Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4476: Human Emperor Lin Tianjie


Outside the ancestral land of Nanling Protoss, the void vibrated, and an invisible wind erupted from a black shadow. In the next moment, countless dark space cracks appeared in the void.

Every gang wind splits the void.

Heifengzhizun was really angry. At this time, he attacked indiscriminately. He wanted to solve Qi Xihai and the men brought by Qi Xihai at once.

"Heifeng, you are too crazy."

Qi Xihai roared and blasted directly at the black wind supreme in the sky.

In the next moment, the whole world seemed to set off a huge wave, and the violent punches swept up, pervasive, directly blocking the invisible wind that overwhelmed the sky and the earth.

"Haha, do you think this is the Ancestral Realm?"

Qi Xihai laughed wanton and arrogantly.

In the Ancestral Realm, he was chased and killed by the Black Wind Supreme and almost lost his life. However, in this heavenly realm, he and Heifeng Supreme stood on the same starting line. Who is strong and weak is still I do not know.


Heifengzhi sneered, and the next moment, he disappeared into the void, disappearing.

"The sea is boundless!"

Qi Xihai did not dare to neglect, and roared, a powerful water travel force erupted from his body, and the void around him immediately rose and fell like waves.

A black shadow fell directly out of the void.

"Good guy!"

That person is the Supreme Black Wind, in this world, there are constraints everywhere, and his strength can't be used at all, which makes him very aggrieved.

"Heifeng, go to death!"

Qi Xihai directly smashed towards the Black Wind Supreme, and the power of the entire world's water travel was instantly triggered by his fist, all of them blasted towards the Black Wind Supreme.

"I am like the wind!"

Heifeng Supreme's figure disappeared again, as if he really turned into an invisible wind, and how strong Ren Qi Xihai's fist was, it was as if he was blasting into the void, without any focus.

At this moment, Qi Xihai only felt the wind blowing on his face. The next moment, blood stains appeared on his face, as if he had been scratched by a sharp blade.


Qi Xihai is almost going mad. The other party practices the "Avenue of Wind". People are like the wind, they can gather and disperse, just like the real "wind", unpredictable and invisible.


Qi Xihai slapped the door, and a phantom shadow of Xuanwu immediately rushed out of him. The next moment, this shadow turned into a great cauldron and directly sealed the Quartet.

"Xuanwu Ding?"

The voice of the Supreme Black Wind resounded in the void.

At this moment, I saw a huge phantom of Xuanwu on the great cauldron, Xuanwu Xiaotian, the mighty power of water travel.

Under this power, even if it is as strong as Black Wind Supreme, there is nowhere to hide.

"Incarnate thousands!"

In the next moment, countless black shadows appeared in the void enclosed by Xuanwu Dingzhen, and these black shadows attacked Qi Xihai at the same time, killing the sky.

"In my Xuanwu cauldron, do you dare to be presumptuous?"

Qi Xihai directly operated the profound arts, motivating the power of the Xuanwu Cauldron to wipe away the countless black shadows that had come in the attack.

A group of black shadows exploded directly.

Suddenly, a fist broke through the force of the water, and instantly hit Qi Xihai's body, and the invisible wind smashed Qi Xihai's clothes on his chest.


With a muffled sound, that fist directly hit Qi Xihai’s chest. The next moment, Qi Xihai’s chest was as if he was severely smashed by countless magic weapons, and bloodstains of blood appeared on him. Body.

He flew backwards and was almost smashed by the punch of Black Wind Supreme.


Qi Xihai's back slammed into the wall of the Xuanwu Cauldron, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"how is this possible!"

Qi Xihai said in disbelief, the Xuanwu Cauldron became unstable and kept shaking.


The figure of Black Wind Supreme appeared, and the power of the surging water movement around him could not help him at all. All the power of the water movement passed through, and he was like nothingness.

This is Heifeng Supreme's wind body, tangible and invisible, without a trace, without a trace, and cultivated to the extreme, no one, no power can hurt him.

Heifeng Zhizun shot with all his strength and directly turned into an invisible wind blade and slashed towards Qi Xihai.


Qi Xihai directly madly urged the power of the Xuanwu Ding, and the Xuanwu Ding that sealed the Quartet disappeared in an instant, and then appeared on him, covering him.


