Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4216: Terran vs Orcs

In the human world, outside the Tianxu, the five regions have fought for years, and all forces have fought each other, causing countless lives and injuries. This is a turbulent time.

It seemed that there was a black hand pushing all of this in the dark, human races, demons, fairy races, as well as orcs, demon ancestors, and even dead spirits came out as strangers.

The entire human world seems to reappear in the dark and turmoil of ancient times.

At this time, in the Eastern Region, somewhere on the vast plain, flags fluttered, horses neighed, wild beasts roared, and the Eastern Holy Emperor of the Human Race took a personal conquest to fight the Beast Emperor of the Orcs in the Eastern Wasteland.

The Terran army, unable to see the head at a glance, set up a powerful battle formation. Every soldier is wearing thick armor and holding a war spear.

The emperor’s chariot hovered over the battle formation, and its whole body bloomed with endless golden light, like a golden sun shining on the world.

"East Sage Emperor's 800,000 Forbidden Army came out, isn't he afraid that someone will copy his nest?"

Above the sky, someone loomed, and the battle between the Eastern Saint Dynasty and the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts shocked many strong men, and some strong men came directly to watch the battle.

There are even evil spirits who come to plan to collect ghosts and sacrifice evil magic weapons.

You know, after this battle, whether it is a human race or a beast race, there will be countless deaths and injuries. Such a huge ghost is enough for those evil demons to make a good magic weapon.

Compared with the army of the Eastern Holy Emperor of the Human Race, the formation of the beast army of the kingdom of beasts on the opposite side is a bit messy, but the hundreds of thousands of iron-clad barbarians in the front of the defending army are not allowed by the Eastern Holy Emperor. Dare to despise.

The armored bull has thick skin and thick flesh, and the scaly armor on its body is absolutely difficult to break. Each iron armored bull is equivalent to a moving hill.

When hit by this iron armored bull, even the monks would be injured.

Ten Thousand Beasts led the battle with hundreds of thousands of iron-clad bulls. Behind the iron-clad bulls were the fire-breathing beasts. This fire-breathing beast could spray fireballs to kill opponents.

In addition to armored bulls and fire-breathing beasts, the kingdom of beasts also has an air force and flying dragon beasts. This flying dragon beast is a large lizard with wings.

The battlefield of Ten Thousand Beasts is not laid down casually.

Behind the fire-breathing beast is the Beast King’s chariot. This Beast King’s chariot is different. It is made of bronze. There are countless skulls on it. Yes, it’s skulls, human races, other foreign races, big and small. Small, there are dozens of them.

These are all powerful beings killed by the Beast King, who has the habit of collecting the skull of his opponent.




The Eastern Saint Army, 800,000 soldiers shouted at the same time, their voices were earth-shaking, and all the soldiers boiled with enthusiasm. This battle determined the fate of the Eastern Saint Dynasty.

Of course, this battle also determines the fate of the kingdom of beasts.

If you lose, your country will be destroyed, and victory will be a miserable victory.


The million beast soldiers of the Ten Thousand Beast Nation were unwilling to show their weakness, and roared at the same time. The extremely tragic breath came out of the Ten Thousand Beast Nation battle formation, and the world changed color.

"People from the Eastern World don't seem to be here!"

"The old beasts of the orc family haven't seen it either."

The strong men watching the battle from a distance are talking.

Behind the Eastern Saint Dynasty is the Eastern family, but behind the Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom is the Orcs. Both the Eastern Family and the Orcs are one of the most powerful forces in the Eastern Region.


At this moment, the Eastern Saint Emperor roared, and the sword in his hand pointed forward fiercely. The next moment, the 800,000 Forbidden Army of the Eastern Saint Dynasty immediately slew towards the opposite Ten Thousand Beasts battle formation like a tide.


The beast emperor of the kingdom of beasts also roared, and the mace in his hand waved forward, and the hundreds of thousands of iron-clad bulls in the lead immediately rushed towards it.

Thousand hoofs stepped on the ground, the sound rumbling, like muffled thunder roaring, suddenly a plume of smoke rose up on the ground, and the whole ground was shaking.

In the next moment, behind the armored bull, countless fireballs rose into the sky and blasted towards the Eastern Saint army.

The 800,000 soldiers raised the shields in their hands at the same time, and the divine light emerging from the shields instantly joined together, and a huge light shield enveloped all the soldiers at the same time.


The first ball of fire fell on the light shield of the human battle formation and exploded instantly, but the light shield remained motionless.

Afterwards, countless fireballs fell from the sky and enveloped the entire human battle formation, the fire blazed into the sky, and the temperature between heaven and earth soared.

Protected by a guardian mask, although the Human Race Array seemed to be caught in a sea of ​​flames, it was actually unharmed.


At this moment, a heavy impact sounded, and the first iron-clad bull that hit it slammed into the shield that was slowly advancing forward, directly blasting his head and killing him.

The front of the Terran battle formation is a thick shield with spikes on one side as high as ten feet. Each shield weighs ten thousand kilograms. Although there are wheels underneath, it requires more than a dozen soldiers to push at the same time.

These soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, but are all monks with cultivation skills.

Of course, these soldiers cannot be the immortal soldiers of the immortal **** realm, but they are not much different. You must know that this is the strongest soldier of the Eastern Saint Dynasty.

Those warlords are immortal gods, even gods, and the Eastern Saint Emperor is a quasi-sage.

At this time, the intensive impact sounded, and the iron armored bulls rushed in desperately, violently shaking the shield, and some soldiers even flew upside down by the shock.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, a shield was smashed into pieces, and an iron-clad bull that was bigger and stronger than a normal iron-clad bull rushed directly into the battlefield.


The surrounding soldiers immediately surrounded him, and the spear in his hand pierced fiercely towards the iron-clad bull.


The spear of a soldier pierced the body of the iron-clad bull, and sparks were splashed in all directions. Only a white mark was left in the piercing place, and the scales could not be broken.


The soldier was taken aback. The stabbing just now seemed like a stab on a **** iron. Not only could he not break the opponent's scales, but he was shocked with a faint pain in his hand holding the spear.


The bull slammed into it, and directly hit a dozen soldiers. The horns even directly pierced the chest of a soldier, picking the soldier in the air.

"Disperse, I'll come!"

At this time, a war commander strode out, saw him pull out the war knife from his waist, lift the knife and drop it, and the iron-clad bull who directly smashed into two halves.

At this time, the human army and the orc army collided together, and the two sides fought desperately, and countless savage beasts fell, but the human soldiers also suffered a lot of casualties.

Just when the two camps were indistinguishable, a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a person fell out of the black hole and fell directly toward the battlefield below.

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