Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4094: Dead river of terror

There is one of the most mysterious places in the Immortal Martial Realm, and ordinary warriors don't know this place at all, even some martial arts families or sects do not.

Only those families, big clans or sects who have truly passed on endless years are qualified to know this place.

In the deepest part of the Central Immortal Territory, there is a real fairyland. Here, there is an overwhelming beauty, filled with immortality and aura, because no one has been here, there is no way here.

Gu Fei strolled in this wonderland, as if he had escaped from the world. Here you can see old medicines growing in mountain streams, beside rocks, and under big trees.

Even though it was far away, Gu Fei could smell the fragrance of medicine. There was a ginseng emperor growing beside a stone not far away, and in a fairy spring, there was a ninth-grade immortal lotus floating.

You can vaguely see fairy beasts drinking water beside the mountain stream in the distance.

Here, it was very peaceful and peaceful, which made Gu Fei feel very comfortable. He wanted to keep walking like this.

However, after only a dozen miles out, the scene in front of Gu Fei suddenly changed, and there was an endless desert in front of him.


Gu Fei frowned. This visual impact made him a little uncomfortable. A heat wave rushed over his face, and he only felt a burst of heat on his body.


Under certain circumstances, Gu Fei's heart moved. With his current cultivation base, he should have not invaded the cold and heat, but now, he actually felt "hot!".


A purple vertical mark appeared on Gu Fei's eyebrows, as if a closed divine eye was about to open.

A powerful wave of divine consciousness erupted from the vertical marks on his eyebrows, and instantly enveloped the area thousands of miles ahead, and all slight changes in this area would be instantly perceivable by him.

However, in the next moment, Gu Fei had to be moved. He could not perceive anything. Everything in front of him seemed to be illusory and nothingness.

"how is this possible……"

Gu Fei immediately became a little angry. It seemed that everything in front of him was an illusion, and he was definitely a peerless strong man who could make the illusion so real.

Even Immortal Emperor couldn't do it.

"Sage? Unexpectedly, there used to be saints in the middle world of Xianwu World."

Gu Fei was a little surprised. You must know that saints are no better than immortals, saints are powerful and overlord even in the upper world.

Xianwu Realm does not have the vast and endless aura for the saints to practice.

When the saint cultivates, the heaven and earth spirit energy consumed is simply unimaginable, and one breath can swallow the heaven and earth spirit energy of the entire Immortal Martial Realm.

You must know that only the middle world can give birth to the immortal emperor, above the immortal emperor, that is the god-man who can break the void and enter the heavenly **** realm.

Ever since Xianwu Realm experienced that dark turmoil, no one can ascend to the Heaven God Realm. Qingyun Dao Zun had hoped to ascend to the Heaven God Realm.

But unfortunately, he was swallowed by Gu Fei's clone.


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the desert ahead, and the whole world immediately shook. Then, a burst of horses galloped in, and a sound that was shocking to the extreme came from the desert.


I saw a yellow smoke and dust appeared in the distance, like a huge yellow wave coming in mighty, sand and dust rushed into the sky.

As the huge yellow sand wave approached, Gu Fei felt the ground under his feet vibrate. All of this seemed to be not an illusion, but Gu Fei was motionless as a mountain, allowing the road to be higher than the mountain. The huge waves of yellow sand are coming.


That huge wave directly hit Gu Fei. The next moment, Gu Fei was knocked upside down, and the whole world was immediately filled with endless yellow sand.

"It's so unreasonable!"

Gu Fei was furious, his body shook, and a violent force immediately emerged from him, and the endless yellow sand around him was instantly shaken away.


A terrifying roar sounded in the void.

At this time, everyone outside of the lore of the Central Immortal Territory was shocked and inexplicable.

"That is……"

Zhou Zirou looked behind the archway in surprise.

A wave of violent power came out from inside, and the mountains shook.

The next moment, the white jade archway standing at the entrance of the lore place suddenly seemed to come alive, bursting out with bright rainbow lights.

It was like a supreme strong man awakened from a deep sleep, and the mighty power from the archway directly restrained the entire area.

"Gu Fei did it with the contents so quickly?"

Mo Xian'er said in surprise.

The number one Jedi in the Immortal Martial Realm, there are definitely countless dangers. Back then, the big figures in the Immortal Martial Realm had laid a heavy killing array in this Jedi.

There are even saints who make a move, and that saint is not comparable to those natives in the Xianwu world.

But the Netherworld Demon Lord and others are in a complicated mood. You must know that once Gu Fei died inside, they might also be buried with him, but they didn't want to see Gu Fei come out alive.

