Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4202: Kick and explode against the gods

The Heavenly God Realm is a world respected by gods. Here, the cultivation of Shinto is prevalent, regardless of the human race or the different races, the cultivation of the Shinto, with the goal of becoming a **** and being an ancestor.

In this Shinto world, the gods are the most powerful existence.

However, some creatures are even more powerful than the gods. Of course, they are still strong in the gods, and no one in the heavens and gods can transcend the gods.

The three giants of the Heavenly God Realm are the Heaven-defying God Lords who are regarded as stronger than the gods.

Of course, most people don't know the title of God Lord against the sky, only those old-fashioned gods know what the God Lord represents.

In the entire Celestial God Realm, there are only three God Lords who are against the Heavens, that is, the three giants in the Central God Realm of the Heaven God Realm, Longcang, Tengyi, and their boss, Ganyu.

The nine death gods can only be called the little **** master.

At this time, Gu Fei's army was going to enter the Central God's Domain, but when the army was just starting to pull out, a mysterious strong man suddenly arrived.

The mysterious powerhouse was extremely powerful, and even the Nine Death Gods were shocked.

No way, Gu Fei had to take the shot himself, because other people weren't the opponents of this mysterious powerhouse at all.

"Do people in Central God's Domain like to hide their heads and show their tails?"

Above the sky, Gu Fei said to the mysterious strong man.

"Huh! This deity doesn't change his name or sits without changing his surname, so is Qian Yu!"

The mysterious strong man said coldly.

"What, that person is Qianyu? The boss of the three giants?"

Someone exclaimed.

Most monks don't know who Dry Yu is, but those old antiques in the Celestial God Realm are very clear about the power and fear of Dry Yu.

"Is it really Ganyu here?"

"It's not him who else, the entire Heaven God Realm, only he is qualified to fight Gu Fei."

Someone said.

Qian Yu came, and the news soon spread throughout the Southern God Realm, and then the entire Heaven God Realm.

"It turns out to be the boss of the three giants. Very good. If I defeat you, I will save a lot of trouble." Gu Fei spoke and shot.

I saw a cloud of divine light gushing out of his hands, and his right hand squeezed with five fingers, as if he was holding a world of heaven and earth, and then he punched it at Qianyu.


The whole world shook with Gu Fei's punch, and a series of pitch-black spatial cracks continued to burst in the void.

"Want to beat me? Then see if you have this ability."

Gan Yu said coldly, and the terrifying murderous aura came out of him, changing the color of the world.

When Gu Fei punched him, he also greeted Gu Fei's fist with a punch, and saw a cloud of blue light gushing from his fist, like a round of blue Shenyang appearing The same between heaven and earth.


With a loud noise, the two fists smashed into each other in an instant, and the power fluctuations that erupted spread, and the void within a thousand miles around the two of them directly shattered and turned into a black hole.

The place shrouded by this destructive force was all wiped out, leaving nothing behind.

Fortunately, the Nine Death Gods saw that the situation was not good, and directly led the various troops away from Zhantian City, and re-stationed them far enough, otherwise, with this blow, the various troops of the Southern Gods will be finished.

In the face of super powers like Gu Fei and Qian Yu, no army can withstand their blow.

This is the confidence of the three giants. As long as they are strong enough, I can destroy you with just one punch.

The two figures separated directly, and with this blow, neither of them had any advantage.

"You can actually block my punch?"

Gu Fei said with some surprise, although he has not yet used the eternal power, but the power of this punch can not be caught by anyone.

The dry feather flew thousands of miles away, and he was also very surprised. There seemed to be an unimaginable force in this human race, which could actually compete with him.

Among the three giants in the Central God Realm of the Celestial Realm, the strongest **** against the sky is Ganyu.

Even if Longcang and Tengyi joined forces, they weren't Qianyu's opponent.

"That blames you for defeating Tengyi and killing Longcang. With a cultivation base like yours, you can definitely be the **** of one party." Gan Yu stared at Gu Fei and said calmly.

"What is the God Lord?"

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

"Surrender to me, I will let you sit in the position that originally belonged to Longcang."

Qian Yu said.

"Hey, what if I want to take your seat?"

Gu Fei suddenly smiled.

"Then you can go to death."

Qian Yu's voice became gloomy.

"There can be no two masters in one world. It is inevitable that you and I will fight a battle. Let us talk less nonsense, let us speak with strength!" Gu Fei shook his fists, and a monstrous fighting intent immediately took him. Burst out of his body.

"Very good, fight if you want!"

Qian Yu said that he took one step directly, and instantly spanned thousands of miles of void, appeared directly opposite Gu Fei, and then punched him at Gu Fei.

With this punch of Qian Yu, the power of the whole world seemed to be driven by him.

From Gu Fei's point of view, it was as if the whole world suddenly squeezed towards him. The whole person was imprisoned, and he could only watch the opponent's fist hit him.

Seeing that Dry Yu's fist was about to hit Gu Fei's body, a group of divine light suddenly appeared on Gu Fei's chest, and that group of divine light directly blocked the imprisoning force that enveloped Gu Fei.

Gu Fei was able to move, and as soon as he stretched out his right hand, he directly grabbed the fist hit by Qianyu.


Gan Yu was taken aback, he immediately used his strength to break free from Gu Fei's fist, but in the next moment, he was already pulled into flight by Gu Fei.

At the same time, Gu Fei's legs were faster than Lightning, and he directly kicked Gan Yu's body.

The sound of intensive impact and bone breaking sounded. At that moment, even Yu Yu didn't know how many feet he was kicked by Gu Fei.

He just felt that he couldn't find a piece of bones in his whole body to be complete.


Gu Fei flew a kick and kicked directly on Gan Yu's head. Then, Gan Yu's head was like a watermelon, and it was kicked and exploded.


Everyone who saw this scene was directly stunned, unbelievable, that was the strongest **** against the sky in the Heavenly God Realm, so he was defeated by Gu Fei?


Under Gu Fei's bombardment, Dry Feather's body exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

Among the three giants in the Central God Realm of the dignified Heavenly God Realm, Gan Yu, the boss, was actually defeated by Gu Fei?

Although it can't be said that the dry feather is a vain name, but it also lost too fast.


Seeing that the dry feather was blasted into blood mist by Gu Fei, everyone watching from a distance couldn't believe it was true.

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