Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4472: Capture the king

The Overlord Dynasty in the Ancestral Realm is definitely one of the most powerful forces in the Ancestral Realm.

This time, the three overlords who came to the heavens all had extraordinary abilities, and the boss was a quasi-supreme pinnacle, even in the ancestor world, he was also a character.


The first overlord Ye Kuang roared frantically and rushed towards the heavenly saint.

"A punch breaks the sky!"

The First Overlord hit the strongest punch.


With his punch, the entire world seemed to be destroyed, even the stars tens of thousands of miles away exploded.

"He still has such combat power!"

The Holy Maiden of Tiangong was taken aback.

The next moment, she retreated violently like a phantom.

However, Ye Kuang's fist was like a shadow, and instantly hit the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace. The next moment, the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace was blasted out tens of thousands of miles away.


The Saintess of the Heavenly Palace sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and even the mask was washed away by the mouthful of blood, revealing a pale face like paper.

I saw her face is extremely delicate and beautiful, but there is a blood on the corner of her mouth, her face is pale, and I feel sorry for anyone who sees it.

"This guy really doesn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu!"

Gu Fei's kendo clone who was watching the battle from a distance saw it, but almost scolded.

In his opinion, beautiful girls are used to cherish.

He doesn't beat women. Of course, if he can't bear it, even if the opponent is a woman, he will do it.

The Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace was hit by Ye Kuang's punch, which was very badly injured. If it weren't for her wearing soft armor, she would have been blasted into a cloud of blood with the punch just now.

The power of this Overlord Fist is no joke.

"I wanted to take you back to be my princess, but now it looks like it's too much to keep you." The First Overlord stared at the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace, unmoved by her beauty.

"Haha... want to kill me? Can you do it?"

The Saintess of Heaven laughed, but, the next moment, she coughed up blood again.

"go to hell!"

The first overlord Ye Kuangfa was decisive. When he spoke, his whole figure seemed to burn, and when he moved his foot, his whole body instantly disappeared in place.

He instantly appeared in front of the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace who was thousands of miles away, and hit directly in front of the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace. Seeing that the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace was about to be blown to the head.

At this moment, a hand stretched out from the side, blocking the fist of the First Overlord.


The dull and thunderous voice sounded, and the extreme force burst out suddenly.

Then, Ye Kuang, the first king of the Overlord Dynasty from the ancestor realm, flew upside down, coughing up blood in his mouth, and received a great shock.

"It's you?"

The Saintess of Heaven looked at the black-clothed boy in front of her, shocked inexplicably.

This hero who saved the United States is exactly the boring Gu Fei's kendo clone. Although it is a kendo clone, no one can see his reality.

The Saintess of the Heavenly Palace saw Gu Fei back then, so she knew Gu Fei naturally.

"Why, I saved you, how can you repay me?"

Gu Fei's kendo incarnation smiled and said while looking at the saint of heaven.

"How do you want me to repay you?"

The Saintess of Heaven looked at Gu Fei's kendo incarnation with a smile.

"Of course, it's best to agree with your body, haha!"

Gu Fei's kendo incarnation said with a big smile.


Hearing Gu Fei's words, the face of the Saintess of the Heavenly Palace became gloomy, and the Saintess of the Northern Territory Heavenly Palace would never marry.


At this moment, Ye Kuang, the number one overlord who flew upside down, was completely plunged into a state of slaughter, and he rushed towards Gu Fei's kendo incarnation madly.


Gu Fei's kendo incarnation didn't even need a sword, and he kicked the No. 1 Overlord away with a kick.


Seeing this scene, the Saintess of Heaven was stunned.

Although Ye Kuang was severely wounded, he was the overlord from the Ancestral Realm. Even now, it would be easy for him to kill an ordinary quasi-supreme.

"how is this possible……"

Those celestial powerhouses who watched the battle farther were directly stunned.

This Gu Fei seems to be stronger than before!

Without any suspense, Gu Fei's kendo incarnation directly beat the number one overlord Ye Kuang, and then threw this guy into his inner world.

Gu Fei's kendo incarnation also has its own inner world.

The news that the first overlord of the Tyrannical dynasty was captured by Gu Fei soon spread, and the entire celestial practice world was shaken, and countless celestial experts were extremely excited.

The First Overlord was captured, and Gu Fei's kendo incarnation told everyone with his victory that the guys from the ancestor world were not invincible.

"That fellow Ye Kuang is really useless!"

"Lost the face of our ancestor world."

The other powerhouses in the Ancestral Realm were very upset when they received the news.

However, Gu Fei was the one who made the shot, so it was extraordinary.

"Isn't Gu Fei still hiding in the ancestral land of the Demon Race? How could it be possible to go to the Northern Region to defeat Ye Kuang, the first overlord of the Overlord Dynasty?"

Some people are very skeptical.

"The clone, it must be his clone."

Someone said such words.

A catastrophe of the Northern Territory Temple was resolved by Gu Fei's clone. In the end, the palace saint did not agree with her body that day, and the Northern Territory Temple once again sank under the thick ice.

This force does not want to be born at all.

Moreover, instinct told Gu Fei that in this Northern Territory Palace, there is definitely an incredible powerhouse.

At this time, the Eastern Region of Heaven.

Near the Moon God Palace, a figure came directly towards this Jedi.

This Moon God Palace was terrible. Even Gu Fei was almost lost and trapped inside.

The man who came from afar was a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, and saw that the middle-aged man walked directly into the area of ​​the Moon God Palace.

The terrifying breath of death filled every inch of void.

Soon, a powerful wave of power suddenly erupted from the Moon God Palace, and then there was no more.

The Moon God Palace, that is the most dangerous place in the heavens.

Even if the quasi-sovereign stepped into the area ahead, there would still be the possibility of falling here, no one dared to take it lightly, you know, there is only one life.

Soon, another figure appeared on the horizon.

As soon as this figure appeared, the whole world was darkened.

I saw this person take a step, and instantly came to the front of the Moon God Palace.

"this place……"

The man was talking to himself.

No one knows whether there is something in the legend in the Moon God Palace, but after so many years, countless people have ventured in and never came out of it.

But at this time, a big mountain appeared in another place in the Eastern Region, a big mountain originally hidden by the forbidden law.

Here is the ancestral land of the Golden Spirit Ape.

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