Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4021: One finger kills innate

Saint-rank martial artists, not to mention being in the Eastern Region, even in the entire Taiyuan realm, they are all great figures. Such existence has already cultivated martial arts to the point of being able to master the gods. Every gesture can attract heaven, earth and spiritual land within a radius of ten miles. , And even cultivated out of the Martial Saint Realm, raising his hand can control the void.

At this time, the holy martial artist suddenly slammed into the palace of the Shenlong Kingdom and shot directly, wanting to destroy the entire Shenlong King City in one blow.

With the strength of the saint-rank martial artist, it is easy to wipe a city from the ground and destroy the city in one blow, which is easy for them.

At this moment, two figures were facing each other over the King Shenlong City.

Gu Fei originally had a strong power in his body, but in the ancestor world, the first demon of the ancestor sealed all his memories at the cost of his life.

He has forgotten all the exercises naturally, and he has only a body of power and cannot use it.

However, as he continued to fight with others, he learned a lot of methods of using power from his opponents, and he also saw some practice techniques collected by the Shenlong Kingdom Lord.

Now he is already a martial artist in the holy realm, and he is practicing Longji Xuan Gong of the Tobu imperial family.

However, the breath on his body never leaked out, and the Dongyang Saint King on the opposite side stared at him in shock and inexplicably. An ordinary person could never fly in the air.

Is there a hidden spirit treasure on this guy's body?

I couldn't see the depth of Gu Fei, which made Dongyang Saint King a little hesitated. At this time, outside the Shenlong King City, dozens of figures rushed from far away.

Every figure exudes a powerful and incomparable aura. This is the subordinate brought by the Dongyang Saint King. The cultivation base of these people is higher than innate, and there are even two real-world warriors.

The cultivation base has reached the level of one enemy country, and the army is like countless ants in their eyes, and it can kill a large area with one slap.

Dongyang Saint King didn't bring any army, just brought a group of men.

With the strength of the Dongyang Saint King and his followers, even if it were to destroy the Shenlong Kingdom, it would be easy to do so. You know, even for the entire Shenlong Kingdom, there would be no thirty innate grandmasters!

"You are Ahu?"

Dongyang Saint King was very surprised when he saw Gu Fei. He thought that the guy who could kill the old War God King of the Shenlong Kingdom was a murderous man with three heads and six arms.

"who are you!"

Gu Fei asked rhetorically.

"Huh! My master is the Dongyang Saint King who was proclaimed by Dongyang Saint Emperor." An old man under Dongyang Saint King sneered and stared at Gu Fei.

"Sacred King of Dongyang?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Fei still had a plain face without showing any expression.

"Who will go up and kill this guy!"

Dongyang Saint King stood in the void with his hand holding his hand, he had no intention of making a move.

"I'll take him on the road!"

A gray-haired old man walked out, and the powerful pre-existing breath erupted from his body, stimulating the aura of heaven and earth.

The spirit of the innate martial artist can communicate with the world, attracting the power of the world, and its combat power is many times stronger than that of the mortal martial artist.

At this time, Moxian'er, Mofeng and others had already rushed out of the palace.

All the forces in the Shenlong King City have bowed their heads and surrendered to Gu Fei. At this time, a dozen innate warriors in the King City rushed out.

"Is it King Dongyang?"

Someone recognized the Holy King of Dongyang, but no one knew that the King of Dongyang had broken through to the holy stage and was canonized by the Holy King of Dongyang as the Holy King of Dongyang.

"My master's cultivation base has broken through to the holy realm, and he has been canonized as a holy king by the holy emperor himself."

The old man who stood up glanced at everyone and said coldly.


The congenital warriors among the many kings almost fell from the sky after hearing this.

Holy realm, in the Tobu Dynasty, the status of the warriors in the Holy Realm is second only to the Tobu Holy Emperor. With such an existence, the entire Eastern Region is shaking three times!

"Participate in Dongyang Saint King!"

Immediately there were five or six innate warriors from the Shenlong King City saluting the Dongyang Saint King, betraying Gu Fei directly, and voted for the Dongyang Saint King's camp.


The rest of the congenital warriors are also excited, you know, that is the holy king, even if Gu Fei is strong, he can't be better than the holy king!

It is as easy as squeezing an ant to kill the saint king to kill a real-world warrior or an innate warrior.

"Kill this guy, I will leave it alone." Saint King Dongyang glanced at the innate powerhouses of the Shenlong Kingdom and said coldly.

The innate warriors of the Shenlong Kingdom heard this, their eyes all fell on Gu Fei's body.

At this time, even Mo Xian'er and Mo Feng were extremely nervous, if these guys all betrayed Gu Fei, they would be miserable.

The other members of the Yinyue Demon Sect did not appear. Those people had already returned to the main altar of the Yinyue Demon Sect. The quarrel between them and Gu Fei was very unpleasant, and naturally they had no face to stay.

"Did you not hear my master's words? You killed this guy if you wanted to survive!" The old man shouted at the innate martial artist of the Shenlong Kingdom.

The innates of the Shenlong Nation looked at each other, this young man named Ahu, but a generation of murderers who raised his hand to kill the real world, are they bored with such an existence?

Everyone hesitated.

"Huh! A bunch of trash."

The old man coldly glanced at the congenital warriors with a look of disdain.

The innate warriors of the Shenlong Nation dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. These guys were extremely shrewd and did not choose the side station for the time being, even the people who had already chosen the side station retreated.

"Haha, only you are not a waste?"

Mo Xian'er said with a smile.

"Magic Saint?"

The old man gave Mo Xian'er a faint look, and his gaze fell on Gu Fei.

At this time, Gu Fei still looked indifferent, without showing any expression, as if everything had nothing to do with him.


The old man roared directly and took a step forward.


Although he only stepped on the void, the void under his feet also shook. The next moment, his right fist was already punched out.

This fist, like a meteorite falling from the sky, could shake the stars, and the void in front of the fist rippled with transparent ripples.


Mo Xian'er and Mo Feng directly changed color, and then quickly backed away.

Only Gu Fei was still standing with his hand holding his hand, facing the extreme punch, he still looked calm.

The old man who shot is the cultivation base of the innate peak, and he is about to break through to the half-step real state.

Only when Gu Fei waited until the opponent's fist hit him, then he pointed out and directly hit the opponent's fist.

The next moment, the old man shook his whole body, and the violent fist strength instantly became invisible, and there was a burst of bone cracking sound on his body.

Then, the old man fell directly from the sky, fell into a mass of flesh and blood, and died directly.


The congenital powerhouses brought by Dongyang Saint King were all dumbfounded.

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