Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4451: Sword Slash Undead Lord

Heaven, southern region, one hundred thousand magic mountains.

Some people say that this magical energy enveloped the ten directions of the Demon Realm exists because some people say that there is a Demon Mountain that has existed since the beginning of the chaos.

This magic mountain is the holy mountain of the demons.

It is because this demon clan holy mountain town is among the hundred thousand demon mountains that this demon domain can exist.

Of course, this is just a legend. What kind of origin the demon sacred mountain in the heavens has, but no one knows, because this demon sacred mountain does exist for endless years.

Even the demon clan’s super old antique, which old tortoise’s uncle of the Taihuang contemporaries, can’t tell when this demon clan’s holy mountain appeared.

At this time, this demon sacred mountain was cut off by a single person, which made everyone directly dumbfounded.

The stone that fell from the demon sacred mountain instantly became extremely huge, even the sky was covered, and monstrous demon energy erupted from the huge mountain.

The whole world suddenly became dark.


At this moment, an immortal sword light appeared in this dark world, and saw that this sword light directly split the dark world and directly fell on the huge mountain made of rocks.

When the sword light passed, the giant mountain was split in half in the shocking eyes of everyone, and the endless devilish energy was all wiped out by the erupting sword energy.

The heaven and the earth immediately brightened up, and the huge mountain that had been split in half exploded instantly, turning into dust in the sky, and even the immortal demon nature was extinguished by this sword.

"how is this possible……"

The voice of the undead demon was trembling. He couldn't believe that the demon sacred mountain that had existed for endless years would be cut off by people, and the cut off piece was also cut off with a sword.

As if under the extreme sword weapon in the opponent's hand, anything in the world could be smashed with a single sword.

"Why does Daozu's swords have such power?"

The immortal demon master never expected that the demon sacred mountain would not be able to stop the purple-gold divine sword in the opponent's hand.

He didn't know that this Zijin Divine Sword was no longer the Zijin Divine Sword that the Supreme Dao Ancestor had sacrificed back then. This Zijin Divine Sword was re-made by Gu Fei long ago.

Although it is still the Immortal Dao Wushang Dao Device, its power has increased a lot.

However, Yan'er is a member of the Immortal Dao, and naturally it is handy to use the Zijin Divine Sword.


"so amazing!"

"Can the Demon Race Sacred Mountain be destroyed?"

Everyone watching the battle nearby could not have imagined that Yan'er's combat power would be so against the sky. This was naturally a surprise to the celestial army of demons.

At this time, the old antiques of the Qin clan no longer dared to speak out.

Who would dare to say that Yan'er is not qualified to be Qin Yao's master?

This kind of combat power is invincible under the extreme.

Moreover, the current Yan'er is the existence of Quasi-Supreme Dacheng, and it only takes half a step to reach the sky in one step, becoming an invincible Jidao Supremacy with nine days of horizontal movement and ten grounds.

The most important thing is that Gu Fei is behind her.

Gu Fei, traversing the world of heaven and earth, stepped into the extinction domain with his own power, flattened the devil's cave, and destroyed the ruler of the secret land, and was called a peerless murderer by the heaven and earth.

Even an emperor as strong as the Qin clan, did not dare to offend Gu Fei easily.

Although Gu Fei had many enemies, he also had many friends, and even the Jiang family of the human world had friendship with him.

Emperor Jiang is the first person recognized in the world.


At this time, the Undead Demon Lord became fierce, and he desperately urged the demon sacred mountain, the next moment, this terrifying demon mountain directly blasted towards Yan'er.

Numerous pitch-black cracks appeared directly in the entire world, just like a series of pitch-black lightning. Those spatial cracks only appeared for a moment, and they were repaired by the power of the world.

The power of heaven and earth is very strong, so the void is also very stable.

You know, the heaven is a perfect world, much better than the human world.

There is a lack in the human world, it is impossible to give birth to the Supreme Dao, but the heavens are different, and the heaven has an indispensable heaven, which can give birth to the Supreme Dao.

Yan'er shook the purple gold divine sword in his hand, and the endless sword light immediately rushed out from above the purple gold divine sword, every sword light directly penetrated the world.

The clanging sound was endless, and the sword light rushing out of the Zijin Divine Sword directly blasted on the Demon Sacred Mountain.

The demon sacred mountain shook violently.

Under the impact of the sword light of the Zijin Divine Sword, the countless magic patterns on the Sacred Mountain of the Demon Race dissipated directly into the void.

However, even if the sword light from the Zijin Divine Sword shook this demon sacred mountain, the demon sacred mountain still suppressed Yan'er.

The demon power that burst out from the demon sacred mountain sealed one side.


Yan'er sneered. The next moment, a terrifying and powerful aura flashed on her body again, and this aura disappeared in an instant.

However, at this moment, the Zijin Divine Sword in Yan'er's hand suddenly burst into an unprecedented surge of sword energy, and an immortal sword light directly broke through the power of the magic way and slashed on the demon holy mountain.

Without any suspense, the demon sacred mountain was slashed away again, leaving a deep sword mark on the mountain.


Seeing this, the undead demon was almost mad. It was really unreasonable. How could the extremely powerful sword in this guy's hand show such a powerful force.

Although Dao Ancestor is powerful, the ultimate sword weapon he cultivated should not be more powerful than the demon holy mountain.

The power of the Purple Golden Divine Sword in Yan'er's hand has far exceeded the Undead Demon's expectations.

"Master sister is mighty!"

Qin Yao shouted.

At this time, even the old turtle was a little dumbfounded. It seemed that he was really not Yan'er's opponent. The opponent had a purple sword in his hand and could fight any enemy in the world.

"How do I feel that my sister-in-law is better than my elder brother Gu Fei?"

Xiaoqing said in shock.

"This is the combat power of Quasi-Supreme Peak?"

The golden spirit ape Yuan Gang stared at the peerless figure and muttered to himself.

"Succumb to death!"

The purple golden sword in Yan'er's hand suddenly flew.

The Undead Lord gave a strange cry, and immediately turned into a magic light rushing towards the depths of the One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain.

However, the speed of the sword light that the Zijin Divine Sword turned into was unimaginable, and it flew back to Yan'er's hand in just a flash, as if it had never taken off from Yan'er's hand and flew out.

Everyone was taken aback, and saw that the magic light transformed by the undead demon directly dissipated, and the figure of the undead demon appeared. The next moment, this demon's body turned into dust and dissipated in an instant. In the void.



Everyone was surprised.

Yan'er seems to have killed the undead demon with a single sword, isn't this great demon known as undead?

"The guy who claims to be immortal is also dead?"

The old turtle's eyes flickered, and this time, they might really be able to step on the 100,000 Devil Mountain.

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