Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4432: Originally the devil

Outside the demon clan ancestral land, three quasi-extreme powerhouses joined forces to fight a demon ancestor in the one hundred thousand demon mountain.

This demon ancestor is not an ordinary existence, peerlessly powerful, peerlessly tyrannical, known as the Yuanshi Demon Lord, is an existence that can be compared with the Undead Demon Lord in the 100,000 Demon Mountain.

The demon Lord Mowei of the Yuan dynasty was actually using Heaven-swallowing magic power to swallow the three quasi-superior in one breath.


The three quasi-superiors screamed frantically, trying to break through the power of swallowing the sky, but they were useless at all.

If this Demon Lord swallowed it in one bite, he would definitely be dead.

The three quasi-supreme shots desperately, but the Yuanshi demon is too strong, and the three quasi-supreme quickly flew towards the mouth of the Yuanshi demon.

At the moment when the three quasi-sages were about to be swallowed by the Yuanshi Demon Lord, a sword light fell from the sky, and a pitch-black space crack was cut directly in front of the Yuanshi Demon Lord. Extremely separated.

The three quasi-seniors only felt that their body was loosened, and the powerful swallowing power that enveloped him disappeared in an instant.

After escaping from the dead, the three quasi-prime sages were all startled in a cold sweat, and rushed to the distance, instantly pulling them away from the Yuanshi Demon Lord.

"This demon really deserves its reputation!"

In the ancestral land of the demon clan, in the main hall of the ancestral hall, the old turtle said with a smile but not a smile, Yuanshi Demon Lord, he has dealt with this guy all these years.

The One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain is the last demon realm in the heavens. Since the endless years, every generation has wanted to destroy the Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, but every time it failed.

Once there was a ruthless man who smashed into the depths of the One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, but in the end he was defeated.

In the depths of the One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, there is something terrifying to the extreme, which makes the peerless powerful people have to retreat. In this world, even the co-lord of the demon race, Laogui, is unwilling to provoke the Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain.

However, since Gu Fei slapped that palm in the One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain that day, the Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain and Gu Fei became deadly enemies.

This time, the Yuanshi Demon Lord came with the demon sacred mountain, just to find Gu Fei to settle the account, but he also cared about the old turtle and didn't want to take it lightly.

After all, Laogui is the descendant of the Taihuang, mastering the seal of the Taihuang, and his subordinates are like clouds. The ancestor of the demon clan was also the land of the Taihuang's enlightenment.

No one knows what the Emperor Taihuang left behind.

The existence of a series like the Emperor of Ether, without leaving behind, is simply impossible.

"With him, this Yuanshi Demon will be unlucky."

Xiaoqing also laughed.

I saw a sword sever the existence of the void, it was a black-clothed boy, this black-clothed boy was carrying a sword, a rusty waste sword.

"The one who blocked me died, kid, was you the one who blocked me just now?"

The Yuanshi Demon Lord stared at the black-clothed boy, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes flickered.

Everyone thought that the person who shot was the Eastern Heaven Overlord. You must know that among all the Quasi-Supreme present, only the Eastern Heaven Overlord could compete with the Yuanshi Demon Lord.

Moreover, Dongtian Overlord was also a master of kendo, and with the Donghuang sword in his hand, even the Yuanshi Demon Lord was scrupulous about her by three points.

The Eastern Emperor Sword, that is the Emperor Ji Dao Qi, comparable to the Ji Da Dao Qi.

"Gu Fei?"

When Dongtian Overlord Swordsman was a black-clothed boy, he exclaimed.

"What, he is Gu Fei?"

The powerhouses in the heavens who watched the battle nearby were also shocked. Among these people, there were few who had really seen Gu Fei's face.

However, everyone who knew Gu Fei's existence was stunned.

Gu Fei, that was the most terrifying ruthless person in the sky on earth. The heads of the heavenly people who once killed were rolling, and even the ancient immortal emperor was beaten away by Gu Fei.

The Tianjie Lingnan Fire Race was also defeated by Gu Fei on his own.

As soon as he came out, the whole world suddenly calmed down.

Even if I haven't seen Gu Fei, I have heard of Gu Fei.

"Didn't Gu Fei retreat in the ancestral land of the Demon Race?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Yes, how could Gu Fei appear here in retreat?"

Many people wake up.

"Not real!"

Dongtian Overlord looked at the black-clothed boy on the opposite side with a complicated expression.

This Gu Fei was not a real body, but just an incarnation. To be precise, it was a clone, because the clone was the existence of flesh and blood.

"Not the real body?"

Everyone was taken aback.

The breath that came out of this black-clothed boy was really terrifying, and the whole person was like an unsheathed peerless heavenly sword.

"Haha, little guy, you too underestimate your ancestor me, you want to use your clone to compete with your ancestor?"

Yuanshi Demon Lord said coldly.

"It's enough to kill you!"

Gu Fei's clone looked indifferent.

"is it?"

Yuanshi Demon Lord suddenly put away his smile.

"go to hell!"

Yuanshi Demon Lord stretched out his right hand, and a magic hand appeared in the void in an instant, and directly grabbed Gu Fei's clone. The violent magic power came out from this magic hand, sealing the Quartet.


Without seeing how Gu Fei's incarnation moved, a dazzling sword light suddenly appeared in the void, slashing directly at the terrifying demon hand he had caught.

When the sword light passed, the magic hand was split in half instantly, and then disappeared into the void.

I saw that after the sword light split the demon hand, its momentum did not decrease, and it still slashed towards the Yuanshi Demon Lord.


Yuanshi Demon Lord looked up to the sky and smiled, and saw that with a wave of his right hand, a sharp sword light immediately rushed out of his hand.

This level of sword aura was powerful, but it was almost impossible to defeat Gu Fei.

Gu Fei waved his right hand at will, and the vines entwined with the flesh directly shattered into the void.


With a sword aura of 100,000 miles, Gu Fei's incarnation directly confronted his right hand, and the extremely powerful murderous aura spread, and the temperature in the entire world was dropping.

Gu Fei's avatar moved, only to see him flash, the avatar immediately disappeared into the void, and the next moment, it appeared above his head without warning.

Without any hesitation, the void that Gu Fei's incarnation made was collapsing.


Yuanshi Demon Lord roared, and a cloud of black light burst out from his body, and instantly took the demon Lord into it.

"this is……"

Gu Fei's clone only felt that the sky was spinning, and immediately knew what had happened. His feelings were secretly calculated by others, and he was taken into the inner world.

I saw all around it was pitch black, there was no light at all,

"Haha... you are dead."

The voice of Yuanshi Demon Lord rang in this pitch black void.

"Hey, do you think this will destroy my incarnation?"

Gu Fei's clone said coldly, he was not afraid of this demon at all.

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