Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4311: Mysterious strong shot

Heaven, Dragon Court, which is the top of Zulong Mountain, in a temple, Gu Fei and Laogui are reminiscing about the past.

I saw the old tortoise sitting on the throne in the middle of the main hall. At first, it was a little aura, looking at the world, and very different, but soon, the nature of this guy was exposed.

"Little girl, let me tell you that I and your Lao Tzu are in distress. I think back then, your Lao Tzu hadn't become enlightened and broke into the killing formation of the Void Heaven Realm. If he hadn't met me, he would have died long ago. Where are you?"

The old turtle ate a big bowl of wine and enjoyed it.

"Cut, just blow it!"

Gu Ling didn't believe Laogui's words at all. She didn't know what her uncle's temperament was?

"I'm not blowing this, or ask you Laozi, I'm not talking nonsense!" Laogui looked at Gu Fei and said.


Gu Fei nodded, then grabbed a fairy fruit and threw it into his mouth.

This fairy fruit is a specialty of Zulong Mountain. In the entire heaven, only Zulong Mountain has it. According to legend, it is a spiritual root bred by the blood of Zulong.

Therefore, this is the legendary half-immortal medicine, Zulongguo.

"Really? Dad, you were really trapped and killed, and you want Uncle Turtle to save?"

Gu Ling looked at Gu Fei in surprise. In her opinion, her father was an invincible man who had never failed.

"Do you think your father has been invincible all the way to the realm of quasi supreme?"

The old turtle said disapprovingly.

"Is not it?"

Gu Ling said seriously.

"Tell you, your father was chased and killed back then."

The old turtle said triumphantly.


Gu Ling opened his mouth in surprise.

Gu Fei smiled and did not speak.

"Why Uncle Qing hasn't come back yet."

Gu Ling said.

"I don't know, maybe something happened!" Old Turtle said.

"Will there be any danger?"

Gu Ling asked worriedly.

"What danger will he have."

Laogui disagrees.

Xiao Qing was his disciple, and he had a black stick in his hand, it was a Dao Qi.

The most important thing is that Laogui has taught Xiaoqing all the means to save his life. Although Xiaoqing is only a holy, but even if the quasi-supreme wants to kill him, it may not be successful.

After eating and drinking, Gu Fei and the others moved into a pavilion prepared by Laogui for them.

This time, Gu Fei didn't see Laogui's uncle, some familiar faces in the Yaozu had disappeared, replaced by some young, unfamiliar faces.

The old tortoise fought against the remnants of the ancient protoss and the descendants of the sky demon, and many strong men on both sides fell.

This is a loss for the Celestial Cultivation World, and for the Monster Race, it is a great loss.

Over the years, lobbyists have come to mediate the disputes between the three powers, but no one has ever succeeded. These three powers are as powerful as water and fire.

There are endless battles between these three forces.

Laogui was surprised by Gu Ling's choice to cross the tribulation in the heavens. You must know that the heavens have a long history. Many people have become enlightened in the heavens, and the imprints left by them are not so easy to deal with.

In fact, Laogui somewhat guessed that Gu Ling chose to cross the tribulation in the heavens.

She wants the most powerful force and the most complete principle.

Gu Ling won't cross the Tribulation in Zulong Mountain, this is the place of the Emperor, who knows what powerful methods he left here?

The ancient star field in the depths of the starry sky is a good place to cross the catastrophe.

At this time, the old turtle repelled the alien race outside the sky, and Gu Ling just used this rare peace to overcome the catastrophe.

Laogui's men have found a good place.

An ancient star field that no one has ever been to.

Where are the big stars hanging in the starry sky, revealing an aura of incomparably long and ancient times, this is a place where no **** or man has ever come.

The original star field, the original breath.

Three days later, Gu Ling came to this primitive star field under the **** of Gu Fei and Laogui.

"Little girl, your father and I will protect the law for you. This is the blessing of your few years of cultivation!"

The old turtle sighed.

They both stepped on one foot at random, and the entire heaven and earth would tremble.

No one can invite them.

"Thank you Uncle Turtle."

Gu Ling looked at the old turtle very seriously.

Laogui is a big man, the co-owner of the dragon clan, and he walks sideways in the heavens.


The old turtle smiled and did not speak.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started!"

Gu Fei rushed to a big star in the distance, landed on the big star, and then sat down cross-legged.

"let's start!"

The old turtle nodded, and then rushed to another big star.

Baron immediately led a group of monster clan powerhouses to spread out and guard the nearby star field.

But this time the protagonist Gu Ling rushed into the depths of the original star field, sat in the void, and began to adjust the aura on her body, she wanted to keep herself in the best condition.

Quasi-Sovereign Heavenly Tribulation is not a joke, if it fails, it will die.

Even Gu Ling didn't dare to be careless.

