Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4298: Slaughter

The original ancestor, the Demon Domain was born, shocked the world.

The six demon masters, leading endless monsters, start from the middle domain and kill the six directions.

Wherever the demon army passed, the chickens and dogs did not stay. For a while, the Central Territory was in great chaos, and countless human monks suffered. The cities were taken by the demon army, and then the whole city was slaughtered by the demon army.

The human forces responded quickly.

The major forces in the Central Region were directly defeated by the sudden appearance of the Demon Army, and even a large family in the Central Region was slaughtered by the Demon Army.

The six demon lords who had been killed out of the demon realm were invincible at first, but soon there was an existence of the saintly class that intercepted the six demon lords.

At this time, the Black Dust Demon Venerable among the Six Great Demon Venerables was stopped by Gu Ling.

The war broke out, and the ancient spirit was unmatched, and the Black Dust Demon Venerable who was forced to move back had no choice but to violently retreat, and the mighty force on the Nine Phoenix Cauldron fluctuated the world.

The nine divine phoenixes were flying between the heavens and the earth, and the devilish energy in the sky was directly dispersed by the mighty force of fire above the divine phoenix.

Gu Ling's white clothes fluttered and jumped directly from the top of the mountain, like a peerless female supreme rising against the sky, floating out of the dust.

"Little girl, die!"

Black Dust Demon Sovereign was angry, and he was underestimated by a little girl, is it worth it?


A huge black hole appeared directly between the sky and the earth, and a force of swallowing the sky came out of the black hole, and instantly enveloped the ancient spirit.

Gu Ling only felt his body tighten, and then he couldn't help flying towards the black hole in the sky.


Gu Ling sneered, squeezed the five fingers of his right hand, and then slammed his fist upward.

The next moment, the void in front of her fist shook abruptly, and then the entire void collapsed suddenly and exploded in an instant.

What black hole, what power to swallow the sky, were all directly exploded by Gu Ling's punch.

This is the ultimate combat technique created by Gu Fei, breaking the extreme fist, breaking the extreme with one fist, breaking all magical powers, allowing you to conquer the world, and the Taoist can reach the sky, and it is useless.

The moment the black hole exploded, a magical shadow fell out of the void.

"how is this possible……"

This guy was the Black Dust Demon Lord, he was covered in blood, and one pair of magic horns had fallen off, and the scales on his body had fallen off, and in some places bones even penetrated through the flesh.

Standing high, calling the wind and calling the rain in the Demon Realm, the Black Dust Demon Venerable, second only to the Demon Ancestor, was actually embarrassed to the extreme.

"you are……"

Only then did the Black Dust Demon realize that he seriously underestimated the seemingly harmless little girl in front of him. This little girl was actually an ancestor-level existence, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

Among the Primordial Demon Realm on Primitive Ancestor Star, the most powerful is the existence of Demon Ancestor level, and Demon Lord is second only to Demon Ancestor.

This time, the Six Great Demon Venerables took action just to test the major forces on the Primordial Ancestor Star, but the strongest existence of the Demon Ancestor level has not yet taken action.

The cultivation base of the Demon Venerable corresponds to the Holy Venerable, and the cultivation base of Gu Ling has broken through to the preliminary level of the Quasi-Supreme, and he can become a true Quasi-Supreme powerhouse only after passing the catastrophe.

However, even if she hadn't crossed the Tribulation, she was not comparable to the Demon Lord.

With just a punch, the Black Dust Demon Race was almost bombarded by Gu Ling, which made him startled and angry.


Black Dust Demon Lord turned around and fled.

However, this time is already late.

Seeing Gu Ling stretched out his big hand, he immediately grabbed the Black Dust Demon Venerable who had rushed to the horizon.

"Want to escape?"

Gu Ling coldly looked at the Black Dust Demon Lord in his hand.

"Don't, don't kill me!"

At this time, the Black Dust Demon Lord had been shocked by the combat power displayed by the ancient spirit.


Gu Ling shook his right hand, and the next moment, that group of divine light exploded, and a dignified generation of Demon Venerables, just like this, her body and soul were exploded, and the body and spirit were destroyed.

Killing the devil is like killing a chicken.

As soon as the Black Dust Demon Lord died, the Demon Race army he led immediately broke apart.


The ancient spirit held the Nine Phoenix Cauldron in his hand, and the next moment, the divine cauldron vibrated, the power of swallowing the sky reappeared, and countless demons could not help flying towards the Nine Phoenix Cauldron.

It was just a few moments, and the Black Dust Demon Venerable, one of the six great demon Venerables, had already passed.

The strength of Gu Ling restrained everyone, especially the Eastern Region.

Only a few people in the Eastern Region knew about Gu Fei's existence.


Gu Ling stepped in the void, she actually walked directly into the Demon Realm and disappeared inside.

At this time, the human sage also shot in other directions, and a fierce battle broke out.

The horror demon is mighty in all directions.

But at this time, Gu Fei was in the Eastern Region, in the Celestial City, and received the news of the birth of the Demon Region, but he was not nervous.

He didn't even go to Gu Ling, he still sat in the Celestial City, watching the wind and rain indifferently.

At this time, Gu Ling had just entered the Demon Realm, and he encountered the six powerful magic roads blocking the way.

She was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. She slammed the head of a demon master into her chest with one palm, hitting one shoulder, and directly spitting out blood from the other demon head directly hitting her mouth.

Then he stretched out his hand to grab a magic knife, and saw the light of the knife flash, the two heads flew up, and then the right foot swept across, and the two monsters who kicked directly broke their muscles, seeing that they were not far from death.

It was only a moment of action, just two breaths, and Gu Ling killed four demon heads and severely injured two demon heads. Six demon heads were killed and injured in her hands.

It's not that these demon heads are not strong, but they are unlucky, and they are encountering Gu Ling.

At this time, Gu Ling directly held the **** magic knife in his hand and strode forward.

Those demon heads simply could not have imagined that the strong human race would rush into the demon realm so quickly. All of a sudden, the demon realm shook and countless demon heads were alarmed.

"This guy……"

The other monsters were frightened by this scene.

"how is this possible!"

A demon in the distance stared at the opposite Gu Ling, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and the combat power displayed by the Gu Ling was amazing.

"The Human Race is so powerful now?"

Even if this demon scratched his head, Gu Ling was not a native of the original ancestor star.


Without any hesitation, countless demon heads attacked and killed Gu Ling from all directions.

There are shadows everywhere.


A magic arrow shot out from the depths of the demon realm, and it shot in front of Gu Ling in an instant.

As soon as Gu Ling stretched his right hand, he immediately grabbed the magic arrow that was shot, and then threw it directly at a demon who had attacked and killed.

The demon was taken aback and wanted to avoid it, but the speed at which the magic arrow was thrown by Gu Ling was much faster than the speed at which it was shot.

The demon screamed and was directly nailed to death by the magic arrow.

At the same time, the magic knife in Gu Ling's hand swept out, the blade's glow rushed thousands of feet, as if a knife split the world in half, and the demon heads that rushed were directly cut in the waist.

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