Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4272: Humanoid quasi-sovereign Taoist device

"He is Gu Fei's daughter, who caught the job."

At the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion in Celestial City, the mysterious man in black led the order directly.

"Catch alive?"

The other black-clothed people were immediately stunned. How did this lady catch her alive? It's really outrageous.

Gu Ling killed three men in black just now, and this kind of combat power directly suppressed the mysterious men in black. These must have been escaped and arrested alive.

"Chief, this..."

Another mysterious man in black hesitated.

"Huh! Isn't it the quasi-supreme? We haven't caught it."

The mysterious man in black sneered disapprovingly.


The man in black wanted to say more, but was stopped by the leader waving his hand.

"Haha, you want to catch me?"

Gu Ling laughed.

"You are only Quasi-Supreme, and you are still a preliminary Quasi-Supreme, what kind of air do you have?" the leader said contemptuously.

The next moment, the leader's body shook, and a torrent of weather erupted from him immediately, and the whole world suddenly changed color.

"Quasi supreme mid-level, no wonder you are so calm."

Gu Ling was a little surprised, this guy must have a Dao weapon that could cover his breath, otherwise, he couldn't fail to see the reality of this guy.

"Boss you..."

Those mysterious people in black were shocked and inexplicably shocked when they sensed the shuddering and terrifying breath from the leader. They thought they were dead, who wanted the situation to reverse so quickly.

"Little girl, you are too tender."

The leader sneered.

"is it?"

Gu Ling said with a smile.

This guy shouldn't know that he is the quasi-superior of martial arts. If he knew it, he would not be so arrogant in front of him, thinking that the intermediate-level quasi-superior would be able to get rid of the elementary quasi-superior?

"Hmph, relying on your father's power and power? As long as you capture you, your father will obediently obey my master and be my master's slave."

The black collar said disdainfully.

"Well, it seems you think you can eat me by yourself, then you can try it!"

Gu Ling stood with his hand in his hand and said calmly.


With a wave of the right hand of the black-clothed head, the dozens of black-clothed masked men in the hall immediately formed a formation like lightning, and the power of the eighteen black-clothed men instantly became a piece of power.

This is the eighteen saints, the strength of the eighteen saints is gathered together, it is definitely a terrifying force, especially this force is gathered on the body of the black collar.


The next moment, the aura on the black-clothed head collar suddenly soared, and the entire main hall of the City Lord's Mansion shook, and the ground cracked and cracked.

If it weren't for the formation of guardianship, let alone the main hall, the entire City Lord's Mansion would collapse under this might and cease to exist.

"Quasi Supreme Dacheng?"

The ancient inspiration should have the momentum on the black head collar, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved. This guy actually used this battle formation to force his cultivation into the realm of Quasi-Supreme Dacheng.

Of course, this was only with the help of the power of the formation, not the real power of the black collar.

However, even so, this guy is enough to sweep all the opponents of Quasi-Supreme Elementary and Intermediate by virtue of the power of the formation, of course, except for those who are against the sky.

Those geniuses at the Heaven-defying level cannot be imagined by common sense.

"Little girl, come here!"

The black head collar stretched out his right hand and grabbed it directly at the opposite Gu Ling. A powerful swallowing force immediately emerged from his palm, covering one party in an instant.

Gu Ling only felt tight on his body, and immediately flew towards the big hand with the black collar.

She didn't rush, stretched out her right hand directly, and then slammed her fist toward the big hand that the opponent had grabbed.

No shocking power fluctuations erupted from her fist, and there was no earth-shattering power, just this ordinary punch.

"Back to Basics?"

This punch fell in the eyes of the black collar, but it was not trivial.

Gu Ling's punch immediately blocked the swallowing power that came from the black head collar's right hand.


The fists intersected, and there was a dull crashing sound, and then the two of them shook their bodies, and at the same time they flew out.


The black collar was shocked, because he had gathered the power of eighteen saints on his body. This power was so powerful that it could not be stopped by a quasi-prime and novice little guy?

However, this quasi-supreme and beginner-level little guy not only blocked his palm, but also shook himself back. How could this be possible? All this was beyond his cognition.

"how can that be……"

The eighteen saints who had already retreated were also stunned by this scene.

The eighteen saints passed half of their power to the leader. At this time, they were very weak. After the leader got their power, they could use the formation to seal the power in the body and force themselves. The cultivation base was elevated to the realm of Quasi-Supreme Dacheng.

In fact, Hei Tian is the best at this kind of means of using formations to improve cultivation and combat power.

Gu Fei also understands, but Gu Ling is not so interested in the way of formation. She believes that there is only power, as long as it has absolutely powerful power, any formation can be broken.

