Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4100: Destroy the beast

Gu Fei easily shattered the void and directly opened up the passage between the Immortal Martial Realm and the Heavenly God Realm, which shocked everyone who witnessed this scene.

Especially the giants of the Immortal Martial Realm, they were even more stunned. They practiced for a lifetime, isn't it just to ascend to the Heaven God Realm?

However, when Gu Fei stretched out his hand, the space crack in the void disappeared immediately.


When the Netherworld Demon Lord and other immortal martial realm giants saw this, they were all dumbfounded, didn't the master want to ascend to the heavenly **** realm? What is he doing?

"Master, this..."

The Dragon Lord couldn't help but blurt out, he was impatient.

Others had jumped their feet, some choked their wrists, and some exclaimed, all wondering why Gu Fei had to erase this road to the heavens and gods. You must know that if you can enter the heavens and gods, you will reach the sky in one step.

The realm of the heavens and gods is where the gods and man are, and above the immortals, is the god.

Among the heavens and ten thousand realms, there are countless immortal realms and countless **** realms. The immortal realms are actually the middle world, and the **** realms are the upper world.

Of course, the creatures in the Immortal God Realm didn't even know that the world they were in was a medium world, nor did they know that the Heaven God Realm was a superior world.

They only know that when their cultivation base is high enough, they will usher in the Celestial Tribulation, and after passing the Celestial Tribulation, they can break the void and enter the Celestial God Realm.

At this time, in the eyes of these giants in the fairy **** realm, Gu Fei was the legendary **** man, peerlessly powerful, and could not even trap him in the lore.


Gu Fei stepped forward and the whole world shook violently.

An invisible pressure suppressed everyone.

"Master, please receive magical powers."

Qingfeng Jianxian said in horror.


Zhou Zirou also said in surprise.

"Gu Fei..."

Mo Xian'er was also a little anxious, the strong pressure almost made her unable to straighten her waist.

Gu Fei glanced at Zhou Zirou and Mo Xian'er, and in the next moment, the wave of power radiating from him disappeared.

The other immortal martial magnates were terrified, and now Gu Fei, if he wanted to kill them, it would be easy.


At this moment, the whole world shook.

As if a sleeping terrifying beast suddenly awakened, the terrifying aura of destruction filled every inch of void.

what's going on?

Everyone was shocked.

Only Gu Fei remained motionless as a mountain, and the terrifying aura swept across all directions, and the whole world burst into dark space cracks.


The void shook, and the sky above the sky, the world was broken, a large dark hand directly grabbed everyone from the sky, and the large hand enveloped the world.


The Netherworld Demon Lord and others only felt that their souls were trembling, and in the face of this kind of existence, they were stronger than them and could not stand a blow.

As long as the big hands in the sky fall, they can be directly obliterated.

Just when the Netherworld Demon Lord and other immortal martial giants were frightened by this sudden scene, Gu Fei stood with his hand holding his hand, as if he hadn't seen the big hand caught from the sky.

When the beast hand was about to fall on Gu Fei's head, Gu Fei waved his hand at will, and the beast hand shattered directly into the void and turned into a cloud of blood.


The seven giants were stunned when they saw this scene.


The terrifying roar sounded, the whole world exploded, the endless void collapsed, the Immortal Martial Realm was directly shaken, the earth subsided, and the mountains and rivers shattered.

Hundreds of millions of lives have been burned.

The supreme savage beast in the dark was angry.

However, Gu Fei just stepped on his right foot, and the whole world fell silent, and directly immobilized the entire world of Xianwu Realm. He actually used his own power to restrain the brutal beast.


At this moment, the sky above Gu Fei's head, the void shattered like glass, and a beast shadow that was many times larger than the mountain struggling out of the void.

Every time you struggle, the world shakes once.

This behemoth is definitely a terrifying brutal beast of destruction rank, capable of destroying the world.

Unexpectedly, in this immortal martial world, there is still such a sky-destroying beast lurking, this is that Gu Fei is a little moved. The sky stealer who was destroyed by him before, I am afraid that there is such a sky-destroying beast. .

Perhaps this is a destructive beast that the big figure in the upper realm stayed behind to stare at the sky-thief after the Heaven-Stealer was blocked.

At this time, one of the heads of the Destroying Heavenly Beast had entered the Immortal Martial Realm, and there was still a layer of transparency blocking the murderer in other places.


The Destroying Heavenly Beast opened its eyes fiercely, and the next moment, two Destroying Divine Lights rushed out of the Fierce Beast's eyes and swept towards Gu Fei and the others.

I saw where the two destructive divine lights passed, the void of heaven and earth was annihilated directly and silently, and the wind tribe’s clan leader was swept by a destructive divine light. The next moment, the wind tribe’s clan leader turned directly into a cloud of dust. Both form and spirit are destroyed.


When the other giants saw this, they almost urinated, panicked to the extreme, and ran away.

Only Gu Fei still stood in front of Zhou Zirou, Mo Xian'er and the others, and then stretched out his big hand, and directly smashed the two divine lights of destruction that had been scanned.

"Chaotic Heavenly Beast?"

Gu Fei looked up at the giant beast in the sky, feeling a little surprised. This kind of destruction beast was enough to crush a middle world, and only the upper world could give birth to this kind of beast.

It is impossible for the middle world to give birth to such a destructive beast.

"I want to see what your origins are."

As Gu Fei said, he rose directly into the sky and rushed towards the sky beast. He was like a sharp arrow, piercing the void of the sky and the earth in an instant, and came to destroy the sky beast.

The Destroying Heaven Beast opened its mouth and inhaled, actually trying to swallow Gu Fei in one mouthful.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and inexplicably shocked. The huge beast shadow enveloped the entire sky, and it was black and heavy, as if the night was falling, and the violent breath made the souls of hundreds of millions of creatures in the Immortal Martial World tremble.

The remaining six giants all sacrificed the Golden Immortal level, even the Immortal Emperor level Dao Qi to protect their bodies.

A dark golden scale floated and sank above the dragon master's head, and the immortal emperor class power was cast on the scale to envelope him. In the void, a dragon shadow was looming, revealing a terrifying dragon.

Dragons have inverse scales, and if they touch them, they will die. The dragon lord masters the dragon emperor's inverse scales, and the fighting power is one of the best among the remaining six giants.

However, at this time, he dare not care.

In the face of the supreme existence of this kind of destruction, even if the Dragon Emperor regenerates, it will not be the opponent of these existences, let alone a piece of Dragon Emperor's inverse scale.

The others were also shivering, their feet soft.

But at this moment, Gu Fei took a direct step and instantly appeared on the head of the Chaos Destroying Heavenly Beast, and stepped on the head of the Heavenly Beast with one foot.

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