Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4169: Shocking change

The dark night continent has changed, the news spread, and the entire dark night continent cultivation world was in an uproar, and all the monks were shocked to the extreme.

The sky of the Dark Night Continent, how to say it changed, has changed.


There was an old antique-class existence who sighed and turned and left. The Dark Night Continent changed into the same sky. It seemed that it had nothing to do with those guys who had lived for endless years.

However, every time the dark night continent changes, it must be accompanied by a **** storm.

However, this time, there was less blood and blood, which was something that no one would have thought of.

"Do you know the origin of this heart?"

In Divine Emperor Mo Yuan's mansion, Gu Fei was lying on a chair, holding his immortal heart in his hands, and looked at the two guys kneeling down indifferently.

These two guys are the black and white elders, the black and white elders at this time, with disheveled hair, bloodstained and embarrassed.

The old man in black and white was miserably repaired by the dark night emperor.

"This..., how could we know."

Heilao said with a trembling voice.

All of their cultivation bases have been abolished by the Great Dark Night. If it hadn't been for Gu Fei and the others to control their aura, they would have been unable to withstand the pressure on the hall and would have died.

The heart of immortality was still beating, making a dull sound, and the whole hall vibrated with the sound of heartbeat.

The power contained in this heart is too strong. Only Gu Fei dared to touch it in the presence of the heart. Not to mention the others, they just couldn't get close at all.

Even the emperor.

The Great Emperor Zhenlong and the Great Dark Night were both standing aside, staring at the immortal heart in Gu Fei's hands, and they all showed enthusiastic gazes, this is something in the legend!

The dead spirit who was sealed in the secluded spring was cultivated into a nearly immortal body because of the immortal heart.

They are great emperors, if they can obtain this immortal heart and then slowly refine it into the body, they will probably be able to ascend in the day.

"Then who knows?"

Gu Fei said calmly.

"This one……"

Heilao hesitated.

"Although I am here, what are you afraid of? If I am happy, what about helping you restore your cultivation?" Gu Fei said leisurely.


Hearing that Gu Fei could help them restore their cultivation base, the two elders in black and white became excited.

The cultivation base, for the monks, is life. If they lose their cultivation base, they really want to die when the black and white elders are abolished by the dark night.

However, the Great Dark Night would not let them die, they just couldn't die.

The strong control the life and death of the weak, whether it is life or death, can the weak have the final say?

"You... can you really help us restore our cultivation?"

Old Bai's excited voice trembled, staring at Gu Fei on the seat.

"Presumptuous, my boss said yes, but you dare to question?"

The fat man said cursingly.

The cultivation base of the black and white elders is not weak, and it can be regarded as the top existence among the **** emperors. The half-step great emperor, the two teamed up, it is not easy for the fat man to ask himself if he wants to defeat these two guys.

"I said, I said, we really don't know the origin of this immortal heart, but one person might know it." Old Bai said, taking a look at the dark night emperor standing aside.


Gu Fei looked at Emperor Dark Night.

"This one……"

When the Great Dark Night saw Gu Fei looking to him, he panicked and his eyes flickered a few times.

"Hmph, dark night, you know that my boss wants to find out the origin of the immortal heart, but you don't know it? What do you mean? Do you want to betray my big brother?"

The fat man rolled his eyes and glared at Emperor Dark Night.

"Fatty man, don't spit blood." The Great Dark Night panicked even more.

"Talk about it!"

Gu Fei picked up the tea and took a sip.

Divine Emperor Mo Yuan has nothing else to do. This kind of tea and the ability to make tea are unmatched in the Dark Night Continent. This is a kind of divine tea with the essence of heaven and earth, only in the mansion of Divine Emperor Mo Yuan. There are more than a dozen plants.

In the entire Dark Night Continent, there are only a dozen strains of this kind of blood **** tea. The tea is as scarlet as blood, but the mouth is full of fragrance, which makes people endless aftertaste.

"This one……"

The Great Dark Night knew that if he didn't say it, I'm afraid he would really die here.

Because the Great Dark Night is a decisive character, and Gu Fei is the same type of person as him, as long as he doesn't say it, Gu Fei will definitely not let himself live.

Therefore, the Great Dark Night said everything he knew.

It turned out that the Youquan was sealed by the Great Emperor Yin and Yang who gave up his life. The seal that a generation of great emperors gave at the cost of their lives was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

However, no matter how strong the seal is, there will be the moment of failure.

The Great Emperor Yin and Yang was an extremely ancient emperor on the Dark Night Continent. When the Great Yin Yang was alive, the Dark Night Continent was still in its most wild era.

Even in the cultivation history of Dark Night Continent, there is no such figure as the Great Emperor Yin and Yang.

