Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4225: Shocked the world

The two sages of the Zhao family were killed, and the whole city of Vientiane was shaken.

The countless monks in the city were panicked to the extreme. If it hadn't been for the great defense formation to isolate the Lord's pressure, those with weak cultivation base would have exploded and died.

The pressure of the Sovereign Class is extremely powerful, and a single strand of force can suppress the world and the void, and all spirits bow their heads.

This is the Lord.

The lofty saint, overlooking the world, snapped his fingers to smash the stars, swallowed the sun and the moon with his mouth open, is the most powerful existence under the quasi supreme.

The Zhao family immediately dispatched two sages. It can be seen that the Zhao family is really going to destroy Vientiane City. Zhao Xiu's death really made the Zhao family go out and out of anger.

It is the Zhao family power that Zhao Xiu belongs to, and even the most outstanding descendant who has lost the fight for the position of Patriarch, is also their relative.

The old man Zhao Zhuo is actually Zhao Xiu's ancestor, and Zhao Xiu is the most outstanding child in his line.


At this time, Zhao Zhuo let out an unwilling roar, and fell directly like a meteorite toward a forest outside Vientiane City.


There was a loud noise, the dust rushed into the sky, and the entire forest was directly covered by the dust. A figure rushed out from the dust, and he was surrounded by electric lights. Every electric head gave out a terrifying aura of destruction. They are all like ancestral dragons, with teeth and claws.


When Gu Fei saw this scene, he couldn't help being a little surprised. This guy was practicing Thunder Dao technique, and the power of thunder and lightning turned into a dragon shape. Could it be the technique of the Thunder Dragon clan?

Thunder Dragon is a kind of ancient beast, a kind of dragon.

The dragons give birth to nine sons, each of which is different. Therefore, the dragon clan is divided into several categories.

Thunder Dragon, legend is a creature bred from the chaotic thunder and lightning, extremely powerful, can hunt and kill the beasts and feed on the beasts.


Zhao Zhuo, with disheveled hair, was covered in blood, and roared towards Gu Fei.


Countless thunderballs rushed directly from Zhao Zhuo's body, and blasted towards Gu Fei overwhelmingly. In the void, every inch of void was filled with a terrifying aura of destruction.

This is even more terrifying than the punishment of heaven, where the thunderball passes, shatters the void and destroys everything.

However, the next scene stunned everyone.

Gu Fei opened his mouth and inhaled, and the sky-destroying thunderballs all flew towards him, and he swallowed them all in one bite, even the slightest lightning in the void was swallowed by him.


"how is this possible……"

Everyone couldn't believe it, that Zhao Zhuo was the holy ancestor of the ancient Zhao family. With the full blow of this ancestor-level old monster, Gu Fei could have resolved it so easily?

It is crazy to swallow thunder and lightning.

Everyone looked at Gu Fei stupidly, only to see a layer of electric light appeared on his body surface, but this layer of electric light soon disappeared in his body.


When Zhao Zhuo saw this scene, his eyes almost fell off. No one knows the power of his move better than him. Even a sage who has the same cultivation level as him can't swallow his own thunderball in one bite. .

"Well, not bad..."

Gu Fei hiccuped.


Zhao Zhuo was frightened and angry, he was Lei Zun from the ancient Zhao family.

In fact, in the Eastern Region, those older generations of powerhouses called this Lei Zun the Zhao lunatic behind their backs. This guy is crazy and insane on weekdays. It is Zhao Tiangang, the contemporary Patriarch of the Zhao family, who has to retreat.


This madman Zhao looked up to the sky and roared like a pinnacle. Although he knew that the other party was Gu Fei, it would be impossible for him to exterminate himself. What about Gu Fei, Laozi wanted to fight him.

The violent thunder power burst out from his body, and endless electric light bloomed on his body, instantly turning into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Gu Fei smiled, and then punched it directly. It looked like an ordinary punch, but it had the power to turn decay into magic.

At the moment his fist was punched, all the lightning and lightning around Crazy Zhao disappeared, and disappeared directly. The next moment Crazy Zhao sounded a dull crash.

The clothes on Crazy Zhao's back shattered instantly, and a fist print protruded on his back.

This is a type of boxing created by Gu Fei by gathering the masters of various schools. This type of boxing is naturally difficult to exert its true power with Gu Fei's current cultivation base.

However, Gu Fei's punch was not something anyone could stop.

"Damn, I'm unwilling!"

Crazy Zhao's figure paused, and in the next moment, countless cracks appeared on his body. Then, the whole person broke apart, and even the soul of the soul was shattered into bits of the soul of the soul and dissipated in the void. in.

A generation of saints was beaten to death by Gu Fei's seemingly random punch.


Zhao Yuan, another sage of the Zhao family, was directly stunned by this scene. This Gu Fei was indeed well-deserved. He punched a sage to death, that was the sage.

The saints also exist sideways in the entire human world. You must know that there are not many quasi-sacreds in the entire human world.

