Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4218: I will kill you first

Gu Fei slammed the Beast Emperor of the Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom with a punch, shocked the audience, everyone stopped by coincidence, and looked at the scene in the sky in shock.

"His Majesty Beast King is dead?"

An old beast stared at the figure in the sky in horror, his voice trembling.

The countless beast soldiers of the Ten Thousand Beast Nation were all panicked to the extreme. Once the Beast King dies, the outcome of this war is doomed.


The old beast roared in grief and anger, and the sound wave spread across the entire Eastern Wasteland.

The flying dragon beasts in the sky immediately turned and flew, those fire-breathing beasts, armored bulls, and other beasts all turned and fled.

The Beast Emperor is the backbone of countless beast soldiers. When the Beast Emperor dies, the countless beast soldiers are immediately chilled.

Just when the orc army was fleeing, Gu Fei took a step forward and instantly came to the front of the Eastern Holy Emperor.

The Eastern Saint Emperor is extremely nervous, but he is still strong and calm. You must know that he is the Emperor of the dynasty, so naturally he can't lose his temper in front of everyone.

"Thank you senior for helping!"

The Eastern Saint Emperor bowed his hand to Gu Fei neither humble nor arrogant.

"Stop talking nonsense, I want to know the current situation in the Eastern Region and the entire human world."

Gu Fei reached out and grabbed the head of the Eastern Saint Emperor.

"Senior you..."

The Eastern Saint Emperor was taken aback, he had already started to guard when Gu Fei came over, and when he saw Gu Fei's hand, he immediately retreated back.

This guy killed the Beast Emperor with a punch. The Beast Emperor's cultivation and combat power were comparable to his own. If he could kill the Beast Emperor, he could kill himself.

However, the Eastern Sage Emperor couldn’t escape at all. He moved, and Gu Fei’s right hand and five fingers had already buckled his Heavenly Spirit cover. He only felt that his head was tightened, and he suddenly had a headache, as if his head was about to be caught. .

"The Emperor..."

The generals under the Eastern Saint Emperor saw this scene, but they were frightened. If the Eastern Saint Emperor dies, they will probably be buried with them.

"Senior, why are you..."

An old God of War rushed over riding a golden lion, clenched the war spear in his hand, and stared at Gu Fei nervously.

Gu Fei didn't pay any attention to the old God of War. The next moment, he used his profound arts to directly read the memory of this guy's soul.

The Eastern Saint Emperor, in his eyes, is nothing more than an ant, but this guy is the emperor among the human races, and he didn't mean to kill the Eastern Saint Emperor.

"The Eastern family, the ancient Zhao family, the Vientiane City, the iron-blooded Taoist..."

The real masters in the Eastern Territory of the Human World are only those superpowers, no matter how many years have passed, they will remain the same and will basically not change.

Because these forces are deeply rooted, it is difficult to be shaken.

For thousands of years, only Gu Fei had broken the power structure of the entire Eastern Region and even the entire human world.

"The group of demons danced wildly, they all ran out."

Gu Fei sighed, the Eastern Saint Emperor is a quasi-sage, a generation of emperors, knows a lot of things, and behind the Eastern Saint Dynasty, there is actually the Eastern family.

Back then, the grievances between Gu Fei and the Eastern family were mediated by the Emperor Jiang and temporarily put aside, but now it seems that the Eastern family and the ancient Zhao family seem to be healed. The scars are forgotten to hurt!

The Vientiane City was the place of Gu Fei. Before Gu Fei left that year, he had laid down a huge territory and became the strongest power in the Eastern Region.

However, after Gu Fei left the human world, the life of the Jie Xue Taoist was not easy. At first, the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family did not dare to do anything.

However, when the ancient Jiang family was too busy to take care of itself, and the old turtle recalled Xiaoqing to the heavens, the two major forces in the Eastern Region became restless.

There is a change in the heavens, and the old turtle wants to sit in the heavens and he can't take care of him.

As a result, the wild and ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family became even more unscrupulous, and they started to eat away at Gu Fei's territory, seizing a city today and a territory tomorrow.

Over the years, the territory that Gu Fei has laid down has almost been eaten by nearly half of these two forces, but the Jagged Daoists dare not speak.

You know, without Laogui's support, how could he contend with the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family.

Of course, both the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family were still very scrupulous about Gu Fei, and if Gu Fei returned, they might not be able to eat it.

"Okay, great! Haha..."

Gu Fei let go of the Eastern Saint Emperor and laughed, terrifying waves blasted out in all directions, and the whole world was shaking.

The Eastern Saint Emperor was directly shocked by the sound waves for thousands of miles, constantly coughing up blood in his mouth, and countless soldiers were directly fainted, everyone was shocked to the extreme.

"Who is this person who actually killed the Beast Emperor of the Ten Thousand Beast Kingdom with one blow, and captured the Emperor of the Eastern Saint Dynasty with one move. Is he a saint with such a cultivation base?"

Someone exclaimed.

The combat power shown by Gu Fei is really amazing. You must know that these two powerhouses are quasi-sages, and they can easily defeat the existence of quasi-sages. What are they not?

The current human world is different from the past. Not to mention the saints, the saint kings, and even the quasi-superior have jumped out. Of course, the quasi-superior **** dragon sees the head but not the end, but people who are waiting can not see it.

