Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 3417: Ten Magic Stars

Five ancient cities from different worlds descended from the sky, suppressing the heavens and the earth, terrifying power and shaking the earth.

Among these five ancient cities in different worlds, there is an ancient altar. On the altar, countless Dao patterns rushed out. The thousands of Dao patterns seemed to be transformed into substance, revealing the ancient and long-lasting breath Dao lines bloomed with brilliant brilliance and unpredictable power.

The World War City is definitely a big killer, and under the control of a quasi-extreme master of the world, it has shown great power.

The whole world was sealed, and some guys from the other world wanted to solve the heaven army at once.


The celestial army set up the supreme battle formation, and as a roar sounded in the killing formation, the force of terror was rapidly condensing.

I saw the power of the Western battlefield condensed into a Buddha shadow, which was like a towering giant, directly shooting towards the five great cities in the sky.

At this time, in the Battle City of Other Worlds, the five major city owners all boarded the ancient altar in the city. They seemed to be integrated with the city, and they had no distinction between each other.

Among them, there was a roar from the alien battle city that suppressed the west. A war spear flew directly out of the battle city, directly piercing the hand of the heavenly Buddha, and shook the Buddha's shadow directly. Scattered.

After shaking off the Buddha's hardness, the war spear that flew out of the alien war city also dissipated into the void, and disappeared.

At this time, the magical powers of the battle formation were broken, and every Buddhist soldier in the western battle formation received a great shock, vomiting blood.


When other celestial experts saw this, they were all taken aback.

"The ants of the heavens, as long as you obediently submit, we will spare your lives."

The ancient and ruthless voice came from the battle city in the middle.

"What, say we are ants?"

Everyone is angry.

However, the five major city masters stepped on the altar, joined the battle city, and communicated with the heaven and the earth with the ancient **** formation on the altar, and attracted endless heaven and earth spirit.

If this is to use the power of heaven and earth to kill the enemy.

"Is it transparent for you guys to be Laozi?"

Qiangu Daxian Xuanhuang raised his head and looked at the five alien war cities that were killed from the sky town, very disdainful.

"Your opponent is me!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield without warning.


When Qiangu Daxian Xuanhuang saw this person, he couldn't help frowning, then flipped his right hand, and the Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Pagoda immediately appeared in his hand.

A force that was violent to the extreme erupted from the body of the eternally fierce Xuanhuang.


The strong man in another world was shocked, turned into a divine light, and backed away.

Qiangu Daxian Xuanhuang is so powerful that he chased him directly.

At this time, several powerful figures burst out of the five different world battle cities.

Without any suspense, the three great aliens were blocked by the heavenly experts.

Middle-aged scribes, old ways, and Taiqing Holy Master, they all overwhelmed their opponents and gained the upper hand, and among the three great aliens, only one white-faced youth fought against Taiqing Holy Master, Taiqing The holy lord was constantly being blown away, a little embarrassed.





Suddenly the sound of war drums sounded between the heaven and the earth, and a peerless and powerful figure appeared on the horizon.

I saw this man beating the war drum, and the sound of the drum spread all over the Three Realms and Six Paths.

That's a shaking drum!

The sound of war drums shook the world, and the drums contained great power.

With every sound, those five alien battle cities were struck by lightning.

The five major city masters in the alien battle city were all rolled over by the sound of the drums that shook the sky, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

"Roar, I didn't think it was you, Yuan Tianzong, you didn't even fall..."

An old voice suddenly sounded.

The person who shook the sky-shaking battle drum was Fengdu Ghost Emperor, the ancient war ancestor Yuan Tianzong.

In the ancient times when there were many powerful men, there were many people with great supernatural powers and great powers like crucian carp who crossed the river. However, people who can be called "ancestors" are all amazing talents, who have cultivated great supernatural powers. With great mana, he is the pinnacle figure standing among the strongest.

Fengdu ghost emperor has a great background, he is not like the old turtle, he is trapped in battle, sealed in the virtual world, and he has not experienced the great changes in the ancient times.

And Fengdu ghost emperor Yuan Tianzong, he had experienced that turbulent existence, and he was immortal in a hundred battles, even if his body turned into dust, a strand of battle spirit remained immortal.

The foundation of the avenue was destroyed, this Yuan Tianzong took another path, created a unique way of cultivating ghosts, embarked on the supreme ghost road, condensed the real body of Taiyin, rebuilt the foundation of the avenue, immortal.

I have to say that whether it was in the ancient times when there were many strong men or in the current Tenglong Continent, Fengdu Ghost Emperor was a figure standing at the top of the world.

Such a person, no matter what kind of cultivation method he cultivates, and he will make great achievements on the path of the strong, and he is not a silent person.

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"...

"Play the drums, repair our armor, and move forward..."

