Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4066: Immortal domain

Gu Fei's displayed combat power was too strong. He slayed Yuntai City Lord with a single blow, and then smashed the four great earth immortals of Yuntai City with a single blow.

In the end, it even split the killing formation of Yuntai City in half.

That was a killing formation that could contend with the gods, so it was broken?

Everyone has an unreal feeling, just like in a dream, according to legend, the killing array of Yuntai City was arranged by the Yuntai Tianxian himself.

Yuntai Tianxian is one of the strongest Tianxian in the Eastern Region for 100,000 years.

In the past 100,000 years, there were actually more than a dozen immortals in the Eastern Region. Of course, Yuntai Tianxian is definitely the strongest among the heavenly immortals. Legend has it that Yuntai Tianxian has entered the Central Immortal Region.

Of course, this is just a legend.

Gu Fei smashed through Yuntai City's killing formation, and everyone in the city shuddered.

"Gu...Gu Dao friends, this..."

Qingfeng Jianxian was stunned.

"Master, there shouldn't be anyone in Yuntai City to be your opponent!"

Zhou Zirou said excitedly, Gu Fei killed the Yuntai City Lord. Doesn't it mean that Gu Fei conquered the entire Yuntai City with one person?

"Brother Gu, you are the master of this city." Mo Xian'er was equally excited. This Yuntai City has a detached position in the Eastern Region, and it can become the master of Yuntai City, itself a peerless powerhouse.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be bad if you couldn't live with the big people in Yuntai City?

"Yes, yes, Brother Gu, you can just become the lord of this Yunwu City." Qingfeng Jianxian said quickly.

"City Lord? I'm not interested!"

Gu Fei said calmly.


Qingfeng Jianxian was dumbfounded. This is the city lord of Yuntai City. Others dream of wanting to be the city lord of Yuntian City. This Gu Fei even dismissed the lord of Yuntai City?

"Master, this..."

Zhou Zirou was a little excited and excited. Who doesn't want to be worshipped by thousands of people, who doesn't want to overlook the common people from aloft?

If the master takes the position of the city lord of Yuntai City, she will also become the most anticipated woman of heaven.

Even Mo Xian'er was moved. Gu Feiyue was stronger, and she would get more benefits. She wished that Gu Fei was invincible.

"Your eyes are too short-sighted, hey!"

Gu Fei sighed. The Yanque is well aware of Honghu's ambition. It is no wonder that whether it is Zhou Zirou or Mo Xian'er, they all came from a small place.


Qingfeng Jianxian heard it by the side, but he was speechless, Yuntai City Lord, in the entire Eastern Region, except for Tianwu Sect Master, Tobu Emperor, and Shenwu Mountain Lord, the most powerful existence.

"Brother Gu, why don't we live in the City Lord's Mansion temporarily?"

Qingfeng Jianxian suggested.

"Yes, Master, even if you don't become the City Lord of Yuntai City, it's not bad to live in the City Lord's Mansion!" Zhou Zirou said.

"I also want to see how the City Lord's Mansion in Yuntai City is like."

Mo Xianer said.

"Well, let's take a look, there should be a lot of good things."

Gu Fei nodded and said.

At this time, the entire Yuntai City was in chaos, and the subordinates of Yuntai City Lord actually took advantage of the fire and robbed them. Before Gu Fei and the others had taken Yuntai City, they wanted to empty the City Lord's Mansion.

However, the important places in the city lord's mansion are guarded by formations, and not everyone can enter.

Those immortals didn't dare to act rashly. The current Yuntai City, but Gu Fei's, would dare to move Gu Fei's things? This guy is a ruthless person who kills the immortal like a chicken!

But those who are not strong in cultivation are afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

When Gu Fei and the others came to the City Lord's Mansion, the entire City Lord's Mansion was in a mess. There were still many people moving things inside. An old man in Tsing Yi was moving out a vase that was as tall as one person.

This left Gu Fei and the others speechless.

When meeting Gu Fei and the others, the old man was not nervous at all, he was still holding the vase calmly.

"Get out of here!"

Qingfeng Sword Immortal roared, powerful sword qi fluctuations erupted from his body, and under the impact of Senhan's sword qi, the temperature in the entire city lord mansion was dropping rapidly.

Those people who were looting in the City Lord's Mansion were all shocked and inexplicably shocked, and fled the City Lord's Mansion in a hurry.

However, some people did not know how to live or die, and they greeted Gu Fei.

"How old are you, dare you tell us to go?"

Seven or eight fierce looking guys surrounded Gu Fei and them, some even pulled out their weapons directly, and the head of them stared at Gu Fei with a grinning grin.

"If you don't roll, you will die!"

Qingfeng Sword Immortal's voice was extremely cold, and Dao Dao Jian Ying began to appear in the void around him.

"Hey, let your internal energy out, warriors of the innate realm?"

The headed guy stared at Qingfeng Jianxian unexpectedly.

"Hey, boss, we haven't killed the congenital warriors." Another thief-eyed guy said with a grin.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go together and shave this guy."

Shouted the guy headed.

Those people immediately attacked Gu Fei and the others.

"court death!"

When Qingfeng Sword Immortal thought, a sword light rushed out of his body, and the next moment, those guys were killed by that sword light.

When the others saw this, they were all frightened by this scene and fled from the city lord's mansion one after another.

Soon, the entire City Lord's Mansion could not add a single figure.