It is a saint, and it is not easy to see it.

"New hatred and old hatred, then count them together."

Gu Fei rose up into the sky as he spoke, turned into a divine light, and instantly disappeared at the end of the sky.

Seeing Gu Fei leaving, the countless gods of the Eastern Saint Dynasty sighed with relief. They were afraid that this sudden powerhouse would attack them.

"Kill! Kill these wild beasts."

The East Holy God generals who had recovered from their senses excitedly yelled at their cloth. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to destroy the kingdom of beasts.

Suddenly, the army of the Eastern Saint Dynasty chased and killed the savage beast army like a tide.

The Eastern Saint Emperor looked in the direction where Gu Fei disappeared, shocked and inexplicably, in front of this person, he was inferior to the ants!

If Gu Fei wanted to kill the Eastern Saint Emperor, he wouldn't give up his power at all.

At this time, in Vientiane City, the iron-blooded Taoist was helpless. He wanted to send someone to the heaven, but finally gave up because the people he sent could not reach the heaven at all.

The Jagged Taoist knew who did it.

In fact, even if his people can go to the heavens and see Xiaoqing, they may not necessarily invite Xiaoqing.

"My Lord, how is this good?"

Zhuge Liang, who has always been resourceful and resourceful, is gone at this time.

"Promise them."

On the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion in Vientiane City, the Jagged Taoist gritted his teeth and said.

"When the master comes back, these guys will know how bad they were."

The Jagged Taoist said in a deep voice.

They have Gu Fei's mark on them. Once Gu Fei falls, they will be buried with them. Now they are still alive, Gu Fei is naturally alive too.

"Yes, these homes are ridiculous. Once the master comes back, they probably won't cry anymore." Zhuge Liang said, shaking the feather fan in his hand.

"Haha... count you guys!"

At this time, a loud laugh came from outside the hall.

The Jagged Daoist raised his head abruptly, and saw two people walk in from outside the hall with a sway.

"Zhao Jianfeng, Dongfang Junxiong, you..."

When Zhuge Liang saw the two, his expression changed, and the other Vientiane City powerhouses in the hall also changed color.

"Haha, isn't it good to have wine and good food to entertain us? If we are in a good mood, go back and help you say something nice in front of our Patriarch, you will be in a hurry."

Zhao Jianfeng of the Zhao family said with a disdain.

"Yes, hello to us, you have a lot of benefits!"

Dongfang Junxiong followed.

"you guys……"

The Jagged Daoist was shocked and angry, very unwilling.

However, he couldn't help these two people. You know, these two guys are messengers sent by the Eastern Family and the Wild Ancient Zhao Family. If you kill these two guys, it's equivalent to going to war against the two forces!

The Jagged Taoist can only swallow his breath.

"Who dares to come here to be wild!"

At this moment, a voice came in from outside the hall.

Hearing this voice, Jie Xue Dao Ren and Zhu Ge Liang both showed incredible expressions, and finally they were extremely excited.

Jie Xue Dao Ren and Zhu Ge Liang looked towards the gate of the main hall, only to see a young man in black walking in step by step from outside.


Seeing this boy in black, Jie Xue Dao Ren and Zhu Ge Liang were shocked and inexplicable.

This person is Gu Fei.

Gu Fei's appearance is younger than before, and he is getting younger and younger.

"Who are you, dare to be presumptuous in front of me, so you are not afraid of death?" Dongfang Junxiong shouted at Gu Fei, he didn't put this little guy in his eyes at all.

"Huh, why do you talk so much, kill!"

Zhao Jianfeng snorted and stretched out his hand, and directly grabbed at Gu Fei.


Gu Fei smiled.

Jie Xue Dao Ren and Zhu Ge Liang also laughed.

"This guy does not live or die!"

In the eyes of Jagged Taoist and others, Zhao Jianfeng and Dongfang Junxiong are really silly and cute.

Gu Fei directly slapped it out.


With a loud slap in the face, Zhao Jianfeng's whole person was directly flew aside by Gu Fei, hitting the pillar directly, and almost breaking the pillar.

Zhao Jianfeng fell to the ground and directly spit out a mouthful of blood. Among the blood, there were more than a dozen teeth. The next moment, his left face was swollen high.


When Dongfang Junxiong saw this, the shock was really extraordinary. When Gu Fei looked at him, he involuntarily took a step back.

"The master has finally returned."

Jie Xue Dao Ren and Zhu Ge Liang were extremely excited at this time.

"How dare you hit the Zhao family?"

Dongfang Junxiong's voice was trembling.

"What about it? I even hit you."

Gu Fei said with a wave of his right hand, another loud slap in the face, Dongfang Junxiong, the messenger of the Eastern family, also flew away, confusing.

"You just wait to be destroyed!"

At this moment, Zhao Jianfeng stood up from the ground staggeringly, staring at Gu Fei viciously, and said bitterly.

"And you, Vientiane City, are going to be wiped from this ground." Zhao Jianfeng said coldly as he swept the iron-blooded Taoist.

"Huh! Want to kill me? I'll kill you first."

Gu Fei said with a palm, but Zhao Jianfeng couldn't even make a scream.

Everyone in the hall was stunned to witness this scene.

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