Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4447: Yin Yang Refines the Sky

Yan'er was traveling the world, but Laogui's conquest of the One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain was too strong this time. She got the news and came.

At this time, Gu Fei was still refining the Demon Dao power on the Ten Absolute Demon Stars in the ancestral land of the Demon Race, but did not come.

Gu Ling is also in retreat.

The Holy Master of Taiqing, Holy Master Xuantian and others were also injured because of their participation in the battle against the Xuanji realm. These guys are all recuperating.

Even Lingnan God Emperor Cang Xiao didn't make a move this time. You know, this southern part of the heavens is his territory.

Only the Huo Clan sent more than a dozen strong people to participate in this time to discuss the evil spirits.

Even so, the momentum of the demon-seeking army was earth-shattering, and the celestial world, the human world, sent many powerful people to participate in this demon-seeking conference.

The Jiang family, the Zhao family, and the Zhou family, and the Qin family in the heavens all sent their own strong men.

However, neither the Snow God Palace in the extreme north of the heavens nor the Lord Buddha in West Desert sent strong men to come, which made Laogui very upset.

Although his influence is great, it is also limited. At least some people dare not obey his orders or even attack him at all.

Of course, these forces that dared to ignore the old turtles were extremely powerful, not weaker than the demon races in the heavens.

At this time, on the outskirts of One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, the Tyrannical Demon Lord blocked the old turtle's army with his own strength.

He was so crazy that he used his own power to challenge the three powers recognized as almost invincible.

Laogui and Qin Yao both pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, but now, they don't want to play.

The serious old turtle is very strong, and his combat power is very abnormal. With just one move, he directly exploded the clone of the Demon Lord, and he was extremely strong.

"how is this possible……"

The Tyrant Demon Lord was shocked, because at this time, Qin Yao also killed his other incarnation.

His incarnation, but with about 70% of his combat power, was so easily killed by these two guys, which made him have to move.

"It is said that you are too arrogant, thinking that the world is invincible, but you don't know that the world has changed." The old turtle pointed to the sky and said.


Qin Yao said.

"is it!"

The Tyrannical Demon Lord fisted Yuan Gang directly, and then coldly glanced at Laogui and Qin Yao, Senhan's murderous aura spread from his body, and the surrounding temperature was rapidly dropping.

"This guy hasn't figured out the situation yet!"

The old turtle smiled.

"Why, is it you or me?"

Qin Yao glanced at the old turtle.

"I have always been a gentleman, ladies first."

The old turtle made a gesture of asking Qin Yao.

"Cut, you gentleman?"

Qin Yao raised her **** directly at the old turtle, this guy is as shameless as ever!

"You two bastards!"

The Demon Lord was really angry.


He directly opened his mouth and spouted a demon fire, and saw the demon fire burst out instantly, covering one party, like a demon cloud, covering the old turtle and Qin Yao.


Qin Yao's body shook, and a yin and yang Taoist figure immediately rushed out of her body, directly dispelling the monstrous demon fire that swept through, and headed towards the town of the Demon Lord.


The Tyrant Demon slammed the yin and yang Dao map with a punch, and the Dao map shook violently.


At the same time, Qin Yao's figure instantly appeared above the head of the Tyrant Demon Lord.


Qin Yao's hands were sealed, and a yin and yang road map immediately rushed out of her hand, toward the Tyrant Demon's seal, and the power of the yin and yang road surging out from the yin and yang road map restrained a void.

The Tyrannical Demon Lord only felt his body tighten, and his movements became slow.


The surprise of the Tyrannical Demon Lord was truly extraordinary. He suffered a great loss under this supernatural power back then, and now this supernatural power has been displayed from Qin Yao's hands.

"Is Yin and Yang sealed?"

The Demon Lord's body shook, and he directly shattered the strongest sealing power that had descended from the Yin-Yang Dao map, and then soared into the sky, with a punch on the Yin-Yang Dao map.


The dull impact sounded, and the yin and yang Tao map that Qin Yao rushed out of his hand collapsed directly, and the Demon Lord's fist collided with her handprint.

The two figures separated quickly.

Qin Yao only felt that a powerful force had hit her body, and her whole body could not help flying up into the sky.

But the Naha Heavenly Demon Lord fell from the sky like a meteorite and directly hit the ground.


In a loud noise, the earth was smashed out of a huge hole, and the monstrous devil qi rushed out from the hole, covering the entire sky.

The night seemed to fall suddenly.

In the devilish energy, there seemed to be countless demon shadows looming.

"Yin and Yang refine the sky!"

Qin Yao's hands were moving, and in both hands, there was a bright yin and yang divine light, holding a round of "Black Moon" in one hand, and a round of "Shenyang" in the other.

The yin and yang revolved, and a huge vortex was actually produced, and the endless devilish energy was madly converging toward that vortex and was swallowed by the vortex.

The sky and the earth became brighter.

"Magic World!"

A roar came from the demon energy, and the next moment, the endless demon energy was actually condensed into a huge demon shadow, which directly blasted towards Qiong Yao in the sky with a punch.

The extreme aura of the tyrant erupted from this magical shadow.


The two forces are colliding, canceling each other, and obliterating each other.

The void between the two is constantly collapsing, and the aura of destruction is vast.

Both Qin Yao and the Tyrant Demon Lord are making full shots.

"how is this possible……"

The Demon Lord never thought that this so-called emperor could fight endless battles with him.

The power of yin and yang was blasted away by the fist of the Demon Lord, Qin Yao was shaken away, but the Demon Lord was also shaken back by Qin Yao's power.

This is unacceptable in the eyes of the Tyrant Demon Lord.

"Hey, it seems that if I don't make a move, you can't handle this big guy!"

When the old turtle was talking, he looked in the other direction seemingly inadvertently.

"He is mine, you dare to make a move, I will never end with you."

Qin Yao yelled at the old turtle, as an emperor, she has the capital to be proud, but she has to admit that this overlord is very strong.

"Then you continue!"

The old turtle shrugged.

The strong men watching the battle nearby were all staring nervously at the two strong men who were fighting. At this time, everyone had already seen that the Demon Lord could not defeat the old turtles.

The golden spirit ape Yuan Gang retreated silently, carrying his golden stick, staring at the Tyrant Demon Lord with a complicated expression.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but that he dare not use the strongest strength at all.

Once he crossed the boundary, it was him who died, not the Tyrant Demon Lord.

In the heavens, no one dares to cross the boundary, because the end of the boundary is death.

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