Qingfeng Jianxian brought some people to clean up the entire city lord's mansion.

Then, the immortals outside seemed to have made an appointment, and they came to visit Gu Fei one after another. All the immortals were respectful and did not dare to neglect the slightest.

The ancestor of Nine Suns and others were even more dare not to come out, as if they were seeing a fairy king.

Gu Fei did not pay attention to these immortals at all, and Qingfeng Jianxian, Mo Xian'er and others received these immortals who came to visit him.

Even so, those who came to meet Gu Fei did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

As for Gu Fei's apprentice Zhou Zirou and Mo Xian'er and those immortals, those immortals were also very polite to them and did not dare to neglect.

The ancestor of Jiuyang and the others directly invited Zhou Zirou and Mo Xian'er to go to Yuntai Mountain to understand the fairy tales left by the legendary Yuntai Tianxian.

Mo Xian'er and Zhou Zirou came to the foot of Yuntai Mountain like the stars Pengyue, and surrounded by the immortals, they boarded Yuntai Mountain.

The top of Yuntai Mountain is a huge platform with a radius of a hundred miles. The monks who climbed here can sense a powerful aura that seems to be above the heavens.

When Zhou Zirou and Mo Xian'er climbed onto the top of Yuntai Mountain, they caused a sensation.

"That girl in white is Gu Fei's disciple Zhou Zirou."

"Well, another woman is terrible. Immortal Qi and Devil Qi appeared on her at the same time. How could this be possible?"

On the top of Yuntai Mountain, countless people pointed at Zhou Zirou and Mo Xian'er, and they were talking in a low voice. Even Qingfeng Sword Immortal received the attention of all the immortals.

"Friend Qingfeng, I have to say, you really got lucky this time." Jiuyang ancestor said with great envy. It is a dream for every fairy present to be able to make friends with such a strong Gu Fei!

Gu Fei did not come, the so-called Yuntai Fairy Club, in his opinion, was just a joke.

But Zhou Zirou and Mo Xian'er felt that everything was fresh and exciting.

"Friend Qingfeng, I have to trouble you to introduce us to the old Daoist friend." said the beautiful lady of palace makeup.

"Well, it's not up to me to decide who Fellow Gu Dao wants to see or not." Qingfeng Jianxian frowned. These guys are extremely shrewd, but they are not stupid. How can they really introduce Gu Fei for them?

Qingfeng Jianxian is perfunctory surrounding immortals.

The immortals around also knew that Qingfeng Sword Immortal was perfunctory to them, but even if they knew what to do, they couldn't change anything, let alone any dissatisfaction.

At this moment, a number of fairy lights suddenly appeared on the horizon. Then, all the immortals on the top of Yuntai Mountain saw a purple-clothed young man, a big bald head with a big sword on his back, and a white-clothed girl, while driving the escape light. Came over Yuntai Mountain.

"That is……"

The moment the immortals on Yuntai Mountain saw the three people in the sky, they were shocked.

"The people from Central Immortal Territory have finally arrived."

"Is the purple-clothed youth Shi Xiao, the heir of the Central Immortal Territory, the Wanshimen?"

"Well, that big bald head is the magic sword gate from the Central Immortal Realm, with a cultivation base, it is already infinitely close to the gods!"

Some people marveled. "The woman in white should be a child of the Fan Jingzong in the Central Immortal Domain."

Someone recognized the identity of the woman in white.

Whether it is the Sacred Sword Sect, the Wanshi Sect, and the Pure Brahma Sect, they are all Tianzong Divine Sects that have inherited endless years and are far from comparable to ordinary forces.

"I heard that there was a Gu Fei in the Eastern Region, who defeated the powers of the Earth Immortal with the cultivation base of the immortal. I don't know if it is true."

The purple-clothed youth Shi Xiao said coldly, he came from the Central Immortal Realm, and he was naturally arrogant, and he couldn't look down on the monks of the Eastern Realm.

"Hey, the immortal and the immortal battlefield, this is simply looking for death, should Brother Shi Dao believe these nonsense!" The big bald head sneered with disdain.

The white-clothed woman of the Vatican Jingzong never spoke.

"The Yuntai Fairy Club is nothing more than that."

The big bald head of the magic sword said calmly.

"Gu Fei, tell him to come out and see me."

At this moment, Ziyi Shixiao suddenly said to the immortal below.


On the top of Yuntai, all the immortals were frightened when they heard these words. They couldn't see Gu Fei when they came to the door in person. This guy was kind of good, and he wanted Gu Fei to see him as soon as he came up.

Everyone looked at Shi Xiao in the sky like an idiot.

"who are you!"

Zhou Zirou was upset, these guys dared to look down on their master, it was really hateful.

"The purple-clothed young man is Shi Xiao from the Wanshimen, the white-clothed woman is the goddess Xi of the Fanjing Sect, and the big bald head is the sword mad Hu Yihu from the Divine Sword Gate."

Qingfeng Jianxian introduced people to Zhou Zirou and Moxianer in a low voice.

"Where's Gu Fei, haven't you come out to see me?"

Wanshimen Shixiao frowned.

"Hmph, want my master to come out to see you? What are you?" Zhou Zirou said with a sneer.

"court death!"

Shi Xiao made a direct shot with a disagreement, and a big hand was directly like a giant mountain, and went down towards Zhou Zi Ruanhuang Moxianer town below.

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