Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4423: Stepped on a nail

The alien world that invaded the heavens was the Profound Realm.

The Xuanji Realm is a perfect world, extremely vast.

In this perfect world, the Supreme Dao Supreme can be born. There is no doubt that the realm master of the Xuanji Realm is a Supreme Supreme Dao.

However, the power of Heaven's Punishment in the human and celestial realms does not allow the emergence of extreme power.

Zong Xian, the master of the Profound Extreme Realm, obviously knew about this.

He just descended into the heaven as an incarnation, the real body did not cross the boundary.

However, even so, his avatar is exceptionally powerful, and can easily kill Quasi-Supreme. His avatar is invincible among Quasi-Supreme.

It is precisely because of Zong Xian's strength that his men are also very arrogant.

The black shadow provoked Gu Fei, and he was directly killed by Gu Fei's bullet, and he did not lose his strength at all.

However, when Gu Fei killed the black shadow, he directly provoked the horror incarnation of the Profound Extreme Realm Master.

"Those who dare to kill me, go and die!"

A huge voice came from the firmament, and then a big hand dropped directly from the sky, slapped down towards Gu Fei.

The huge palm enveloped the entire world and the void, sealing all Gu Fei's retreat.


Gu Fei waved his hand casually, and the big hand that came from the slap directly collapsed into the void.

"It's just a mere incarnation, dare to be wild in the heavens?"

Gu Fei looked up to the sky, his gaze penetrated the barrier of the void and fell directly on the vague figure in the depths of the starry sky.


The realm master incarnation of the Profound Extreme Realm saw Gu Fei casually waved his hand and broke his ultimate move, which made him startled and angry.

"Master, this guy..."

Zi Xun'er also saw Gu Fei's move. She was also shocked and inexplicable. In her opinion, her master was the most powerful existence, sweeping the entire Xuanji realm, and no one could catch his three moves.

But now, a little guy in this world actually blocked the Sect Master.

Although Zong Xian had only come to an incarnation, he also had the ultimate cultivation base, and a full blow was enough to destroy the world.

However, this is the heaven realm, not the Xuanji realm.


Suddenly bursts of thunder came from above the sky, and a terrifying aura of destruction fell from the depths of the sky. The heavens lost their color and hundreds of millions of creatures trembled.


Zong Xian's avatar raised his head fiercely, with unwillingness in his eyes, and a breath of extreme Dao quickly disappeared in his body.

He just wanted to use extreme power to kill Gu Fei with a single blow, but he only revealed a trace of extreme power, and terrifying power fluctuations spread from the sky.

"Master, this..."

Beside Zong Xian's avatar, Zi Xun'er looked up to the sky in shock.

"It's a punishment!"

Zong Xian's incarnation said coldly.

"That's true?"

Zi Xun'er said in surprise.

"What are you talking about! I don't know what kind of guy did a good thing, this force can actually cover a world and suppress the extreme way." Zong Xian's incarnation said with a little surprise.

With Zong Xian's cultivation base, it is natural to see some fiction and reality, but the power of Heaven's Punishment is too strong, even Zong Xian does not know how strong this force is.

He didn't dare to try, and intuitively told him that the force just now was enough to threaten him.

The Xuanji realm master had already figured out everything in the celestial realm before entering the celestial realm with his incarnation, the major forces of the celestial realm, the celestial realm and the human realm were connected.

In addition, it is possible to suppress the Heavenly Punishment of the Extreme Dao Supreme.

Therefore, in the entire heaven and human world, there is no Supreme Dao Supreme, which is absolutely good news for the Xuanji realm master.

Therefore, the Xuanji realm master decided to conquer the heavens and conquer this world, and after conquering the heavens, he would then smash the human world. In this way, he would not be the lord of the one realm, but the co-lord of the three realms.

However, the Xuanji realm master far underestimated the heaven and earth realms.

The water in the celestial realm is not bottomed, and it is almost impossible for the Profound Extreme Realm Master to conquer the celestial realm.

"Huh! Want to use extreme power in the heavens? Recklessly!"

At this time, the figures of Laogui and others appeared in Yuankong.

"I can kill you without using extreme power!"

The Xuanji realm master sneered, and took a direct step forward, and instantly came to the sky above Gu Fei, and then stepped down towards Gu Fei, violent power came out from under his feet, and a dazzling electric light appeared in the void.

"Raidao power?"

The heavenly powerhouses who watched the battle in the distance were all shocked.

"I'll see if Gu Fei is really that awesome!"

In the distance, the Holy Master Taiqing looked at the figure with a complicated expression.

"Hey, this Gu Fei is not someone who has made a name for himself."

Holy Master Xuantian smiled.

Gu Fei swept across the heavens back then, how mighty, Gu Fei's name, who does not know, that does not know?

Although the old antiques of the Holy Lord of Taiqing were still asleep at the time, since they awakened, they kept hearing how Gu Fei was.

However, who can become the existence of the Lord, who is not the arrogant person? How can you say that your skills are not as good as people?

However, the combat power that Gu Fei showed had restrained everyone.

Gu Fei did not evade.


The big feet that fell from the sky directly stepped on Gu Fei.

The next moment, the incarnation of the Xuanji world master screamed and jumped up.

I saw a blood hole on the sole of his right foot.

"Step on the nail! Haha!"

Gu Fei laughed.


The celestial powerhouses watching the battle were directly dumbfounded.

But Zi Xun'er, a disciple of the world master, almost fell off his eyes.

My master is a generation of realm masters, Xuanji Realm is invincible, even though it is just an incarnation shot, it can also sweep the heavens.

However, the reality is cruel. The incarnation of Master has suffered a big loss. Before that, no one could make Master Master suffer.

The incarnation of the Xuanji world master is like a giant, just like the giant clan of the heavens.


The incarnation of Patriarch Xuanji Hengji shot again.

I saw a big hand appeared in the void, slapped down towards Gu Fei, and the void covered by the big hand directly collapsed.

The mighty thunder and lightning force shot out from the big hand, tearing through the void of heaven and earth.

"Come again?"

The corner of Gu Fei's mouth rose up, revealing a sneer. The next moment, he turned into a divine light and burst into the sky, directly breaking through the void of heaven and earth, piercing the big hand that fell from the sky.

I saw that divine light passed through the palm of the big hand, bringing out a cloud of blood mist.


The incarnation of the Xuanji Realm Master roared, even if his palms were covered with Dao patterns, as hard as the Ji Dao artifact, it was of no avail.

"how is this possible……"

The Xuanji realm master couldn't believe it, but his avatar was even stronger than the ordinary sacred artifact of the extreme path. Otherwise, he would not directly use this avatar to enter the heaven.

This is simply a humanoid sacred weapon of the ultimate path, even without using the power of the ultimate path, it can sweep the world.

However, I have to admit that the physical strength of this little guy is far above him! Far above myself.

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