Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4222: Zhao's anger

In the human world, the inheritance of the Four Swire Emperors is the Zhao Family in the Eastern Region, Zhou Family in the Southern Region, Li Family in the Western Region, and Jiang Family in the Northern Region.

Jiang Family, because of the presence of Emperor Jiang, that Emperor Jiang used his own power to frighten the Northern Demon Realm, so that countless demon heads did not dare to cross the thunder pond.

The place where the Zhao Family Ancestral Land of the Eastern Region is located is a place of ascending dragons. There is an eternal dragon's nest, which once gave birth to the nine-day real dragon. This kind of peerless treasure is hard to find in the world.

Only these cultivating families, who have passed on endless years and possess incomparably deep background, can possess this kind of precious land. If they were changed to others, they would not be able to hold this precious land.

On this day, there was a roar from the Zhaojiazu land, and the whole Zhaojiazu land shook.

"What crazy!"

An old man got out of a cave and yelled at him.

"Zhao Xiu is dead!"

In the depths of the ancestral land, an old voice came out.


Hearing the words, the old man was startled, then furious.

"Zhao Xiu is dead?"

The old man almost went crazy.

At this moment, a figure walked out from the depths of Zhao's family ancestors, and saw this man fluttering in white, white hair and white eyebrows, and white all over his body. I saw him walking step by step from the void, immortal style.

"Zhao Yuan, how did you know that Zhao Xiu was dead?"

The old man yelled at the man.

"This is his fate!"

Zhao Yuan in white directly threw the fragments in his hands to the bad old man.


The bad old man caught a few pieces of debris, looked down, and the next moment, he looked up to the sky and screamed, and the terrifying power fluctuations spread from his body, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Enough, step back!"

A majestic voice came from the deepest part of Zhao's ancestral land.

"Yes, ancestors..."

The shocking weather on the two elders immediately retreated like a tide, and then quickly bowed and saluted in the direction of the sound, very respectful.

The two old men looked at each other, and then they walked away cautiously.

"Why are the two ancestors so angry?"

"It shocked Yuanzu..."

Everyone in the Zhao family's ancestral land was shocked, and even some of the older generation of strong men who had been in seclusion for hundreds of years also came out.

Soon everyone knew what had happened.

"Zhao Xiu died in Vientiane City?"

The Zhao family shook up and down. You must know that Zhao Xiu is the great saint, one of the most outstanding figures among the young generations of the Zhao family. Among the young generations of the Zhao family, only the goddess of the Zhao family can compare with him.

Zhao Xiu's death is definitely a great loss for the Zhao family.

The reason why the ancient Zhao family has an uninterrupted inheritance and has always stood in the Eastern Region is because each generation of the Zhao family has peerless powerful men who lead the Zhao family to compete with other forces.

Of course, Zhao Xiu is dead, and the Zhao family still has a goddess.

However, the Zhao family's anger is to be poured out by blood.

Whose blood? Naturally Jagged Taoist, Zhuge Liang, and their subordinates.

Zhao Tiangang, the current Patriarch of the ancient Zhao family, the previous generation Patriarch, has fallen from power and has been sent to a remote place to guard the mines. The Zhao family has many Lingjing mines.

I have to say that this Zhao Tiangang really has some ability, otherwise it is impossible to bring down the previous generation of Patriarch.

A big family like the Huanggu Zhao family has fierce internal struggles. The Zhao family has become several factions, and they are the head of the family. These factions are constantly fighting.

Of course, with the original ancestor of the Zhao family in charge of the Zhao family, these factions of the Zhao family can't overcome any trouble.

As long as there is no dead person, the original ancestor of the Zhao family will allow these major factions to fight with each other, and he is too lazy to manage, who is the head of the family, to him is of little significance.

The two ancestors of the Zhao family went straight out of the Zhao family ancestral land and went straight to Vientiane City.

Soon after the two great ancestors of the Zhao family left the land of Zhao’s family ancestors, an army of gods rushed out of the land of Zhao’s family ancestors. This army of gods was wearing black armor and holding a war spear. Like the cloud, it rushed towards Vientiane City.

A powerful killing and cutting aura spread out from the battle formation composed of this divine army, and wherever they passed, countless creatures were panicked to the extreme.

"That is the black dragon army of the Zhao family, what happened, the Zhao family actually dispatched the black dragon army."

When someone saw the Zhao family's army flying through the sky, some older monks suddenly exclaimed.

The black dragon army of the ancient Zhao family is the most elite army of the Zhao family. After hundreds of battles, it has opened up territory for the ancient Zhao family and laid a huge territory.

"That direction...Is the Huanggu Zhao family going to take action on Vientiane City?"

On a mountain peak, three or five people gathered. Someone looked up at the sky and exclaimed.

"Vientiane City? The iron-blooded Taoist is just a great sage, but there are several holy ancestors in the Huanggu Zhao family."

Someone said.

"Cut, the Zhao family has not only the holy ancestor, but also the mysterious and unpredictable Zhao family ancestor."

A monk of the older generation said.

"Once upon a time? Who is that?"

The knowledge of the younger generation of monks is naturally not as good as the older generation of monks.

"I'm ignorant! Haha!"

The older monk laughed.

"Senior, please enlighten me!"

The younger monks want to know more.

However, the elder monk laughed and said nothing, and stopped talking.

"Although the iron-blooded Taoist is just a great sage, the backer behind him is very big!"

The elder monk said that he drove away and disappeared into the mountains.

"The backer of the Jagged Taoist?"

The younger monks were shocked.

"Does the Jagged Taoist have any backing?"

Some people are disdainful.

"Iron-blooded Daoist is only a mere saint, not even the saint, but he can hold Vientiane City. This is unusual!"

A young man in white said lightly.


The other young monks were silent.

At this time, the city lord’s mansion was full of joy, and the iron-blooded Taoist man of the city lord held a feast in the city lord’s mansion to receive the dust for Gu Fei’s return.

In Vientiane City, there are strong people from all sides. These are all iron-blooded Taoists who are distributed under the hands of all parties. They are all strong from one side, and they have the cultivation base of the Holy King, and even the Holy Emperor.

Two of them are even half-step great saints.

Also, only those who are strong in the saint path with a cultivation level above the saint king can sit on the side.

Although Gu Fei had left, there was Xiaoqing covering it afterwards, and the life of the Iron-Blooded Taoist was not very sad. He was also full of talents.

However, when Xiaoqing left, his life was not easy.

The Jie Xue Taoists originally had eighteen holy kings, nine holy emperors, and three half-step great holy ones.

However, when Xiaoqing went to the heavens and did not return for nearly 300 years, the Jie Xue Daoist’s subordinates have left a lot. There are only eleven of the Eighteen Saint Kings, while the Saint King has only four, half a step. The two great sages.

However, even so, the power of the Jagged Daoist is still very strong, except for the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family, the entire Eastern Region is the strongest.

"Haha... the master is back now, so the ancient Zhao family, the Eastern family, must stand aside."

Zhuge Liang's laughter came from the city lord's mansion.

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