can you still bear it after watching such a scene?"

Just as the black-robed man left, Gu Fei suddenly looked at the woods on the other side and said calmly.

"Haha..., Fellow Daoist is really good at it!"

A silver bell sounded in the woods, and then a black-clothed masked woman slowly walked out of the shadow of the woods.

"Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

Gu Fei looked at this woman with a calm expression.

This woman is Mo Xian'er.

"With the cultivation base of a fellow Taoist, naturally you won't be familiar with a little girl like me, right?" Mo Xian'er said with a smile.

"Too smart, be careful to live soon."

Gu Fei withdrew his gaze.

"With you protecting me, who can hurt me in this world?"

Moxianer came with a lot of confusion.

However, Mo Xian'er wanted to seduce Gu Fei, so she was completely miscalculated. Gu Fei was not tempted at all, and her charm technique failed.

Gu Fei didn't say anything, and went straight out.

He took a step, a hundred feet away, no matter whether there were trees or stones blocking the way, he rushed past directly, the trees broke and the stones broke.

Gu Fei was like a savage dragon, wherever he passed, nothing could block his footsteps, and he pushed forward.


When Mo Xian'er saw this scene, she couldn't help being stunned.

At dawn, Gu Fei came to the capital of Shenlong Nation. He didn't have any money and he couldn't live in an inn. However, there was a follower behind him.

As a result, some people directly settled things like food, clothing, shelter and transportation for him.

Moxian'er is the saint of the Demon Gate, and the Demon Gate is located in the capital of the Shenlong Kingdom.

Of course, the people of the Demon Gate cannot appear openly. Although the Demon Gate is powerful, it is not stronger than the countless Orthodox Sects of the entire Eastern Region. How can one power be able to defeat the entire world of justice?

The resident of the Demon Gate in the Kingdom of Shenlong is an inconspicuous shop. The things that this shop sells are very general, general weapons, general healing pills and so on.

Although the surface of the shop looks ordinary, there is something inside behind it.

Mo Xian'er took Gu Fei to this place of Momen. After entering the shop, he passed a secret door and he came to an inner hall.

At this time, the news that the Lord of Shenlong had fallen to Wu Village had been sent back to the capital.

The entire royal city was boiling, and everyone couldn't believe that the Lord of the Kingdom died in battle? How could this be possible, the Lord is a real warrior, who is his opponent in the Shenlong Kingdom?

There was a lot of commotion in the royal city. You know, the prince son of the Shenlong Kingdom died in Wu Village before, and the Wang Shizi is the only son of the Shenlong Kingdom Lord.

The Wang Shizi is dead, and now even the Lord of the Kingdom is dead, and the entire upper level of the Shenlong Nation has fallen into confusion.

Some high-ranking warriors, heavy ministers immediately began to fight for power, wanting to become the power ministers in charge of the entire Shenlong Kingdom.

Under the secret promotion of some interested people, a great chaos broke out in the royal city of Shenlong Nation, and some warlords led their troops directly into the palace.

However, there were masters in the palace. Then, those generals and soldiers who attacked the palace were unlucky, and were killed by those martial arts masters, leaving none.

However, the warlords of the Shenlong Nation invited a **** of war king who had already returned.

This is a real-world martial artist, and in Shenlong Kingdom, the real-world martial artist is invincible.

The God of War shot and directly slammed into the palace, killing the group of mysterious masters who were entrenched in the palace, and then established a cousin of the king of the Dragon Kingdom as the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

The so-called country master is just a puppet of the God of War.

In just three days, the entire royal city was bloody, and countless people died, some big clans were destroyed, and some forces were uprooted by the God of War.

The heads of the people killed by the God of War in the royal city are rolling.

But at this time, Gu Fei was a little impatient.

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