Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4200: Preparation before the war

The entire Celestial God Realm was extremely turbulent, and various forces appeared on the stage, and even some ancient forces appeared.

The Tianjiao clan is undoubtedly one of the strongest races among the ancient survivors. This clan has lived in the Dongze of the Heavenly God Realm for generations, and that Longcang is from the Tianjiao clan.

The news that Longcang was trampled to death by Gu Fei was sent back to Dongze, and all the members of the Tianjiao clan were in grief and indignation. You know, the reason why the Tianjiao clan can thrive depends on Longcang.

However, now, Longcang is dead, and their backbone is dead. For the Tianjiao clan, it is undoubtedly the sky has fallen, and the whole clan is gloomy.

At this time, in Gu Fei's Inner Heaven and Earth, Gu Fei had already driven Dark Ye Great and others out of Inner Heaven and Earth because Yan'er had arrived.

Yan'er came, and saw her white clothes Shengxue, holding her disciple Xiaoling Xian'er, coming in money, she is like a supreme fairy, floating out of dust.

Xiao Ling Xian'er is her disciple, of course, it can also be said that she and Gu Fei are common disciples, because Xiao Ling Xian'er respectfully calls them masters.

Of course Gu Fei didn't care, and Yaner naturally didn't care.

"I heard that you were injured, is it true?"

Yan'er took Xiao Lingxian'er to Gu Fei's body and asked with concern.

"Who talks so much."

Gufei Road.

"Could it be those two girls?"

Gu Fei sent Zhou Zirou and Mo Xian'er into Inner Heaven and Earth when he was flying to the heavens and gods, and he kept letting them practice in it, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

The so-called master leads the way, and the cultivation depends on the individual. Gu Fei taught Zhou Zirou the technique and let her practice and comprehend by herself, without too much intervention.

And Mo Xian'er was not his own personal disciple, but only a registered disciple.

"I'm very curious, who else in this world can hurt you." Yan'er said. She knew very well that Gu Fei's cultivation base was extremely strong and invincible. Who could be a resistance?

Gu Fei smiled awkwardly.

"Hey, your cultivation base..."

Yan'er suddenly exclaimed, with her cultivation base naturally seeing the depth of Gu Fei at a glance.

"I was driven into reincarnation." Gu Fei said.


Yan'er heard the words, this shock was really extraordinary. She didn't know the battle between Gu Fei and the first demon of the ancestor, nor did she know that the first demon of the ancestor had driven Gu Fei into reincarnation with one life.

Want to make Gu Fei obliterate in reincarnation.

"what is the problem!"

Yan'er's expression became serious. This is no small matter. Gu Fei is the backbone of their family. If Gu Fei falls, their family will be over.

In the cultivating world, all speak with fists, fists are hard, no one respects you, the weak are destined to be eliminated.

Therefore, Gu Fei told Yan'er the battle between him and the first demon of the ancestor.

"Unexpectedly, the ancestor realm demons still existed like this." Yan'er was really frightened after listening. Gu Fei almost lost. In a battle of this kind, defeat means death.

"Master, what is a demon, is a demon a bad person?"

Xiao Ling Xian'er suddenly raised her head and asked Yan'er.

"Devils are not humans, and demons are not all evils." Yan'er touched Xiao Ling Xian'er's head and said.

"The devil wounded Master Gu Fei, why isn't it a bad demon?" Xiao Ling Xian'er said puzzledly.

"When you grow up, you will understand."

Yan'er said.

Although Xiao Ling Xian'er was sent to Inner World by Gu Fei for a long time, her growth seemed to be very slow, still like a child.

However, under Yan'er's teaching, Xiao Ling Xian'er's cultivation level has improved very quickly. At a young age, she is already a powerhouse at the fairy **** level.

"Let's go back first!"

Gu Fei said.


Yan'er nodded, and took Xiao Lingxian'er and flew away towards the valley.

Back in the valley, the Mon and the Necromancers who got the news were already waiting outside the valley, and they were extremely excited.

You know, Gu Fei rarely returns to Inner World, now it's rare to come back once, so naturally he wants to come and see him.

However, those people were blocked by two maids outside the entrance to the valley.

Although the cultivation of the two servants was not very good, no one dared to be presumptuous. The Lord of the Three Necros and the ancestors of the Meng clan were respectful and honestly waiting outside the entrance of the valley.

When seeing Gu Fei and Yan'er coming back together, everyone waiting outside the valley bowed to them.

"Welcome the Lord!"

The crowd said in unison.

"Retreat all!"

Gu Fei said, and then he and Yan'er walked directly into the valley.

After the people waited for Gu Fei and Yan'er to enter the valley, they stood up and then all retreated.

However, the ancestors of the Meng clan and the Lord of the three dead souls did not retreat, still waiting outside the entrance of the valley.

After the reunion after the farewell, Gu Fei and Yan'er naturally have a lot to say. Gu Fei stayed in the valley for three days. During these three days, he summoned the ancestors of the Meng clan and the necromantic clan. Lord of the dead.

Another thing is to go into the depths of the inner world and see the magic medicine of Immortal Ancestral Dragon.