"Cut, I thought you were so good, but so."

Gu Ling said disdainfully.


The black collar was shocked and angry. This little girl obviously only had the quasi-sovereign elementary level of cultivation. How could she be so powerful that she could compete with the quasi-sovereign Dacheng herself?


At this time, the old clan leader of the Mon clan roared and went directly to the black-clothed saints.


The saints in black were taken aback and quickly dispersed.


A bright blade of light rushed directly from the hand of the old Meng clan leader, and swept towards the group of black-clothed saints. The sharp blade aura swept away, and the temperature in the entire hall immediately dropped.

In the next moment, blood suddenly appeared, and the two black saints who could not evade were directly cut into two pieces by the old clan master's knife.

The destroying sword aura entered directly through the body, slaying the primordial spirits of these two saints.

"I'm going to kill you."

Seeing this, the black collar was furious and wanted to attack the old clan leader.

"Your opponent is me."

Gu Ling stopped in front of the black collar.

"Little girl, don't think that your father is Gu Fei and I dare not kill you."

The black-clothed leader roared, this time, they sneaked into the Celestial City, and they wanted to give Gu Fei an offense. They wanted to let Gu Fei know that there was still someone on the Primordial Ancestor who could challenge him.

However, who thought that Gu Fei was not there, his daughter had made a shot. This Gu Ling killed three of his men as soon as he shot. Now, the old man has killed two of his men together.

He has lost five holy ranks' men.

Those are all saints. Even on the original ancestor star, there are many people who can cultivate into saints, but they have not yet reached the level of catching a lot of them.

Even in the realm of ancestors, saints are also strong.

Five saint-level subordinates died all of a sudden, which made the black collar very painful.

"Haha, it's really ridiculous, if you could kill me, you would have shot it long ago, and you still use it for nonsense?"

Gu Ling laughed.


The black collar roared, and opened his mouth to spit out a cold light, and saw this cold light strangling towards the ancient spirit. Wherever the cold light passed, the void was directly cut apart, leaving a dark space crack.

Gu Ling chuckled, then stretched out his right hand, completely ignoring the sharpness of the cold light, and grabbed the cold light from the strangulation in his hand.

I saw the cold light writhing in Gu Ling's hands like a spirit snake.


The surprise of the black-clothed head collar is really no small thing, this guy's physical body has been cultivated to the extent that it can compete with the Quasi-Supreme Dao Qi?

He had never heard of anyone who had cultivated his body to the point where he could compete with the Quasi-Supreme Dao Device.

Such a powerful body is simply a humanoid quasi-sovereign Taoist weapon!

"Is she..."

The black head collar suddenly thought of a legend.

Impossible, haven't all the descendants of that person disappeared? Even Taoism has not been passed down.

At this time, Gu Ling rubbed his hands, and the cold light instantly shattered, turning into a little bit of aura and dissipating in the void.


The cold light was destroyed, the black head-collar's body shook fiercely, and a mouthful of blood came out after opening his mouth, his face instantly turned pale without a trace of blood.

The natal device was closely connected with the owner, the natal device was destroyed, and the black collar was also greatly impacted.

At this time, the power of the formation on the black head collar became unstable.


The black-clothed old man stared at Gu Ling fiercely, wishing to tear this little girl into pieces. That was the natal device that he had cultivated for countless years, and was destroyed by this girl.

At this time, the old master of the Mon ethnic group took advantage of these saints when they were weak, and started to kill, only to see a magic knife in his hand sweeping across the square, and blood and light continued to appear.

In just a few moments, another saint was cut in half by the old master of the Mon ethnic group.

At this time, the old clan leader of the Mon clan was extremely fierce, but the magic knife in his hand was a big killer. As long as it was cut, the sword energy would directly slay the primordial spirit, extremely powerful.

"Go together, fight with him!"

The group of sages roared towards this direction, the old Mon clan leader killed.

With so many sages dead, they couldn't even form a formation, so they could only gang up against the old Mon clan leader.

However, these saints have lost half of their cultivation base, so where is the opponent of the old clan master of the Meng clan at this time?

Soon, two more saints died under the sword of the old master.

The black collar was entangled by the ancient spirit, and he couldn't save these men at all.

Seeing his men die one after another under the knife of the old master of the Mon ethnic group, the black head collar's eyes are all red.


The black collar roared, and directly bit the tip of his tongue, spouting blood.


A cloud of blood exploded, and the next moment, the black collar and his men disappeared directly into the hall.

"Blood escape?"

Gu Ling's face became solemn, could it be that these guys are actually from the Nether blood clan?

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