Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4315: The last catastrophe

In the heavens, the eternal evil Xuan Huang fought against the lord of another world.

This battle shocked the world and attracted the attention of countless powerful people, and even the old antiques of the heavens who had not shown their faces for a long time were shocked.

"There is such a strong person in the other world."

There are old antiques in shock.

You know, in the depths of the starry sky, it is the quasi-sovereign existence such as the Taiqing Holy Master that blocks the army of the outside world, which is peerlessly powerful.

However, this alien army still smashed into the sky above the heavens and was about to smash to the ground.

This has never happened in the heavens.


At this time, the Nine Heavens Profound Yellow Pagoda was suppressed from the sky, and a terrifying swallowing force emerged from the Nine Heavens Profound Yellow Pagoda.

The entire alien war city was shaking violently.

The alien city master was shocked to the extreme.

It’s not that he won’t be killed in the presence of the city. As long as the city is intact, he, the city lord, will be bombarded and killed. It doesn’t matter, he will be reborn in the city.

However, once the battle city is destroyed, the otherworldly city master just doesn't want to die.


The alien city lord was shocked and angry, urging the power of the war city with all his strength, trying to rush out.

I saw that his whole body seemed to be burning, and countless Dao patterns rushed out of the entire alien battle city. The ancient Dao patterns were intertwined, forming a picture of Dao.

Dao Tu aroused the power of heaven and earth, madly swallowing the surrounding heaven and earth essence.

However, all this was in vain, and the power of the Xuanhuang that burst out from the Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda was too strong, as if even the heavens and the earth were about to be swallowed.

The entire battle city is flying towards the Nine Heavens Profound Yellow Pagoda.

The lord of another world roared again and again, extremely anxious.


At this time, Daxie Xuanhuang rushed out of the God City directly.

The countless powerhouses who were watching the battle nearby were all stunned, looking at the battle city in horror.

I saw countless cracks in the alien war city, and finally the entire alien war city collapsed in the void, and countless creatures in the city were directly destroyed.

Countless essences were all swallowed by the Nine Heavens Profound Yellow Pagoda.


Yan'er, who saw this scene in the distance, couldn't help frowning.

However, everyone thought that the crisis had been resolved by themselves, but at this moment, a shocking pressure suddenly broke out above the sky.


The world shook, and then the ancient battle cities shattered and rushed out of the void.


The powerhouses in the heavens were directly confused.

One after another ancient cities appeared on the sky, and the terrifying power fluctuated vigorously.

It's just that an alien battle city is already very difficult, and now there are five such battle cities, which shocked the strong in the heavens inexplicably.

The five otherworldly war cities were set above the sky in this way, and no powerful creatures appeared. All the strongmen in the heavens were shocked to see this scene.

At this time, in the depths of the primitive star field of the heavens, Gu Ling fought wildly.

After the invisible wind catastrophe is the Five Elements Celestial Tribulation, the power of the five elements surpasses one hundred thousand li, and the five most powerful figures appear between the heaven and the earth.

Each figure represents one of the five elements.

The five figures transformed by the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Tribulation directly attacked the ancient spirit, and each figure was like a supreme being.

"Five Elements Fist, kill!"

Without any hesitation, Gu Ling's fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and his eyes were red when he killed him, and the five elements fist burst out from his fist, and the figure that added the five major attacks and flew away.

However, the five figures rushed back in an instant.


A flame-shrouded figure smashed at Gu Ling with a punch, the monstrous divine fire instantly flooded every inch of void, and the divine fire drowned Gu Ling instantly.

And another powerful figure pointed out, and a divine light pierced directly towards Gu Ling's forehead.

The other five element incarnations are also taking action.

The violent power of the five elements ravaged one side and the void was wiped out.

"Against the chaos!"

Gu Ling directly displayed the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, and she mobilized the power of the five elements to attack each other, but she was watching from the sidelines just like others.


The strong people watching the battle nearby were shocked to see this scene.

"Good means!"

Even the old turtle couldn't help nodding when he saw it.

The power of the robbery is constantly being offset and obliterated.

However, Heavenly Tribulation is also very smart, and it will change due to the changes of the tribe-crosser. The power of the five elements is merging, and the five blurred figures gradually disappear, but a more powerful figure is condensing.

"Five elements in one?"

Gu Ling was taken aback, he wanted to stop, but it was too late.


Seeing that figure waved his hand, Gu Ling was directly shocked and flew out, coughing up blood in the air, receiving a great impact.

"how is this possible……"

Gu Ling was shocked, the power of the five elements is too strong, surpassing the power of any line.

The true meaning of the five elements is evolving. When Gu Ling fought against the five elements, he sensed the true meaning of the five elements, and his cultivation was not only improving.


The two fists collided together, and there was a loud noise.

Gu Ling was bombarded again, and his entire right arm was shaken into blood fog.

But the next moment, Gu Ling's right arm instantly reorganized and recovered.

Gu Ling was unyielding in fighting, and killed him the next moment.

Comprehend in the battle, break through in the battle, although the power of heaven and earth is powerful, the power of man can also be infinitely powerful.

Everyone couldn't help but move their faces when they saw this scene. Even if they were bombarded with scum, as long as they didn't die, they still had to fight, even if they only had one breath, they had to fight to the end.

"This is my daughter!"

Gu Fei sighed, the power of blood is not deceiving. Gu Ling is very similar to her father Gu Fei, especially her unyielding fighting spirit and indestructible will.

Gu Ling didn't know how many times she had been beaten back by the strong figure of the five elements. In the end, she punched the strong figure, and the strong figure was shocked and flew away.

The strong five elements united one body and was finally blown by Gu Ling.

However, a stronger force is quickly generated in the tribulation, this is a force that can make all the tribulations desperate, too strong.

However, Gu Ling suddenly raised his head and looked at the robbery cloud in the sky.

"Come on, see who is afraid of whom!"

Gu Ling flipped his right hand, and a Gu Ding appeared in her hand.

That was the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, and Gu Ling took the Nine Phoenix Cauldron to cross the catastrophe. She had to use the power of the Heavenly Tribulation to completely refine the Nine Phoenix Cauldron and turn it into her own life tool.

Gu Ling has a big heart, he wants to surpass Gu Fei at that time.

However, this is also very dangerous.

At this time, a figure stronger than the five elements combined came out of the robbery cloud. The strong aura swept across the ten directions, giving people an extremely dangerous aura.

It seemed that the entire power of the tribulation was concentrated on this figure.

"Is the final disaster?"

Gu Fei stared at the figure that came out of the tribulation, and couldn't help frowning. The final tribulation was not his own brand but someone else's.

"Yin and Yang Dao Body?"

Old Turtle's face was extremely solemn.

This is a well-known strong man in the heavens. In that distant past, the supreme yin and yang shocked an era.

Although Gu Fei also cultivated yin and yang, it was far behind the yin and yang supreme, and Gu Ling's last calamity was the yin and yang calamity, and she was a veritable quasi-supreme.

If you can't handle it, you will die.

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