Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4267: The terrible power of punishment

You Gan, the second ancestor of the Nether clan, was driven to a dead end by Hei Tian, ​​and he actually dared to use his extreme power.

He did not hesitate to use his own blood inherited from the ancestors to inspire the Nether Orb, the ultimate Dao artifact, and only this method can truly revive the Nether Clan's ultimate Dao artifact.


A black light suddenly appeared, brighter than a hundred thousand divine suns, and the whole world seemed to be shattered, and a supreme aura that seemed to exist forever appeared in the world.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth faded, the stars tremble, and the entire Ziwei Zuxing creatures felt a kind of panic from the depths of their souls, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

"Extreme power..."

Just as strong as Hei Tian, ​​Ji Changkong was shocked at this moment.

"Today is your death date!"

You Qian's divine thought came out from the Nether Orb, his tone was crazy.

He exploded his flesh body and awakened the Nether Orb with the power of all the blood in his body. At this time, he was united with the Nether Orb Human Orb, as if the true Supreme Dao Supreme had come to the world.

You Qian only felt that he was extremely powerful, as if he could destroy the world with just one foot, he could step on the entire world with one foot.

"Haha, life and death!"

Hei Tian suddenly laughed, and then directly waved his hand, took away the corner of the sky, and then took Ji Changkong away instantly with the strength of the remaining picture.

"Do you still want to escape?"

You Gan will make a move.

At this time, he and the Netherworld Orb became one, and his shot was equivalent to the Supreme Dao Supreme. Even if Hei Tian and Ji Changkong had the sacred bones of the sky beasts and the broken figure guards, they could not stop him. hit.

However, You Qian didn't realize that he had no chance to shoot at all.

At the moment You Gan was about to make a move, the power of Heaven's Punishment exploded, and the entire sky and the sky was sealed in an instant.


Nether Pearl let out a whine, trying to escape from the broken void.

However, at this time, the void of heaven and earth is extremely firm, even if the Supreme Dao is close to him, it is difficult to break through with all his strength, let alone You Qian and Nether Orb?

"Little guy, you are still too tender."

In the distance, Hei Tian looked at the Nether Orb that had been suppressed by the power of Heaven's Punishment, and said with a smirk. He had scammed another hapless guy. There was no way. Who said he just likes to cheat people.

Hei Tian wanted to force You Qian to use extreme power, because he already knew that even if You Qian used extreme power, he would not have a chance to make a move.

The power of Heaven's Punishment would ban this power, and You Qian would never have a chance to make a move.


In the void sealed by the power of Heaven's Punishment, the Nether Orb rushed from left to right, desperately trying to rush out, the violent Nether power continued to explode, terrifying.

However, this power that is capable of destroying the heavens and the earth is difficult to shake the power of heaven's punishment.

This is the heaven-sealing supernatural power deployed by countless Extreme Dao Supremes. How can one Extreme Dao Supreme sway countless Extreme Dao Supremes?

Even if one of the strongest ancestors of the Nether Clan took the shot in person, the ending will only be the same, it is impossible to change anything.


At this time, there was an incomparably shocking sound from the sky, and a series of terrifying figures appeared on the sky, and every figure overwhelmed the heavens.

"That is……"

Ji Changkong was shocked and inexplicable. At this time, his wounds were still completely repaired. After taking the magic medicine, his cultivation was restored to its peak state again.

"Huh! These old immortals are so boring, I made this thing to harm people!"

Hei Tian said cursingly.

The existence of the power of Heaven's Punishment suppresses all extreme powers, which is protecting the world, because a blow from the extreme power is enough to cause unbearable damage to this world.

It is no joke that Ji Dao supreme can destroy the world.

Above the sky, as soon as those mysterious figures appeared, You Gan, who was trapped under the power of Heaven's Punishment, was immediately stunned, and he appeared directly in the void.

This is a body transformed from Nether Orb.

"how is this possible……"

You Qian was really scared, that the power of punishment this day could really suppress the power of the extreme path.

The three great ancestors of the Nether clan have actually been in retreat for a long time, and they have only left the gate in the past 100 years. Otherwise, the Nether clan would not dare to be born so high-profile.

The three great ancestors of the Nether Clan are all very disdainful of the power of Heaven's Punishment that can suppress the extreme power. In their opinion, the extreme power is the most powerful force, and there is no power in this world stronger than the extreme power.

However, now, he has discovered that his mistake is serious, so serious that it will cost his life.

In fact, You Qian didn't know that those Extreme Dao Supremes who did not believe in evil had fallen like this.

In fact, there is a stronger power above Jidao, but even the Jidao Supreme, not many people know this realm.

If Gu Fei hadn't been beaten into reincarnation by the first demon of the ancestor realm, and cut off the cultivation base of the eternal realm, he could ignore the power of Heaven's Punishment, and even break the power of Heaven's Punishment with his hands.

Now, no one can save You Qian.

"Well, after this guy dies, let's go to the ancestral land of the Nether clan!"

Hei Tian said seriously.


Ji Changkong sneered twice, with an unkind expression on his face.

He stayed with Heitian for a long time, and he turned "bad".

At this moment, a figure above the sky stood up, and then took one step directly, like a gust of wind, rushing towards You Qian.

You Qian was frightened and angry, and immediately used the strongest magical powers. The next moment, a Nether Purgatory appeared between the heaven and the earth, trying to spread the power of Heaven's Punishment.

However, the vague figure directly shattered the void and slammed into this Nether Purgatory, and then cut You Gan's head with a single knife.

You Qian's figure dissipated in the void.


The sound of something shattering sounded, a divine bead shattered, a terrifying destructive force came out, and the entire Nether Purgatory immediately began to collapse.

"I'm unwilling!"

The last trace of You Gan's spirit dissipated in the void. At this moment, he finally disappeared in form and spirit, and died.

That phantom shadow, ignoring the collapse of the nether ripples, directly broke through the world and rushed out, returned to the sky, and stood among the other figures.

The power of Heaven's Punishment was immediately wiped out, directly obliterating the extreme power below.

Seeing this scene, Hei Tian and Ji Changkong felt a little heavy. The human world is not suitable for the Supreme Dao. If they want to become the Supreme Dao, it is best to go to other worlds without the power of heaven.

After the extreme power was obliterated, the power of Heaven's Punishment disappeared directly, and the mysterious figures on the sky also disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.


The powerhouses who saw this scene were a little unbelievable. Is this the power of heaven's punishment in the legend?

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