Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4241: Send you on the road

"Human sword is one, ten kills are invincible!"

Mo Tianyi tried his best, and immediately displayed his strongest sword, ten strokes of swordsmanship, and an unprecedentedly powerful kendo force appeared in the world.

At this time, Mo Tianyi's figure had disappeared. There was only a sword light between the heaven and the earth, a sword light that was almost immortal, and the terrifying kendo power made the heaven and the earth pale.

"Undefeated Nothingness!"

The White-haired Beast Venerable was also fierce, and he disappeared into the void in an instant, disappearing.

Mo Tianyi was taken aback, but his kendo power was pervasive, and the sword intent was vast, and the white-haired beast venerable suddenly disappeared.

"Go to death for me!"

Mo Tianyi roared, and the terrifying sword light strangled directly towards the white-haired beast. Wherever the sword light passed, a dark space crack was left in the void.


The white-haired beastmaster's sneer came from the void.

Then, the two forces collided together instantly, and the sword light that Mo Tianyi had transformed directly broke through the void domain of the White-haired Beast Venerable.

However, Mo Tianyi's power was rapidly losing, and the immortal sword light quickly dimmed, which made him pale in shock.

In the end, the sword light that Mo Tianyi had turned to a halt, unable to truly break through the void domain of the White-haired Beast Venerable with a single sword.

However, the nihility realm that the white-haired beast sovereign claims to be able to dissipate all magical powers can hardly completely dispel the sword light that Mo Tianyi has transformed.

The two powerhouses are still half a catty, and it is difficult for anyone to completely overwhelm anyone.


The whole world was shaking, and the power of this peerless supernatural power was too amazing. The countless powerhouses around watching the battle all retreated far away in horror.

This is a quasi-extreme battle, if it is affected, it will definitely be the end of the battle.

If it hadn't been for the formation of Nantian City, I would have never known how many times it was destroyed.

The coercion from the quasi-superior level powerhouse is peerlessly powerful, and countless alien beasts have retreated far away, not daring to be close.

In this way, the human race in Nantian City has a chance to breathe.


Just when the two powerhouses were at a standstill, the void domain of the White-haired Beast Venerable exploded, and the sword light that Mo Tianyi had transformed also instantly collapsed.

The terrifying power came out in all directions, the void was directly annihilated, and a huge black hole appeared above Nantian City.

This is absolutely a shocking scene, even if you are thousands of miles away, you can see the vision that appears above Nantian City.


Everyone in Nantian City looked up to the sky, shocked to the extreme.

"These two guys..."

Gu Fei was fighting with the two half ancestors of the celestial and human clan. When he saw the black hole that appeared in the sky, he couldn't help frowning. The emptiness of the earth and the earth is far weaker than the ancestors!

The human world is a perfect world, but after a great war that year, the human world was almost blown up. Since then, the world is lacking, and it is difficult to make the Supreme.

No matter how defying the existence is, it is impossible to achieve the Supreme Dao Fruit in the human world.

Cultivation to the quasi supreme is already at the end.

If you want to take the most dignified step, you need to go to the heavens, or other perfect worlds.

Now that the supreme is not out, the quasi supreme is invincible.

Both Mo Tianyi and Tianwai Beast Sovereign are quasi-supreme, both claim to be invincible, but who can be truly invincible is known only after a battle.

At this time, the two figures flew upside down for hundreds of thousands of miles, and Mo Tianyi was covered in blood stains, and bones even flowed out in some places, and the Eucharist was hit hard.

The white-haired beastmaster was also uncomfortable, and was almost beaten back to his original form. Even though he still kept his human form, his head showed two black horns.

"Is this a rhythm that hurts both sides?"

The older generation of strong men looked at them in shock.

At this time, in the square of Nantian City, Gu Fei appeared like a phantom around the two half-ancestors of Yinfeng and Lengdian, leaving behind afterimages.

"This guy……"

At this time, the two half ancestors, Yinfeng and Lengdian, knew that Gu Fei was great.

"What is the master doing?"

Zhao Hao is puzzled. With the master's cultivation level, killing these two guys is not easy?

"Father is playing."

Gu Ling smiled.

"Are these two old guys the master's opponent?"

Meng Long said, in his mind, Gu Fei is invincible.

"Okay, stop playing."

Gu Fei grinned suddenly, and in the next moment, he directly hit the almost invincible punching technique that had not yet been completed, the eternal punch.


Gu Fei hit Yinfeng's right eye with a punch, and directly smashed this guy out.


Half Ancestor of Cold Electricity was killed, and Gu Fei was overwhelmed by countless destruction electric lights in an instant.

Gu Fei opened his mouth and inhaled, the sky of destruction electric light gathered frantically towards his mouth, and was swallowed directly by him, only to see a faint electric light appearing on his body.


The cold power half-zu was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

At this moment, a fist was in, and the pupil of Leng Dian's half-ancestor quickly enlarged.



Gu Fei's fist hit the bridge of Leng Dian's half-ancestor's nose fiercely, and directly smashed the guy's nose, causing a long nosebleed and extremely embarrassed.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. The two half-ancestors, Yinfeng and Colddian, were well-known strong men. Together, they couldn't beat the boy in black.

Everyone was curious and wanted to know the origin of Gu Fei.

"It's him?"

Someone looked at Gu Fei in shock. It was an old man, a strong man from Tenglong Ancestral Star.


The two half-ancestors, Yinfeng and Lengdian, were completely angered by Gu Fei and attacked and killed him like a frenzy.

However, Gu Fei's fist seemed to have some incredible power, and every time he punched it, he could directly hit the two guys.

Soon, the two and a half ancestors of the Celestial Clan were directly smashed into pigs by Gu Fei's fists.


Yinfeng Banzu was shocked, angry and anxious, and he spouted a mouthful of blood.

When they are so embarrassed on weekdays? Moreover, it is still in the public. It is believed that soon, the news that the two and a half ancestors of the heaven and human race were repaired will spread throughout the cultivation world.

"Send you on the road!"

Gu Fei said loudly, the next moment, his whole aura changed, a shocking murderous aura erupted from him, and the temperature in the whole world was dropping rapidly.

As if in an instant, Gu Fei had become a peerless killer god, the murderous aura that burst out of him was earth-shaking, even the saint would change his color when he saw it.

The half ancestors of the two celestial races, Yinfeng and Lengdian, were even more stunned. This guy still has a back hand? how can that be!

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