Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4198: Come to die again?

The power of the three giants of the Heavenly God Realm is beyond doubt.

However, Gu Fei was a defeated giant, which directly stunned everyone who saw this scene.

That was Tengyi, who was cut off by Gu Fei with a sword. Gu Fei's camp was boiling, and everyone was shocked.

Just when the world was shocked, a void suddenly collapsed above the top of Shishen Mountain, and a figure shattered and appeared on the top of Shishen Mountain.

I saw that this figure was an alien creature, half-human and half-snake, one arm was broken shoulder-to-shoulder, and his body was bloodied and embarrassed to the extreme.


At the top of Shishenshan, Long Cang and Qian Yu had to be moved when they saw this scene.


Teng Yi looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying sound wave spread, and the whole world was rippling, like the end of the day.

The aura between the heavens and the earth gathered towards him like crazy, and his whole person seemed to be shrouded in a sacred fire.


At this moment, there was a muffled sound and the void vibrated.

The void is rippling like water waves.

Teng Yi landed directly on the top of Shishen Mountain, and saw that his broken arm had grown again, as if he had never been injured.

"what happened!"

On the top of the mountain, Qian Yu was shocked. There were still people in the Heavenly God Realm who could hurt Tengyi. This Tengyi was one of the three giants in the Heavenly God Realm!

"Huh, I have to ask, it must be kicked on the iron plate."

Long Cang said coldly, his happiest thing is to see Tengyi unlucky.

However, the news of Tengyi's defeat soon spread, and everyone was shocked.

The morale of Gu Fei's camp was like a rainbow. When the news came back that Gu Fei slashed the giant with a sword, the morale of his men rose sharply.

At this time, there were powerful Shinto monks haunting the entire Celestial God Realm, and powerful auras swept across the world.

At this time, the major forces in the Central God Realm were all preparing to face off. This battle was definitely the strongest battle ever in the Heaven God Realm.

In the entire five regions of the Heavenly God Realm, powerful gods constantly awakened from their deep sleep, and some of the gods that had already fallen jumped out again.

However, these gods are descendants of the three giants.

In the Southern God Territory, in the Battle of Heaven City, after the battle of Tengyi, the monks in the city were immediately reduced by more than half. At this time, in the Battle of Heaven, bloodstains could be seen everywhere.

The Wang Family, Wang Xuanji, a newly promoted **** emperor, the powerful from all sides are vying to visit him.

The Nantian God Emperor never showed up, but someone saw the daughter of the Nantian God Emperor Xuan Xi appear in the city lord mansion of Zhantian City.

Nantian God Emperor’s daughter Xuan Xi has friendship with Gu Fei, which is why Gu Fei didn’t bother with Nantian God Emperor.

In fact, Gu Fei didn't care much. He who pointed at the Central God's Domain was still calm, but his subordinates were all excited like chicken blood.

That is the Central Gods Realm. Throughout the ages, who dares to point at the Central Gods Realm?

The Great Dark Night used to point his sword at the Central God Realm, but he was directly driven away by the three giants. For Great Dark Night, it was definitely a shame in his life.

Now, Gu Fei is stronger and more powerful than the Great Dark Night of the year. Whether it is the True Dragon Great, the Dark Night, or the Nine Deaths, each one is peerlessly powerful.

Mo Yuan is also very strong, at least once beat the Evil Emperor Tatian.

Of course, the current Evil Emperor Tatian was already dead.

Gu Fei flattened the power of the Evil Emperor Tatian, but this indirectly offended a certain power in the Central Divine Region.

However, Gu Fei disagrees, in this heavenly God Realm, he is not afraid of anyone.

Eternal true bone is Gu Fei's current confidence.

"Teng Yi, you are really getting better and better. You can't even beat a little guy from the human race. It's really embarrassing." Long Cang choked.

"Huh! You have the ability to go! See how long you can hold on that kid's hands."

At the top of Shishenshan, Teng Yi stared at Long Cang coldly and said.

"Go on, I'll go and bring back that little guy's head."

Long Cang said loudly, he actually turned into a figure and rose into the sky, disappeared under the gloomy sky, and disappeared.

At this time, Gu Fei had already returned to the Southern Divine Region, fighting in the Heavenly City.

He still sat cross-legged under the big tree behind the city lord's mansion.

However, his **** was not hot yet, and another figure appeared across from him.


Gu Fei was a little upset, and the consequences were serious.

"You are Gu Fei? Did you defeat Teng Yi?"

The man stared at Gu Fei and said coldly.

"You are in the same group as the man just now?"

Gu Fei was immediately angry when he heard this.

"Haha, good, great!"

Gu Fei laughed extremely angry. The Tengyi had good luck just now and escaped quickly. Otherwise, he would have been killed long ago.

Although the gods or the great emperors are powerful, in Gu Fei's eyes, they are nothing at all.

At this time, the entire Celestial God Realm was divided into two camps, one was the three giants, and the other was Gu Fei, who cut the giant with one sword.

The three giants have run endless years in the Heaven God Realm, and their power is extremely powerful, which is not comparable to the power that Gu Fei has just established.

However, Gu Fei was able to challenge the entire Central God Realm with his own power, and the sword's edge was invincible.

"Why are you laughing when you die?"

Long Cang looked at Gu Fei coldly, and said coldly.

"There are so many people in this world who want to kill me, but they can't kill me, and I finally killed them." Gu Fei said calmly.

"Really, I can only say that those people are too weak."

Longcang is very confident.

"Haha, interesting, it depends on your old Jiao's ability."

Gu Fei smiled.

"Succumb to death!"

Long Cang stopped talking nonsense, stretched out his right hand and grabbed his head directly towards Gu Fei. He saw that his five fingers were extremely sharp, like five extremely sharp little swords thrusting into Gu Fei's head.

Gu Fei remained motionless, without even lifting his eyelids.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Long Cang's mouth.

At this moment, his smile suddenly solidified on his face.

I saw that the right hand that he grabbed to the top of Gu Fei's head stopped at the top of Gu Fei's head and couldn't hold it anymore.


Long Cang's surprise was truly extraordinary.

No matter how hard he tried, it would be difficult to shake Gu Fei's body protection, which made him incredible.

No wonder that Tengyi was so embarrassed, it seemed that Gu Fei was not easy.

Thinking of Teng Yi's embarrassment, Long Cang sweated his forehead. How could this little guy named Gu Fei be stronger than himself and others?

Longcang couldn't believe all this at all.

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