These giants in the Xianwu world are very conflicted.

"The master must be able to turn bad luck into good luck."

Qingfeng Jianxian said with a solemn face, these guys who surrendered to Gu Fei, only Qingfeng Jianxian really surrendered, and sincerely regarded Gu Fei as his master.

However, Zhou Zirou and Mo Xian'er still feel heavy.


At this time, there were bursts of shocking sounds in the land of lore, and even the archway shook, which shocked the people outside.



In the land of lore, Gu Fei was fighting with a faint figure. The two figures moved quickly in the void. With each impact, the surrounding void would instantly collapse, and a huge black hole appeared in the void. .

"You are just a ray of remnant soul, you dare to stop me?"

Gu Fei said as he shot his hand, powerful divine consciousness fluctuations rushed out of his eyebrows. This was a communication between divine minds, transcending language and race.

The figure didn't speak, but just blindly attacked Gu Fei.


Seeing this figure blasted out with a punch, the endless yellow sand immediately condensed in front of his fist into a fist larger than a mountain.

The giant fist formed by the yellow sand smashed directly at Gu Fei, and the extremely violent power exploded, and the terrifying breath filled every inch of space.

"Okay, let you die again!"

Gu Fei made a long roar, and also blasted a punch. In front of the Huangsha giant fist, his fist was extremely small, but it was such a small fist that shook the mountain.


With a loud noise, two fists of extremely different sizes smashed together in an instant. The next moment, two violent forces erupted at the same time, directly crushing the void of heaven and earth within a radius of more than ten miles.

The energy storm blasting out in all directions directly destroyed everything.

The giant fist condensed from the yellow sand immediately collapsed and scattered in the void, turning into endless yellow sand again.

A vague figure loomed in the yellow sand, and the fluctuation of the powerful earth travel power came out from the figure. This power fluctuation was many times stronger than the giants in the fairy martial world outside.


Gu Fei broke through the yellow sand in the sky, and instantly slammed in front of the figure. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly.

However, he only caught a handful of yellow sand, and the vague figure disappeared completely.

Even Gu Fei couldn't sense how this guy disappeared.

Huang Sha rolled, the mysterious figure appeared directly behind Gu Fei, and then hit Gu Fei's back with a silent punch.


The punch of the mysterious figure was hitting Gu Fei's back, but Gu Fei's body didn't even move.

In the next moment, Gu Fei slapped the figure with a backhand.

The yellow sand enveloped the void of thousands of miles. In this void, that mysterious figure is everywhere. This is also a magical power similar to the realm, but it is much stronger than the realm.

That figure can gather and disperse, being hit by Gu Fei's palm, immediately dissipated in the void, as if it had not received any impact at all.

"Okay, very good!"

Gu Fei smiled, this guy was definitely a saint before he fell, otherwise, a remnant soul could not be so powerful.

It seems that the Immortal Martial Realm has also been ruled by a certain existence. Could it be those guys in the Ancestral Realm?

In the Ancestral Realm, those giants in the Ancestral Realm dominated countless worlds. This Immortal Martial Realm may be the hunting ground of a certain giant in the Ancestral Realm.

But, don't know why, those people gave up the Xianwu world and did not reappear.

"God refining!"

Gu Fei roared, and the next moment, his eyebrows suddenly split, and a whirlpool appeared, and a spirit of spirit attached to the surrounding yellow sand was immediately swallowed into his eyebrows.

The yellow sand that had lost the blessing of God's mind directly floated in the void, no longer condensing.


The mysterious figure was struggling and roaring, trying to escape.

However, the power of refining gods rushing out of Gu Fei's eyebrows had already attracted this guy, and the yellow sand that kept gathering and scattering collapsed.

Amidst the yellow sand, a series of faint and false figures kept flying out, and then they were directly swallowed by the whirlpool on Gu Fei's eyebrows.

Powerful divine consciousness fluctuations erupted from every figure.

These figures belong to one person.

In less than half an hour, the remnants of the mysterious existence were all swallowed by Gu Fei, and then refined, and all the soul power was absorbed by the eternal true bone in his chest.

The endless yellow sand disappeared, the endless desert disappeared, but after the yellow sand dissipated, a big river appeared before Gu Fei's eyes.

A big river with turbid yellow-brown water ran across him, and there was something floating on the river.

Gu Fei looked at it intently, and even if he was knowledgeable, his scalp felt numb, and the things floating on the river surface were densely packed corpses.

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