Zhao Yuan turned around and fled.

However, Gu Fei took a step, and immediately caught up with Zhao Yuan, also punching out.

Without any suspense, Zhao Yuan screamed, and was directly blasted by Gu Fei's punch into a cloud of blood mist, dissipated in the void, and disappeared directly.

At this time, a black cloud appeared in the sky, and the black cloud flew towards the Vientiane City, and soon came to the vicinity of the Vientiane City.

"this is……"

I saw that there were countless figures looming above the black clouds. On the black clouds, the banners fluttered, the beasts roared, and the head of the gods was wearing a black iron armor, holding a war spear, and riding a head under his hip. Jiaolong.

This member of the warlord is extremely powerful, and his murderous aura is shocking.

"That is the Black Dragon Army of the Zhao family."

Someone exclaimed.

"Unexpectedly, the Zhao family dispatched the Black Dragon Army."

The Jagged Taoist said somewhat unexpectedly.

"It seems that the Zhao family is determined to destroy us!"

Zhuge Liang's face was extremely solemn.

The Black Dragon Army of the Huanggu Zhao family is the most elite army of the Huanggu Zhao family. It once fought **** battles and laid a big territory for the Huanggu Zhao family.

"Iron-blooded Taoist, come out and die?"

The **** roared, his voice spread far away.

"I'm out, what can you do to me?"

The Jagged Taoist rushed over and came to the black cloud.


The **** general directly waved his hand, and countless soldiers dispersed and formed a killing formation. The moment the killing formation was just laid, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun and the moon were dark.

The terrifying aura of killing and killing made all beings panicked to the extreme.


A hundred thousand black dragon soldiers roared at the same time, murderous intent from the sky, a powerful force that was extremely powerful was rapidly gathering.

In the next moment, the Jagged Daoist realized that the surrounding area was completely dark, as if he had entered a world without light all at once.


Just as countless magical soldiers were unsheathed, in the surrounding darkness, there were countless weapons, swords, spears, swords and halberds, and each weapon showed terrifying power fluctuations.

Then, countless weapons bombarded the Jagged Daoist.


The Jie Xue Taoist was taken aback, he didn't even think about it, so he used Phoenix Tribulation directly.

A phoenix sounded, and a divine phoenix rushed out of him, protecting him instantly.

The countless weapons that had been hacked and slashed all became invisible in an instant after touching the divine fire spreading from the Divine Phoenix body.


The next moment, the endless sacred fire burst out, and instantly swallowed the Jagged Taoist.


Everyone was shocked to see this scene.


A sneer came from the sea of ​​flames, and then, a figure broke open and rushed out.

The Jagged Daoist seemed to transform into a phoenix, and went directly to culling the warlord.

However, the next moment, the warlord disappeared in an instant, and what the Jagged Taoist saw was still darkness around him.

"Magic Array?"

Jie Xue Dao Ren was taken aback.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, Gu Fei's voice sounded.

Then, the Jagged Taoist felt a pain in his back, and a war spear pierced his body directly, nailing him into the void.

"act recklessly!"

Gu Fei's voice sounded again, and the next moment the iron-blooded Taoist fell from the sky, and the surrounding light suddenly turned bright.

When the iron-blooded Taoist looked around, he was immediately shocked, and he saw that there were corpses all around, and broken weapons scattered around, the whole **** hell.

"You can't die!"

Gu Fei's voice reached the Jagged Taoist ears.

The Jie Xue Daoist quickly looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw that not far away, Gu Fei stepped on the dragon, majestic and majestic, looking towards him.

He was only stabbed by someone, and the wounds of the Eucharist were not serious at all.

"Thank you for your help, Master."

The Jagged Taoist said quickly.

It turned out that when the Jagged Daoist was trapped by the killing formation, Gu Fei made a move. With a thunderous blow, he directly broke the killing formation. Even the warlord was killed by a punch by him, and the warlord was stomped to death. The old Jiao on his mount.

The entire army of the ancient Zhao family was destroyed, and a hundred thousand black dragon army was destroyed.

The news came back to the Zhao family's ancestral land, and the Zhao family shook up and down.

However, compared to the destruction of the entire Black Dragon Army, another news shocked the Huanggu Zhao family to the extreme.

"Gu Fei is back? How could this be..."

The face of Zhao Tiangang, the owner of the Zhao family, was ugly.

"Then Gu Fei dare to destroy my Black Dragon Army. My Zhao family will never die with him."

A young man in Jinyi standing next to Zhao Tiangang roared in the hall of the ancestral hall of the Zhao family.


Zhao Tiangang's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he took the young man in Jinyi away with a palm, and the teeth on half of his face were removed.

The others in the hall were also shocked and inexplicable.

"Father, why are you hitting me?"

The boy was extremely wronged.

"If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you."

Zhao Tiangang stared at the young man and roared.

The boy shrank his neck and dared not speak anymore.

"Gu Fei returned unexpectedly."

The news spread, shocking the world.

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