Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4260: Kill is

The Nine Heavens Stars Sword was Gu Fei's self-refining weapon. It had been practiced since Gu Fei was not enlightened, until Gu Fei became an eternal powerhouse.

There are two eternal Taoist tools that Gu Fei sacrificed and refined, one is the Nine Sky Star Sword, and the other is the Sky Blue Immortal Golden Battle Armor.

The current Sky Blue Immortal Golden Battle Armor was on Gu Ling, who was sent by Gu Fei into the world within the Nine Heavens Stars Sword to perform an almost extreme practice.

At this time, Gu Feipan was sitting on the top of a mountain in his inner world, and an ancestral dragon with thick arms was walking around him. It was not the real ancestral dragon, but Gu Fei's magic medicine.

The Immortal Ancestral Dragon magical medicine has always stayed in Gu Fei's inner world.

Because of the existence of the sacred spring of life, the aura of the heavens and the earth in Gu Fei's Inner Heaven and Earth is much stronger than anywhere else. The Immortal Ancestral Dragon God Medicine is here, but it is like a fish in water.

Even if this magical psychic medicine is called to go, this magical medicine will not go.

"How has the little guy been recently?"

Gu Fei touched the little Zulong who was lying on his shoulder, and said with a smile.

Xiao Zulong opened his mouth and yelled several times, making a sound similar to the real Zulong.

"Well, go see the hostess here!"

Gu Fei looked in the direction where Yan'er was, and then stood up from the rock that was sitting crosswise.

In the next moment, Gu Fei took the ancestral dragon magic medicine and disappeared on the mountain.


"Heitian, Ji Changkong, you two bastards, I want to break your corpses into pieces."

Ziwei Zuxing, an angry roar came from a valley in the Eastern Region.

In the valley, the purple energy was mighty, a figure rushing from left to right in the endless divine light, I saw that every time he rushed to a place, countless runes appeared, directly blocking him back.

"Haha, you can come out and talk about it!"

On a hill near the valley, a young man in black laughed and said.

He, it is Heitian.

This guy is cheating again.

"Heitian, I am the elder of the Ziweiji family, you dare to cheat me."

Shouted the man trapped in the valley.

"Ji Xuan, you secretly conspired with Emperor Ji to kill Ji Changkong and me. Do you think I don't know?"

Heitian said disdainfully.

"What are you talking about, you can eat anything but you can't talk nonsense."

The middle-aged man named Ji Xuan said angrily.

At this time, the Ziwei ancestor star can be said to be surging, the Ziwei Ji family was originally the only one family, and ruled the Ziwei ancestor star for endless years.

However, when Ji Changkong returned, civil strife broke out in the Ji family, and other forces that had been suppressed by the Ji family emerged one after another.

However, the several camps in the Ji family are constantly fighting and fighting internally, so naturally they don't have time to pay attention to the forces that are just emerging.

As a result, those forces gained precious time and gradually became stronger.

When the senior management of the eldest brother Ji family realized that something was wrong, it was already too late.

The current Ji family is divided into three camps, one is the camp headed by Patriarch Ji Huang, the other is Ji Changkong's camp, and the other is the neutrals.

Among these neutrals, there are countless masters who are all targets of Ji Huang and Ji Changkong fighting for each other.

For Ji Huang and Ji Changkong, whoever can get the support of the neutral can completely defeat the other party, so the neutral is very important.

Ji Xuan is the neutral person in Ziweiji's family, he is still a clan elder, and the high-level of Ji family.

"Hmph, I'm always careful when I do things in the dark. If I don't have evidence, will I talk nonsense?"

Hei Tian said with a sneer.


Ji Xuan was shocked by the words.

"You dare to deal with Lao Tzu without seeing who Lao Tzu is. You are simply tired of living."

Heitian said coldly.

In the past few years, neither he nor Ji Changkong knew how many times they were assassinated, but they still survived, and in the end they became a three-legged situation in the Ji family.

"black sky……"

In the valley, Ji Xuan was roaring.

The killing array under the black sky is extremely powerful. Although Ji Xuan is the elder of the Ji family, he can't break this killing array.

Under Heitian's control, the killing array has evolved many killer moves.

He is the master of the formation, even on Ziwei Zuxing, no one can compete with him in the formation.

At this moment, a light of fire flew from far away and was grabbed by Hei Tian.

"Quickly fall into the abyss."

This is a letter of fire, with only a sentence from Ji Changkong in it.

Falling God Abyss is a Jedi in the eastern part of Ziwei Ancestral Star, a terrifying abyss that can swallow immortals.

"Did Ji Changkong really find it?"

Hei Tian was very excited.

"Ji Xuan, get on the road!"

Hei Tian immediately drew the power of the killing formation, and saw countless divine lights in the valley piercing through a figure, and every divine light penetrated the void.

Powerful arrays appeared in the void.

Soon, Ji Xuan, who was trapped in the valley, gradually lost his voice, and was finally wiped out by the power of the killing array triggered by Hei Tian, ​​and his body and spirit disappeared.

The dignified generation of Ji family elders disappeared in this way.

After killing Ji Xuan, Hei Tian made a move with his right hand. Numerous formations immediately rushed out of the valley and turned into a miniature formation, which Hei Tian grabbed in his hand.

Hei Tian is the master of the formation, possessing the magical power of void formation.

In a place below the Abyss of Fallen God, several figures were facing each other.

"Boss Hou, what do you mean, this sacred grass, but I found it first." A young man in white clothes looked at each other coldly and said.

"Huh! The cultivation world has the weak and the strong, and whoever has a hard fist, who owns the **** of transformation."

The thick middle-aged man said with a sneer.

"Humph, don't you, do you really think your fists are harder than mine?"

Bai Yi Ji Changkong said with a sneer.

"Who has a hard fist, you will know if you hit it."

Said a young man beside the boss.

"Boss, what are you doing with this guy so much nonsense? Just kill."

Another young man said coldly.

"Ji Changkong, then I'm sorry."

The headed boss Hou said directly to Gu Fei.


I saw a cold light flashing across the void, slashing towards Gu Fei.

The cold light slashed to Gu Fei's body in an instant, but the next moment, the cold light that was about to strike Gu Fei suddenly reversed and slashed past the three Hou family brothers.


The expressions of the three Hou brothers immediately stiffened.

They couldn't believe that this move of Boss Hou would be reversed by Gu Fei.

Then, the three of them went straight down, and the three of them were cut at the same time.


The several monks who were watching from a distance saw this scene, they were all taken aback, and then they retreated straight away, not daring to watch from a distance.

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