Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4313: Eternal murder

The mysterious powerhouse was so strong that he drove into the alien battle city alone, killing all quarters, and for a while, the alien powerhouse suffered numerous casualties.

Even the vice-lord of the alien war city died in the hands of this mysterious powerhouse.

In this way, the lord of the alien battle city can only take the shot himself.

The otherworld city master was furious, and saw his right hand stretched out and grabbed it directly at the mysterious strong man. Above his five fingers, he rushed out five extremely fierce divine lights and penetrated towards the mysterious strong man.

This alien city master was really angry, but this catch directly shattered the void.


The mysterious strong man sneered, squeezed the five fingers of his right hand, and slammed his fist towards the five divine lights that penetrated through the hole, only to see the mysterious yellow divine light on his fist.

The five rays of light that penetrated through the hole immediately collided with the fist of the mysterious strong man. The next moment, the five rays of divine light shattered, and the fist of the mysterious strong man was invincible and slammed directly at the alien city lord.

This is the power of Xuanhuang, extremely powerful.

"how is this possible……"

The alien city master was taken aback, and the next moment, an aegis appeared in front of him and blocked him.

On the aegis, Dao patterns are densely covered, and ancient runes emerge.


The fist of the mysterious strong man slammed on the aegis, like beating a heavenly drum, an invisible sound wave spread out to the surroundings, and there were ripples visible to the naked eye in the void where it passed.

The countless strong aliens in the alien war city were directly buzzed by the ears of sound waves, and those with weak cultivation bases fell directly from the sky.

The entire God City shook.

This is a quasi-extreme battle.

Powerful fluctuations of power surging out from the alien battle city, the heavenly powerhouse outside the city was shocked inexplicably.

At this time, "click!" With a cry, the battle shield in the hands of the otherworld city master appeared a series of cracks like spider webs, as if it might break apart at any time.

The alien city owner only felt a huge force coming, and the aegis in his hand almost let go and flew out, and the whole person staggered back.


The alien city master was shocked to the extreme. Could this guy's fist be harder than his Quasi-Supreme Dao weapon?

That side of the Aegis was a veritable Quasi-Supreme Taoist weapon, and it was also a defensive Quasi-Supreme Taoist device. It was extremely hard. The general Quasi-Supreme Taoist weapon blasted on it, and even the traces were not left behind.

However, now, his own Aegis had been cracked with a punch, how could this be possible.


The mysterious strong man slammed another punch on the aegis of the alien city lord.

This time, although the alien city lord was prepared, he was still blasted back. He looked down and saw that there was a fist mark on the aegis in his hand.

I saw cracks all around the fist mark.

The alien city master found that his aegis was about to be scrapped.

"Go to death for me!"

The mysterious strong man roared and blasted out another punch. The power of this punch shook the sky and the earth. There were a number of spatial cracks around the fist, as if a punch could shatter the sky.

The alien city lord was shocked, and quickly blocked forward with an aegis.


This time, there was a loud noise, and then, the aegis in the hands of the otherworld city master instantly exploded, and it was shattered by the shock. The fragments shot directly on the otherworld city master's body, and blood was immediately splashed.

The alien city lord flew backwards and smashed several houses directly.

"I can't stand a blow, and I dare to come to the heavens to go wild, wanting to die?"

The mysterious powerhouse looked at the alien city master coldly.

"what did you say?"

Hearing this, the lord of another world was furious, and saw him with disheveled hair, bloodstained on his body, embarrassed.

However, the next moment, the alien city master shook his body, and the fragments of the aegis shot into his body were immediately shaken out by him.

Then, the entire God City shook, and countless divine lights rushed towards the alien city master from all directions, and instantly submerged into the alien city master's body.

A shocking murderous aura erupted from the body of the alien city master.

The momentum of the alien city master is soaring, and he is motivating the power of God City for his own use.

The mysterious strong man did not stop him, letting this guy improve his combat power.

This is self-confidence, letting you improve your combat power is not Lao Tzu's opponent.

"This guy……"

Yan'er saw this scene in the distance, and couldn't help frowning. Isn't this guy the fierce Xuanhuang from the past?

The big fierce Xuanhuang, the Tianxu battle that year, but the world broke with other strong men, can contend with the clone of the ancient Buddha.

The clone of the eternal Buddha back then is definitely the top existence.

This fierce Xuanhuang was almost invincible back then, and now that long time has passed, he should have restructured the Xuanhuang Dao body and cultivated into great supernatural powers.

Otherwise, where does this guy's confidence come from?

At this time, all the alien races in the alien war city hid, and the entire war city seemed to have suddenly become an empty city.


There was a trembling of gold and iron, and the other world city owner stretched out his right hand, and a war spear inserted in front of the city owner's mansion suddenly flew up, turned into a divine light, and fell into the hands of the other world city owner.

The moment the war spear started, the aura on the otherworld city lord suddenly rose to the limit.

Facing the alien city master who was in the strongest state, Da Xuan Huang didn't have any expression at all, still standing there quietly without making any moves.

"Damn, dare to look down on me so much?"

The alien city master was really angry, his eyes were red.


The otherworld city lord roared and shot, only to see that the war spear in his hand went directly toward the big fierce mysterious yellow hole.

This was a blow from the alien city lord who induced the power of the battle city. The average quasi-supreme was no opponent at all, but the fierce Xuanhuang was no ordinary opponent.


The fierce Xuanhuang still punched out.


Xuanhuang Qi's fist hit the spearhead of the war spear, and there was a sound of friction between gold and iron.

The fierce Xuanhuang was so fierce that he hit it with one punch, a pair of fists constantly colliding with the war spear.

"how is this possible?"

The alien city master was stunned.

The body of this guy is too strong.

"Xuan Huang Dao body, really well-deserved reputation."

Seeing this, Yan'er nodded secretly, the Xuan Huang Dao body is definitely one of the most powerful physiques between heaven and earth.

"Haha, how about improving your combat power? Isn't the ending the same?"

Daxian Xuanhuang said with a big smile while he shot.


The alien city lord was shocked and angry, and was forced to retreat constantly by the fierce Xuanhuang. The hands holding the war spear were shocked in pain, and the palms were almost cracked. .

"Haha, in the end, it's my heavenly powerhouse that is slightly better!"

"Who said no."

"Are those guys in the other world the opponents of the powers of the heavens?"

Some of the spectators around were whispering.

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