And the Great Emperor Anye was inherited from the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, and he was cultivated to become the Great Emperor, and then unified the Great Dark Night Continent and became the Divine Emperor and Co-Master of the Great Dark Night Continent.

The reason why the Great Dark Night knew about the reality of the Youquan was because the Great Yin and Yang left a detailed introduction to the seal of the Youquan. The Great Emperor Yin and Yang wanted to continue to seal the Youquan to prevent the immortal souls from being born and cause harm to the world.

The Great Emperor Yin and Yang also talked about the origin of the immortal necromancer. It was an immortal necromancer that was cultivated by the bones of an ancient **** with a magical heart.

The way to destroy this immortal soul is to destroy the immortal heart. However, the immortal heart is a true immortal fetish. In the end, Emperor Yin and Yang can only seal the immortal dead and the immortal heart into the secluded spring.

"Is the immortal heart a thing from heaven?"

Gu Fei was a little surprised, but he wasn't surprised. You must know that this immortal heart was so mysterious, and naturally it was not something that the dark night continent could nurture.

The Great Emperor Yin and Yang knew the origin of the Heart of Immortality. It was one day when a big hole suddenly cracked in the sky above the Dark Night Continent, and the Heart of Immortality rushed out of the big hole and landed on the Dark Night Continent.

The Dark Night Continent before Huanggu was not like this.

This is the second Heaven God Realm.

However, at that time, the Dark Night Continent became the dim sky and dark ground it is now, and endless years have passed, and there is still a certain kind of mist covering the entire Dark Night Continent.

"Is it really the heart of a strong man in a certain supreme world?"

Gu Fei was talking to himself.

"This kind of existence is probably stronger than Extreme Dao Supreme. Is it the heart of a strong person in the eternal realm?"

Gu Fei looked at the beating heart in his hand and frowned. He was not sure, because he was once the supreme being of the eternal realm, but he did not sense the eternal strong from this heart. Breath.

The people around looked at Gu Fei quietly, and no one dared to speak out.

"Follow him, study slowly later!"

Gu Fei directly took this immortal heart into the inner world.

However, the next moment, he immediately changed his complexion, and saw that the mist above the sky gathered towards him like crazy, like a supreme being on the dark night continent awakened from a deep sleep .

A terrifying force is awakening.

"what happened?"

Everyone was shocked and inexplicable, the world changed suddenly, everyone felt a great pressure, and the whole world changed color.

"Could it be..."

Gu Fei quickly took out the Heart of Immortality.

I saw that after the immortal heart was taken out by Gu Fei, the vision of heaven and earth disappeared immediately, and the fog above the sky no longer converged towards Gu Fei.

"It's interesting, can't you take away this immortal heart?"

Gu Fei smiled, and then directly poured an eternal spirit into this immortal heart.

In the next moment, this immortal heart seemed to have turned into a black hole, giving birth to a powerful swallowing force, and the mist above the sky immediately gathered towards the immortal heart like a frenzy.

As soon as Gu Fei let go, the immortal heart in his hand actually rose up into the sky, directly suspended above the sky, and the endless mist gathered towards the immortal heart and was swallowed by the immortal heart.

The whole world is constantly flashing with dazzling lights, and every lightning bolt tears the world apart.

A terrifying wave of power surged out from the Heart of Immortality, and the creatures on the entire Dark Night Continent felt a repressed breath.


The old antiques and old monsters on the entire Dark Night Continent were alarmed, and even some old antiques who were sitting in the life and death barrier jumped out.

The Heart of Immortality is swallowing the weird mist that has enveloped the endless years of the Dark Night Continent, and the movement is too great, and it is impossible not to disturb the big people.


Everyone in Mo Yuan's mansion rushed out and was shocked to see the amazing scene in the sky.

Endless and strange fog gathered and was constantly refined by the heart of immortality, and the whole world gradually became brighter. In the strange fog, there seemed to be a series of vague figures struggling to cast towards the heart of immortality, and were also affected by the heart of immortality. Swallowed.


Soon, a terrifying roar sounded, and the monstrous strange mist gathered in the sky, and a huge figure appeared between the sky and the earth.


A huge claw slapped directly towards the immortal heart in the sky, and the destructive force burst out to the extreme.

However, such a powerful force is enough to destroy a region with one blow, but this force is directly invisible in front of the Immortal Heart.

"That is……"

When everyone saw the huge figure in the sky, they were all shocked and inexplicably shocked. It was a condensed existence of weird mist!

The mysterious creature was roaring and its voice was shaking.

However, soon, the creature became faint and unreal.

In the next moment, the creatures condensed by the strange fog dissipated in the void, and the dim world became extremely bright, and a ray of sunlight fell from the sky.

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