Gu Ling's sitting was three days and three nights. Of course, in the primitive star field, there was no concept of "day" counting.

"Haven't Tribulation aroused yet!?"

The old turtle became a little impatient.

But at this time, the hand came down to report that the alien race from outside the sky had rushed into the heaven again. This time, a terrifying giant city crossed the boundary and appeared directly on the battlefield outside the sky.


Countless alien races rushed out of the giant city, swept across ten directions, and defeated the celestial army led by Taiqing Holy Master and others.

Without Laogui to participate in the battle, the Holy Master of Taiqing and the others are not opponents of the alien race.

The giant city outside the sky directly rushed out of the battlefield outside the sky, and fell towards the heaven and earth.

After fighting for countless years, the alien race outside the sky is finally about to descend on the heavens.


The old turtle was frightened and angry. He couldn't think of it. After only a few days, the situation became so bad.

The giant city outside the sky is definitely a big killer, otherwise it might change the situation so quickly.

You know, Taiqing Holy Lord, Nanling Divine Emperor and the others are the strongest beings in the heavens, and their combined heaven army is enough to sweep the whole heaven and earth.

Even without the old tortoise, he would not lose so quickly.

Unless it is the Alien Clan used some kind of big killer.

"Is it the same existence as the war city on the original ancestor star?"

Gu Fei, who was sitting on the big star, frowned.

All the great clans on the original ancestor star have the Extreme Battle City, which is a big killer and has the power to destroy the world.

"Go ahead!"

Gu Fei said.

This is not a good thing for aliens invaded outside the sky.

Once the alien races outside the sky have a firm foothold in the heavens, it is definitely not an easy task to expel them.

"Huh! I can't change anything if I go."

The old turtle said.

"Why say that?"

Gu Fei was a little surprised.

"Hey, do you think there are only fellows like the Holy Master Taiqing in the heavens?"

Laogui sneered. He knew very well that there were still many people who didn't make a move.

"You guy..."

Gu Fei shook his head, Laogui's unwilling temper has never changed.

In the heavens, some guys refused to take action, that is because the crisis has not really come, Laogui is trying to force those guys to take action!

"There is a good show."

Baron and others laughed.


The giant city appeared in the sky above the heavens like the ancient sacred mountain, and the terrifying coercion made all living beings panicked and the monks shook.

"what happened!"

"Where is the city of God."

The powerhouses in the five regions of the heavenly realm panicked. The breath that erupted from above the **** city was so unfamiliar and incompatible with the heavenly realm. It was the breath of another world.

"how is this possible……"

"The fellows of the Holy Master Taiqing are simply useless, and they have killed the alien race here."

Some big people know what's going on, they are very nervous.

The news that the Allied Forces of the Celestial Realm were defeated by the alien races outside the Celestial Realm soon spread across the Celestial Realm.

Only the ancestors such as Taiqing Holy Lord, Lingnan God Emperor, Xuantian Holy Lord and so on escaped back.

The rest of the ancestors died in battle.


With a roar, countless alien races from outside the sky were killed out of the giant city.


At this moment, a sneer sounded, and then, a mysterious yellow aura rose up into the sky and turned into a giant. I saw this giant open his mouth and inhale, actually all the countless alien races that just rushed out of the giant city Swallowed into the stomach.


Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes almost fell to the ground.

Too strong, there are such strong people in the heavens, it seems that the heavens are still the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!


At this moment, the giant city shook fiercely, and a terrifying destructive force directly emerged from the giant city, directly dispersing the mysterious yellow giant.

The countless alien races that had been swallowed by the mysterious yellow giant had all turned into **** fog.


A terrifying roar came from the giant city.


The entire giant city descended towards the heavenly earth.

The power of the giant city is too strong, and the whole world is shaking.

At the same time, a huge figure appeared above the giant city, and an aura of looking over the world burst out from this figure.

"Pretend to be a fool!"

A sneer sounded, and a figure appeared on a nearby mountain, looking up at the giant city that was falling in the sky.


The figure on the giant city directly slapped the man on the mountain with a palm.

The man on the top of the mountain wore a black cloak and couldn't see his face clearly, but the mysterious yellow aura that came out of him was as vast as the waves of the sea.


Long Xiao suddenly sounded, and the next moment, the mysterious yellow aura on his body violently condensed two mysterious yellow dragons and rose up into the sky, directly rushing towards the big hand falling from the sky.


With a loud noise, the two profound yellow dragons collided with Jiang Dashou that day, and saw the two dragons directly pierced the big hands and rushed towards the huge city in the sky.


With another loud noise, the two black dragons directly smashed into the giant city.

The giant city shook violently, and countless ancient Dao patterns emerged from the giant city, intertwined into countless Dao pictures, blocking the blow of the mysterious man.

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