Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4220: A masterpiece

"See the master!"

The Jagged Taoist stood up directly, then bowed down to Gu Fei.

"See the master!"

All the high-levels of Vientiane City on the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion all bowed down to Gu Fei.

"This this this..."

Upon seeing this, the infinite saint was dumbfounded and looked at Gu Fei in horror. This black-clothed boy was actually the legendary Gu Fei who stepped on the Devil Ancestor and fisted to kill the Jedi Lord?

Gu Fei flattened the Eastern Demon Cavern, which was a great achievement for the human race. He fought the Tianxu again, killed the Jedi Lord, reopened the heavenly gate, and let the broken heavenly road reappear.

This was a major event with far-reaching impact on both the heaven and the human world. Gu Fei used his own power to change the pattern of the heaven and the human world.

Gu Fei's deeds have long been spread throughout the world and heaven.

However, even if he has made great contributions to the human race, there are still countless human race powerhouses who want his life. Gu Fei has many friends and many enemies.

Whether it is the Eastern aristocratic family, or the ancient Zhao family, or the progenitor of the Eastern Heavenly Tribulation, and of course, the demons, these are Gu Fei's great enemies.

They didn't dare to trouble Gu Fei, but they dared to trouble his daughter Gu Ling, as well as his subordinate Jagged Taoist.

In fact, with Gu Fei's strength, he has established powers in various big worlds. If these powers are integrated, who else is his opponent in the world?

The Desolate Realm, the Ancestral God Realm, and the Ancestral Realm all have his influence.

There are old tortoises in the heavens and Jagged Taoists in the earth.

"Well, Jagged, you are very good."

Gu Fei looked at the iron-blooded Taoist who was kneeling on the ground. This guy has actually cultivated to the realm of the Great Sage. It seems that he has not been idle for these years!

The Iron-Blooded Great Sage, that is the number one powerhouse in Vientiane City, but Zhuge Liang is a bit close, only the realm of the Saint Emperor Dacheng, but this is also very good.

There is an iron-blooded saint sitting in the Vientiane City, and this Vientiane City has a killing array under Gu Fei's cloth, even if the Quasi-Supreme strikes, it can't break this city.

In the human world, the power of the supreme class cannot appear, the power of heavenly punishment suppresses the supreme power, and no supreme dared to appear in the world.


The voice of Infinite Sage was trembling.

"Presumptuous, don't you kneel down?"

The Jagged Great Sage angered at the Infinite Sage.

"Yes, yes... see master..."

The Infinite Sage hurriedly bowed down to Gu Fei.

"Get up all!"

Gu Fei waved his hand, and then walked straight to the throne in the middle of the hall. When he came to the throne, he sat down without hesitation.

At this time, a roar came from the ancestral land of the Zhao family of the ancient family.

"Iron-blooded Taoist dare to kill my person, it's really damn!"

In the depths of Zhao's family, a young man in white walked out.


The young man in white jumped directly into the sky and disappeared into the whole world in an instant.

At the same time, a person came out from the ancestral land of the Eastern family. This person was a saint in the Eastern world, extremely powerful.


The sage of the Eastern family took a step forward and disappeared into the void in an instant.

"Iron-blooded Taoist, come out and die!"

Outside Vientiane City, the white-clothed youth of the Zhao family is calling for battle.

"Zhao Xiu, come in if you have the ability."

On the head of the city, the iron-blooded Taoist said to the opposite white-clothed youth Zhao Xiu, with a strong disdain in his tone.


Zhao Xiu was furious, but he did not dare to attack Vientiane City rashly, because the entire Vientiane City was a huge formation.

"Haha, why, don't you dare?"

On the head of the city, the Jagged Taoist laughed.

This Zhao Xiu is also the Great Sage, but Gu Fei became famous much earlier than Zhao Xiu.


Zhao Xiu was angry, and immediately used the Taoist tools, only to see a divine light rushing out of his Tianling cover, a divine sword wrapped in the divine light.


The magic sword pierced through the air, and the blade's light rushed for thousands of feet, as if a knife could split the whole world in half.


Seeing Zhao Xiu's powerful move, the monks in Vientiane City were all shocked and inexplicably shocked. This Zhao Xiu is indeed well-deserved!

Zhao Xiu is the most outstanding descendant of the ancient Zhao family. Together with the goddess of the Zhao family, he becomes the heir of the next generation of the Patriarch of the ancient Zhao family.

Of course, there is only one Patriarch, and whoever can win, the Patriarch belongs to him.

Zhao Xiu's name is not as loud as the Zhao family goddess.

However, his cultivation base is comparable to that of the Zhao Family Goddess. If you really want to divide the birth and death, you must fight the world.


The sky and the earth are shaking, and the incomparably powerful force fluctuates violently between the sky and the earth.


The brilliant light of the knife fell directly on the sky above the Vientiane City. The next moment, a layer of divine light suddenly appeared in the sky above the Vientiane City, and this layer of divine light directly blocked the knife light.


When Zhao Xiu saw it, he couldn't help frowning. The great defense formation of Vientiane City was really different. I heard that it was made by Gu Fei, and it seemed to be true.

That Gu Fei is a generation of strong men, fighting ten directions, sweeping the world, even in the heavens, no one is its opponent, and even defeated the Jedi.

This kind of cultivation base, this kind of combat power, this kind of record, throughout the ages, I am afraid that no one can surpass.

The masters of those ancient Jedi are not easy to mess with.

Zhao Xiu stretched out his right hand, and the bright knife light flew back to him immediately, and one was held in his hand, the light dissipated, and a black knife appeared in his hand.

"Peerless knife?"

On the head of the city, the iron-blooded Taoist saw the underworld in Zhao Xiu's hands, and couldn't help his heart beating. This knife was very famous, but it was a famous Taoist tool of the ancient Zhao family, named Peerless, Peerless.

This is a Quasi-Supreme Taoist tool, which can deliver a full-strength blow from the Quasi-Supreme, but with Zhao Xiu's cultivation base and combat power, it is impossible for this peerless sword to exert its power to its extreme.

"Come again!"

Zhao Xiu held the knife in both hands and slashed it out again. This time, the light of the knife illuminated the whole world, ten times brighter than before, and everyone in the photo couldn't open their eyes.


Even Jagged Daoist felt pain in his eyes, which shocked him.

The power of this peerless sword is really terrifying, can it be comparable to your own Phoenix Tribulation?

However, even if Zhao Xiu's knife could cut down the stars in the sky and split the sacred mountain, it would still not be able to break through the great defense formation of Vientiane City.

A layer of sacred light enveloped the entire Vientiane City, blocking the peerless knife light outside, and countless array patterns were interwoven on the sacred light, thinking of an ancient Taoist picture.

Although Gu Fei was not the master of the formation, but the big formation he laid down was not something anyone could break.

"Good. Haha, great!"

Zhao Xiu retracted the magic sword and suddenly burst into laughter. Such a powerful guardian formation is just right to try out her newly cultivated magical powers!

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