Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4442: Who wins and who loses?

Someone attacked Gu Fei secretly, which made the old turtle mad.

"Those who dare to attack my brother die!"

Laogui directly blasted the sneak attacker into scum with a punch.

Outside the Yao Clan's ancestral land, the old antiques who wanted to deal with the old turtles were all awe-inspiring, and some old antiques even retreated quietly.

The cultivation base of this old turtle is much stronger.

These old antiques in the heavens, who had hatreds with the old turtles, wanted to suppress the descendants of the queen, so they joined forces to surround the ancestral land of the demon race, but now it seems that no one in this heaven can suppress the descendants of the queen. One end.

"It's the demons again!"

Xiaoqing on the side said angrily.

"It seems that the One Hundred Thousand Devil Mountain should no longer exist."

Laogui's eyes narrowed, and she burst out from the gap in her eyes.

"This guy wants to destroy the 100,000 Devil Mountain?"

The ancestors of the heavens were shocked when they heard what Laogui said. The One Hundred Thousand Devil Mountain has existed for endless years, and if it could be eliminated, the Hundred Thousand Devil Mountain would have long ceased to exist.

Throughout the ages, no one has ever been able to destroy a hundred thousand magic mountains.

Laogui said these words, but it was very doubtful that he thought that no matter how powerful he was, it would not be possible to destroy the 100,000 Devil Mountain.


The old antiques in the heavens glanced at Gu Fei in the distance.

At this time, Gu Fei closed his eyes again and sat cross-legged again, and continued to refining the Ten Demon Stars with his profound arts. The endless power of the Demon Dao continued to fall from above the Ten Demon Stars, and was swallowed by him.

Gu Fei's martial arts body is like a bottomless pit, swallowing the devil energy for so long, still bottomless and dissatisfied.

In fact, Gu Fei was beaten into reincarnation by the first demon of the ancestor back then, cutting off a whole body of cultivation, but he knew all the realms of cultivation.

He just practiced again from the beginning.

As long as he has strong enough power, his cultivation level will continue to break through, and there is no need to worry about what state of mind or demon, just march forward all the way.

The Demon Dao power contained in the Ten Absolute Demon Stars is too huge. If they can all be refined and swallowed, Gu Fei can at least return to the Extreme Dao realm, or even half a step of eternity.

The eternal realm, that is no need to think about it.

Because the power required for the eternal realm is too huge, and to restore the cultivation base of the eternal realm, it is not enough power.

Gu Fei planned to restore his cultivation to the extreme realm first.

If he doesn't become Ji Dao for a day, he will not return to the Ancestral Realm. You know, Quasi-Supreme is also a scum in the Ancestral Realm. When you encounter Ji Dao, you will be slapped to death.

Even if Gu Fei had eternal true bones, it wouldn't work.

Ji Dao Supreme can find his eternal true bones unique. Once he returns to the Ancestral Realm and is targeted by Ji Dao Supreme, he is in danger of being dug out of his eternal true bones.

Once the Eternal True Bone was dug out, Gu Fei was really abolished.

Therefore, Gu Fei can only honestly restore the Jidao cultivation base and return to the Ancestral Realm.

It seems that the Profound Extreme Realm does not have the power of Heaven's Punishment. For Gu Fei, this is an opportunity.

In the heavens and myriad realms, not all the heavens and the great realms have the power of heaven, and only a limited number of them have the power of heaven and earth.

Since the Xuanji realm can give birth to the Supreme Dao, it is naturally a perfect world.

Gu Fei wanted to restore the ultimate cultivation base, so naturally he had to go to the great world without the power of God's punishment.

"Little girl, you are still tender!"

At this time, a loud shout came from the starry sky, and then, a figure fell directly from the starry sky towards the heavens and earth, and that figure radiated a monstrous divine flame, like a round of Shenyang falling from the sky.

"Ling'er lost?"

Xiao Qing looked up fiercely.

"The overlord opens the sky!"

In the starry sky, an extremely huge figure tore through the sky, shattered the universe, and directly slapped the falling ancient spirit with a palm.


Gu Ling was frightened and angry, she gritted her teeth and tried her best.


Seeing her roar, the whole person suddenly transformed into a divine phoenix, "Boom!", the divine phoenix spread its wings, and the boundless divine fire burst out, sweeping the sky and the ground.

The void that was shrouded by the divine fire was directly burned and continuously annihilated.

The divine phoenix transformed by the ancient spirit was equally huge, and saw the divine phoenix flap its wings, soaring into the sky, directly rushing towards the big hand that bombarded from the sky.


A dazzling light flashed, and then there was a loud noise, and the Divine Phoenix, who did not know how many times larger than the mountain, collided with the giant palm in an instant.

The two powerful forces erupted into unprecedentedly powerful fluctuations, and even bursts of thunder came from the depths of the sky, and the power of Heaven's Punishment seemed to be aroused.

This is the bottom line, once the bottom line is crossed, the power of Heaven's Punishment erupts, that is no joke.

However, the power of God's punishment did not come.

Both Gu Ling and Dongtian Overlord carefully controlled their respective powers and did not step on the red line.


The sky and the earth seemed to be destroyed. Above the starry sky, the stars continued to crumble, and the earth was undulating, cracking bottomless cracks.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

At this time, the old tortoise would be moved.

The incomparably huge figure in the starry sky was dissipating, and the divine phoenix that the ancient spirit had transformed into a monstrous divine fire.

A figure descended from the sky, and she saw her hair messy, her white clothes stained with blood, and the ancient cauldron in her hand was dim. She was the daughter of Gu Fei, Gu Ling.

There was a blood stain on the corner of Gu Ling's mouth, but her eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.

"Who won?"

All the ancestors who watched the game were most concerned about this matter.

But, just now everyone, even the old turtle did not see who wins and who loses.

Everyone is waiting for the Dongtian Overlord to appear.

However, Dongtian Overlord did not show up, she seemed to have disappeared.

However, everyone knows that although Gu Ling is powerful, it is not yet powerful enough to kill the Eastern Heaven Overlord.

Dongtian Overlord, left, no one knew how she left.

It seems that no one knows the outcome of this battle except the parties involved.

Soon, Gu Ling was taken into the demon clan ancestral land by Laogui and Xiaoqing. At this time, those ancestors were all curious about who won the battle.

However, it seems that the outcome of this battle has become a mystery, because Gu Ling did not say that she did not tell Laogui and Xiaoqing that she had just returned to the ancestral land of the demon clan and went into retreat.

She has benefited a lot from this battle with the Eastern Heaven Overlord, and she needs to retreat.

In the human world, the Eastern Region, a figure appeared in the ancestral land of the Eastern family.

"The ancestor is back!"

The two half-ancestors of the Eastern family greeted them.

The person who suddenly appeared in the ancestral land of the Eastern family was the Eastern Overlord, and saw her step by step, walking directly into the depths of the ancestral land.

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