Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4227: The emperor visits

Over the city of Vientiane, a golden eagle suddenly appeared, and the wings of the golden eagle stretched out to cover the entire sky.

On top of the golden eagle stood a man, a woman in purple.

"That is……"

The countless monks in the city were shocked and inexplicable, you know, Gu Fei is back, who would dare to be so arrogant, riding a golden eagle directly into Vientiane City.

Under a big tree in the backyard of the City Lord’s Mansion in Vientiane City, Gu Fei suddenly looked up to the sky.

At this time, the purple-clothed woman standing on the golden eagle also seemed to feel the existence of Gu Fei, and flew directly towards the city lord's mansion, and then fell towards the city lord's mansion.

No one stopped, neither Jie Xue Dao Ren nor Zhuge Liang came forward.


The golden eagle carried the purple-clothed woman directly to the backyard of the city lord's mansion, and the purple-clothed woman jumped off the golden eagle's back and landed on the opposite side of Gu Fei.

"The emperor of the Qin clan?"

Gu Fei could see the truth and futility of this purple-clothed woman at a glance. You must know that the bloodline can't deceive people. The breath radiating from the purple-clothed woman's body is unique.

This breath is comparable to the breath of the old turtle.

The bloodline of the Xeon is naturally the unique mark of the Xeon, and the mark of the Emperor is very obvious on the body of the old tortoise.

The great emperor of the Qin clan, who is at the same level as the emperor, can compete with the supreme and stand shoulder to shoulder with the emperor.

"Qin Yao?"

There is only one emperor of the Qin clan.

"Unexpectedly Brother Gu knew me."

Qin Yao was very happy. At this time, the golden eagle in the sky was rapidly shrinking, and it flew directly onto her shoulder.

"The emperor of the Qin clan, you can't even know it!" Gu Fei said calmly.

"I don't know if the emperor is coming, I have missed it."

At this time, a person walked in from outside, this person was Zhuge Liang.

"Why did the emperor come here?"

Zhuge Liang continued.

"Brother Gu is going to set foot on the ancient human race road?"

Qin Yao glanced at Zhuge Liang and said.

"how do you know?"

Gu Fei frowned. Except for Zhuge Liang and the iron-blooded Taoists, no one knew his purpose of returning to the human world. Could the news leak out so quickly?

Qin Yao smiled, and then stretched out her right hand, and a ball of flame immediately emerged from her palm. In the flame, a young girl knelt on one knee, her body stained with blood, and the other side of the girl was a huge figure.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw it, he was immediately moved.

The girl who appeared in the fire was Gu Ling. Depending on the situation, she was fighting a powerful creature, and the battle situation was not optimistic.


When Zhuge Liang saw the figure in the flames, he was shocked and inexplicably shocked. It was Young Master Gu Ling. Young Master Gu Ling was in danger?

"How did you get this image?"

Gu Fei's voice became cold.

"This is a letter fire, I accidentally cut it off."

As soon as Qin Yao closed her right hand, the flame in her hand disappeared.

"When was it?"

Gu Fei's face became colder.

"Three days ago."

Qin Yao didn't talk nonsense.

"Three days ago..."

Gu Fei groaned. The letter fire was sent three days ago. After three days have passed, how is Ling'er?

What he can confirm now is that Ling'er is still alive and not dead.

Gu Fei had left behind before Gu Ling and the others set foot on the ancient human road. If Gu Ling and the others had fallen, he would know for the first time.

"Zuge Liang, you go to prepare immediately, I want to directly eliminate the Heavenly Demon Valley."

Gu Fei didn't want to wait anymore.

"Yes, Lord!"

Zhuge Liang quickly took the order and left.

"You want to destroy the Heavenly Demon Valley?"

Qin Yao couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this. The Demon Valley is not simple. There is the support of the Northern Demon Territory behind it, and the ancient Zhao family and the Eastern family are very scrupulous about it.

"Any questions?"

Gu Fei looked at Qin Yao and said calmly.

" problem!"

Qin Yao said that Gu Fei was going to flatten the Heavenly Demon Valley. This was a major event. She had long heard that the Eastern Demon Cave was flattened by Gu Fei.

Even the Tianxu Jedi was destroyed by Gu Fei.

This time, as soon as he returned, he was going to use the Heavenly Demon Valley. If the news spreads, the world will be shocked.

"Do you know where Ling'er is?"

Gu Fei tentatively asked.

"I don't know, but I know who the guy who fought with your daughter is."

Qin Yao thought for a while and said.

"Huh? Who is it!"

Gu Fei asked, it was really **** daring to shoot his daughter.

"Original ancestors, a family of heaven and humans."

Qin Yao said directly.

"Primitive Ancestor?"

Gu Fei couldn't help feeling a little moved when he heard this, but Ling'er managed to get to the original ancestor? That is one of the five great ancestor stars in the world, and here is just the ancestor of Tamron.

Among the five great ancestors in the world, the most mysterious ancestor is the original ancestor.

"Is it a clan of heaven and human? I hope Ling'er is fine, otherwise, this clan doesn't need to exist in the world."

When Gu Fei was speaking, a cold murderous aura spread from his body.


Qin Yao felt the murderous aura on Gu Fei's body, and couldn't help but be moved. She seemed to see a terrifying **** from Gu Fei's body.

"Destroy the Heavenly Demon Valley first, then step on the ancient human race road!"

Gu Fei stood up, then took a step forward, and suddenly disappeared into the void.

"Let's go see the excitement too."

Qin Yao flew up as she spoke, and the golden eagle on her shoulder rose to the sky, instantly becoming bigger, and a purple figure fell directly on the golden eagle.


The golden eagle flapped its wings and turned into a golden light, and it disappeared instantly.

At this time, the entire Vientiane City moved, countless soldiers rushed out, gathered in the square in front of the City Lord's Mansion, and powerful figures rushed out from the City Lord's Mansion.

"Today, the master will take us to destroy the Heavenly Demon Valley, can you dare to fight the Heavenly Demon Valley?" The voice of the iron-blooded Taoist reached the ears of every soldier present and spread throughout the city.




Countless soldiers raised their arms and roared, and the sound spread far away. Every soldier was full of enthusiasm. They had been too suffocated these years. Today, it is finally time for them to exhale and raise their eyebrows.

"Then fight!"

The Jagged Taoist roared, and all the saints behind him were also extremely excited.

Isn't it easy to destroy the Heavenly Demon Valley with the master's action?

The Eastern Demon Caverns back then were many times stronger than the current Heavenly Demon Valley.

However, they didn't know that Gu Fei was not the Gu Fei he used to be, but it was not a problem to destroy the Heavenly Demon Valley.

When the army of Vientiane City was on the move, Gu Fei had already arrived on a mountain outside the Valley of the Devil.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Gu Fei looked towards the Heavenly Demon Valley, and saw that the entire valley in front of him was shrouded in demon energy, the demon energy was rolling, and he did not know how many demon heads were hidden inside.

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