Around those **** springs of life, there are magic medicine everywhere, and any plant has the effect of life and death.

Anyone taking out a magical medicine to the Sky God Realm will probably cause a sensation.

Gu Fei didn't move the magic medicine near the Shenquan of Life, but asked for a drop of essence and blood from the undead medicine.

This is a life-saving thing, even if there is only one breath left, as long as you eat this drop of blood, you can instantly recover.

Gu Fei originally wanted to see Zhou Zi Ruanhuang Moxian'er, but these two guys were retreating, and he didn't intend to disturb them.

On the fourth day, Gu Fei walked out of the valley.


Gu Fei turned into a divine light, and instantly disappeared between heaven and earth.

In the valley, a woman in white looked at the direction where Gu Fei disappeared, with a plain face.

"Master, where is Master Gu Fei going?"

Xiao Ling Xian'er asked.

"He is going to do what adults do." Yan'er said.

"What do adults do?"

Little Ling Xian'er said curiously.

"Well, well, let's go back!"

As Yan'er spoke, she led Xiao Ling Xian'er and turned and walked into the deep valley.

At this time, in the Celestial God Realm and in the Battle of the Celestial City, countless powerful gods gathered in the city, the whole city fluttered with flags, wild beasts roared, and powerful figures appeared in the city.

I saw a divine phoenix flying from the east, and on the divine phoenix's back was a man in Tsing Yi sitting cross-legged.

"People from the Huang Clan are here."

When some old gods in the city saw this, they couldn't help being very surprised. The Southern Divine Region, the Phoenix Clan, were a race that had been hidden for endless years. In that distant past, the Phoenix Clan was as famous as the Tianjiao Clan.

The Tianjiao clan came out of a dragon warehouse, but the peerless powerhouse of the Phoenix clan has fallen. Therefore, the current Phoenix clan is not as good as the Tianjiao clan.

However, when news spread that Long Cang was killed by Gu Fei, the Huang Clan couldn't sit still.

The hidden races reappeared in everyone's field of vision. This was a major event, and the power pattern of the entire Celestial God Realm was greatly impacted.

A new order is taking shape.


At this moment, in the west, a golden lion stepped on the void and charged towards Zhantian City. It was an extremely powerful golden lion king, peerlessly powerful, and the void of heaven and earth shook at the feet of this wild lion.

"The Golden Lion family is also born."

Someone exclaimed.

Both the Phoenix tribe and the Golden Lion tribe were once the most powerful race in the Southern Divine Region. They both ruled the destiny of the Southern Divine Region and ruled one side.

Everyone thought that these ancient tribes had been annihilated in the long river of years, but who would have thought that these ancient tribes would still exist.

The strength of the ancient clan is beyond doubt, the strong of the Phoenix clan and the strong of the Golden Lion clan are both god-level existences, peerlessly powerful.

The gods originally existed in the legend, but now, with the birth of the ancient clan, there are more and more powerful gods.

Those guys have cultivated for endless months, their cultivation base is high, and their combat power is strong, they are the top existences in the entire Celestial God Realm.

Only guys of this level are qualified to follow Gu Fei to fight the Central God's Domain.

Soon, another ruthless man came outside the city of Zhantian. It was a brawny man who was riding a howling wolf, with a mighty appearance and holding a pair of bronze hammers in his hands.

"Isn't that Xiaoyue Zhanzu?"

Someone recognized the brawny man.

"The Xiaoyue clan is also born."

The old **** sighed.

These powerhouses came to fight Tiancheng, naturally representing the masters of these forces to submit to Gu Fei and surrender to Gu Fei.

You know, the current ruler of the Southern Divine Region is Gu Fei, and these ancient tribes are naturally coming to visit Gu Fei.

The Xiaoyue tribe, the Phoenix tribe, and the Golden Lion tribe are all ancient tribes who have passed on for endless years, and their backgrounds are extremely profound, but now, these ancient tribes have to choose sides.

The consequences of standing on the wrong side are very serious.

These ancient tribes will not come until the last moment.

You know, no one wants to be someone else's slave, but if they don't return, the consequences will be very serious. Gu Fei was angry, and it is likely to take action against the ancients.

At that time, if you want to beg for mercy, it's too late.

Gu Fei is not a cruel person, but if anyone makes him unhappy, he will use thunder to solve it.

Just when the powerhouses of all the great clans of the Southern God Territory gathered in Zhantian City, the void above Zhantian City was suddenly shaking like water waves.

The next moment, a figure walked out of the trembling void, this person was Gu Fei.

"Welcome the Lord!"

Just when Gu Fei appeared, such a voice came from the city lord's mansion.

At this time, the Dark Night Emperor and others greeted him from the room.

All the strong in the city are staring at the figure in the sky.

"That person is Gu Fei?"

Someone in the city whispered.

"Replacement as fake."

An old **** said.

Gaotian, Gu Fei was welcomed into the city lord's mansion by the dark night emperor and others.

Soon, there were news and legends that Gu Fei would personally lead an army into the Central God Realm the next day.

"it's time!"

Inside the city lord's mansion, Gu Fei suddenly raised his head and said.

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