The ancient battle song came out from Fengdu Ghost Emperor’s Nine Nether World, and the tragic and majestic song spread all over the world, making everyone feel an urge to cry.

The tragic evil spirit radiated from the inner world of Fengdu Ghost Emperor. It was vast between the world and the world of Nine Netherworlds, violently shaking, and the ghosts of faint and false ghosts loomed in that world.

Countless black smoke-like figures appeared behind the Fengdu Ghost Emperor. The entire Nine Nether World, ghostly aura soaring, and murderous aura, made everyone feel extremely heavy.

This is an army of ghost tribes, an immortal fighting spirit under Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

Although Fengdu Ghost Emperor is a strong man in the human world, in this era, the heavenly road is reopened, and the heaven and the world are no longer distinguished from each other, and the strong in the other world are invading, and the strong in the human world naturally cannot sit and watch.

"Roar! It's just a group of lonely ghosts, what can I do!"

The old voice sounded again.

At the same time, a demon shadow shattered into the void and appeared on the battlefield. The vast magic power of the vast sea emerged from the thousand-zhang demon body, and the endless burning demon fire burned up against the sky, and the demon fire soared into the sky.


Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and no one thought that a great demon would suddenly jump out.

I saw that terrifying demon body burst out with terrifying magic power, which not only resisted the shrouded Nine Nether World, but also resisted the terrifying sound of the terrifying sound from the shaking drum.

"I want to unify the Three Realms and Six Ways!"

This old demon roared and waved his hands, a series of magic patterns that gave out endless demon spirits, appeared on his body, then rushed out of his body, and sank into the five different world battlefields.

In the next moment, the huge power in the Five Great Wars City was attracted by this great demon and turned into his own use.

"All this turns out to be the devil again."

Someone said bitterly.

"A strange demon outside the sky? Unexpectedly you are not dead!"

Fengdu Ghost Emperor saw the origin of this great demon.

At this time, a strange blood-colored star appeared on the sky, even in the daytime, it also bloomed with bright blood-colored stars.

"That's the Ten Demon Stars, what do you want to do?"

Fengdu Ghost Emperor stopped and shouted at the great demon.

"I want to turn this piece of heaven and earth into a demon realm, and see if you can stop me!" The alien demon shouted loudly, and two dark magic lights shot out from his eyes, as if pierced through the void.

The blood-colored star in the sky was shaking, and it seemed to be summoned by the demon ancestor outside the sky, and it actually sank from the sky.

"Oops, Ten Demon Stars fall to the ground, heaven and earth are destroyed!" Gu Fei had just arrived nearby, seeing this scene, the shock was really extraordinary.


At this time, the void vibrated, and a Taoist picture rushed out of Gu Fei's body. It was a Taiji Yin-Yang picture, set on top of his head. The endless Yin-Yang power was spreading out, trying to block the sinking magic star. .

"Strength, strength, I want strength..." Gu Fei shouted, the endless divine power surging down on the yin and yang **** map, continuously being melted into his body by him.

At this time, the heavens have reached a critical juncture of life and death.


Fengdu Ghost Emperor beat the drums again, and with the sound of the drums, everyone was full of enthusiasm, and the fighting spirit was extremely strong.

On that day, the outer demon ancestor attracted ten demon stars, and the demon stars under the endless blood evil demon light, illuminating the world and the earth in blood red. Under the irradiation of the blood evil demon light, the vitality of all things in the world is rapidly losing, and Devoured by horror magic.

At this time, it was no longer a battle between the alien race and the heaven, but the demon race directly jumped from behind the scenes to the front.

The outside world, I am afraid it has become a world of demons.

At this time, the heavens and the earth shook, and the devilish energy was mighty. The five giant cities attracted endless power for the demon ancestors outside the sky. Everyone felt a panic from the depths of their souls and enveloped their hearts.

Demon Star Yaokong, the countless demon soldiers in the five different world battle cities seemed to have been infused with infinite power, becoming more crazy, fierce, and cruel.

"Bump!", "Bump!", "Bump!"

At this moment, an aura that was strong enough to make everyone tremble, surging from the north, and then, a heavy footstep sounded into everyone's ears.

With every sound of the footsteps, the earth shook, and all the monks were shocked, and there was another person who was too powerful to imagine.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure standing on top of the earth appeared in the northern mountains, like an ancient giant, with the starry sky above its head, its feet on the ground, and striding towards the battlefield.

This is an extremely shocking picture. Every step the giant takes, the earth is shaking violently. The highest snow-capped mountain in the north, but it’s hard to imagine how huge that person is. .

The giant waved his hand again and again, and countless demon soldiers shattered under his palm and instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, floating between the sky and the earth.

Even those demon generals who took the lead were torn apart by the giant, exploded, and immediately disappeared.

"That is……"

"The giant clan of the heavens? Isn't this clan rumored to have died?"

Someone exclaimed.

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