Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4301: Arrow Demon Ancestor

The ancestor of Black Mountain was unlucky to the extreme. He couldn't think that Gu Ling was actually wearing an eternal armor, which was a armor that was stronger than the Dao Qi.

In fact, the ancestor of Montenegro, even though he was in the endless years of the world, did not touch the eternal realm, he was not even the Jidao.

His head hit Gulin's body, instead of blasting Gulin, he blasted himself instead.

The ancestors of Black Mountain almost disappeared, only to see a cloud of blood lingering, a faint smell of blood filled the void.


In the demon realm, there was a constant roar of palpitation, and in the dim world, you could see the demon shadow looming from time to time.

The battle between Gu Ling and the ancestors of the Black Mountain was so quiet that it shocked countless demon heads. Powerful demon shadows appeared in the nearby areas, and for a while, groups of demons gathered.

The demon in the distance only watched from a distance, not daring to approach it.

"Who is this person, dare to kill him alone and seek death?"

"When did the original ancestor come out of such a character?"

Those demon heads are communicating. The Black Mountain Ancestor is one of the best demon clan ancestors in the Demon Realm. He is almost invincible.

But now, a little human girl can fight endless battles with the black mountain ancestors, which surprised all the demon watching around.

At this moment, the blood suddenly burst into the sky, staining the entire sky with blood, and a terrifying and monstrous magical nature emerged from the blood.

In the **** light, a figure was moving quickly, retreating outward.

I saw this man flying in white, with a sacred fire lingering all over his body, it was Gu Ling.

Gu Ling was not afraid of blood light, but some scruples about the demon nature revealed in the blood light, which was the demon nature of the quasi-supreme peak realm.

Although her realm has reached the quasi-sovereign elementary level, she has not yet crossed the catastrophe. If she is triggered by the demon nature, it will be troublesome.

At this time, Gu Ling had to be cautious.

That blood light was burning the blood of the ancestor of Black Mountain, and he actually wanted to kill Gu Ling with his vitality.

"Little girl, die!"

A wave of divine consciousness spread from the blood light.

In the **** light, a blood-colored demon shadow appeared, and an unprecedentedly powerful demon power emerged from that demon shadow, and the entire universe became unstable.


"The ancestor of Montenegro is desperate?"

"Burning the devil's essence, even if the black mountain ancestor killed that human race powerhouse, he would probably lose half his life."

The monsters in the distance were talking in low voices.

The Primordial Demon Realm is very large, even if it is the quasi-sovereign, it is only a side overlord. The true master of the Primordial Demon Realm is legendary to be an extreme demon ancestor.

However, after the battle that year, the Extreme Demon Ancestor was missing. No one knew that the Supreme Demon Ancestor was still in the Primitive Demon Realm.

The relationship between the major hegemons of the Demon Realm is not so friendly, and they even conquer each other and fight endlessly.

This Black Mountain Demon Ancestor also has many enemies in the Primitive Demon Realm.

Some demon heads hoped that the Black Mountain Demon Ancestor would best die in the hands of this strong human race.

Seeing the Black Mountain Demon Ancestor exhibited this secret technique, his enemy naturally hoped that the Black Mountain Demon Ancestor's vitality was greatly injured.

At this time, the blood-colored figure had already forced over.


A **** light flashed by, and Gu Ling was directly chopped on his waist by the light blade issued by the black mountain ancestor.


The blood-colored light blade slashed on Gu Ling's body and made the sound of gold and iron collision.

This blood-colored light blade directly shattered into the void.

However, the ancestors of Montenegro are in this state.

"A punch to the extreme!"

Gu Ling didn't have time to fight the Scarlet Demon Shadow, so she directly cast the Deji Fist.


Wherever Gu Ling's fist passed, everything was directly exploded, even if an ancient mountain was moving, the void kept shaking.

The transparent ripples visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings.

The Scarlet Demon was like a phantom, and instantly rushed in front of Gu Ling.


Gu Ling sneered. The next moment, with a dull crash, her fist hit the demon shadow fiercely, and the fist went through instantly.

The Scarlet Shadow exploded all at once.


The demon around watching this scene were shocked and inexplicably shocked, the celebrity expert actually punched the **** shadow of the black mountain ancestor.

"how is this possible……"

A strong demon muttered to himself.


Gu Ling did not hesitate, and directly displayed one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao's Dao Sword Secret Art, only to see a divine light suddenly emerged from her eyebrows.


In the next moment, a divine light rushed from the center of Gu Ling's eyebrows, and immediately slashed a powerful magic shadow.

The demon screamed, and immediately became dimmed, as if it might break apart directly at any time.

The scarlet shadow rose to the sky, trying to retreat.


Gu Ling had no expression on his face, and directly sacrificed the Nine Phoenix Cauldron. The powerful fluctuation of power came out from the Nine Phoenix Cauldron. The nine divine phoenixes rushed out of the Nine Phoenix Cauldron and rushed towards the **** shadow.

The emptiness burned by the terrifying **** is silently annihilated.

"Hugh is presumptuous!"

At this moment, a roar came from a distance, and then, a magic arrow shot through the air, and it shot in front of Gu Ling in an instant.

Gu Ling didn't care about the magic arrow he had shot, and let the magic arrow shoot on his body. At the same time, the Nine Phoenix Cauldron had collected the **** shadow of the black mountain ancestor.

The nine divine phoenix rushed directly onto the body of the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, and Gu Ling instantly refined the Black Mountain Demon Ancestor into fly ash.

I saw that the magic arrow shot on Gu Ling was directly shattered into the void at the moment it shot the Gu Ling, and even the clothes on Gu Ling were intact.


At this moment, a great demon rushed from far away, holding a magic bow in his hand.

The great demon saw that Gu Ling had even killed the Black Mountain ancestor, and couldn't help being furious. Before he rushed to it, he shot an arrow at Gu Ling.


An arrow shot out of wind and thunder, the magic arrow turned into a magic dragon, and it suddenly rushed in front of Gu Ling.


Gu Ling was taken aback, and the next moment, she punched out.


With a loud noise, Gu Ling exploded the culled dragon with a punch.

"She actually..."

Seeing this scene, the surrounding demons were shocked. The human body of this strong human race was so powerful that he could explode magic arrows with his bare hands.

The arrow demon ancestor is a generation of strong men, and the black mountain demon ancestor is a life and death friend, the black mountain ancestor was killed by the ancient spirit, and he was naturally furious.


The arrow demon ancestor shot nine magic arrows at the same time, and saw that the nine arrows broke through the air and turned into nine big dragons, directly rushing towards the ancient spirit.

Nine Dragons are all present, shaking the earth, and terrifying and murderous.

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