At the same time, as the sound of the collision of gold and iron sounded, Qi Xihai led the tripod and flew out directly, slamming into the group of men behind him.

The screams sounded, and the dozen or so subordinates that Qi Xihai had brought were all shaken into masses of blood mist by the mighty force of the water on the Xuanwu cauldron, and their bodies and spirits disappeared.

Qi Xihai's subordinates were all the powerhouses in the heavens he had subdued. He was an escaped fellow of the Qi clan. It was not easy for him to come to the heavens from the Ancestral World, and it was impossible to bring the people of the Ancestral World.

This time, Qi Xihai had a Xuanwu tripod to protect him, and he did not receive much impact.

Qi Xihai's people and tripod are united, and his combat power is soaring.

"Huh! I don't have time to pester you, wait until I find the master, and then look for you."

The figure of Black Wind Supreme appeared in the void, but the next moment he turned into Qingfeng and disappeared into the void in an instant.


Qi Xihai roared, resentful, but he was helpless, the opponent's speed was too fast.

When he reacted, Black Wind Supreme had no idea where he had gone.

"Damn black wind!"

Qi Xihai had no place to vent in one breath, just as Nanling God Emperor led a group of his men rushed out of the ancestral land of Nanling God Race.

"Die all to me!"

Qi Xihai directly slapped Nanling Divine Emperor with a palm.

"Hugh is crazy!"

The Nanling God Emperor shouted loudly and shot out with a palm.


The two powerful forces smashed into each other in an instant, and there was a loud noise. The next moment, the two figures flew upside down.


Qi Xihai stared at the Nanling Divine Emperor, his pupils couldn't help but shrank. This guy was not easy, he could even block his palm. It seemed that he was a powerhouse who underestimated this world!

The Ancestral Realm is the source of the heavens and all realms. The powerhouses in the Ancestral Realm are naturally born with a sense of superiority, thinking that they are superior, and do not put the creatures of other worlds in their eyes.

However, the creatures in other worlds may not be inferior to those in the Ancestral Realm.



Without any words, the two powerhouses fought.

At this time, in the ancestral land of the demon race, Gu Fei was a bit boring.

The guys outside didn't dare to do anything at all, they just surrounded the Demon Race's ancestral land, and the strong of the Ancestral Demon Clan also arrived, and the figure of the Ancestor Great Demon kept haunting the Demon Race's ancestral land.

The demons are enemies of all living beings, whether in the heavens or the ancestors.

The appearance of the ancestor great demon made the strong in the heavens very jealous.


There was a loud noise, and the entire guardian array of the demon clan's ancestor land shook. Numerous array patterns appeared in the void, and the innumerable array patterns intertwined to form a huge mask.

When the powerhouse of the Demon Race Ancestral Land rushed over, they didn't see anyone.

"Are those demons again?"

On a mountain peak in the ancestral land of the Demon Race, Laogui frowned. This is not the first time. Those guys from the Ancestor Demon Race have been making trouble.

They may be testing, but the ghost knows what they are doing.

Gu Fei's other great enemies did not dare to act rashly. You must know that Gu Fei back then could easily annihilate these guys, and no one knows the reality of Gu Fei now.

The last supreme of the Mu clan fell into this world.

Who can kill which supreme of the Mu clan? Except for Gu Fei, they really couldn't think of anyone else.

The Li family, Chu family, and Celestial family all have strong people coming.

The Supreme King even lowered the battle book to Gu Fei, and Gu Fei also challenged, but the location was determined by Gu Fei.

"Ten days later, Starry Sky Ancient Battlefield!"

Gu Fei let out a word, he was going to confront the Supreme King, the first strongest among the twelve supreme kings of the ancestor world, in the ancient battlefield of the starry sky.

The ancient battlefield of starry sky, located in the depths of the starry sky of heaven, is a primitive star field, not far from the ruins of the heavenly court.

On that day, the strong from the Xuanji realm invaded the heavens, and wherever the troops of the heavens fought with the troops of the Xuanji realm, it was not a good place.

Everyone was extremely excited. This was definitely an extremely wonderful battle. Even the human world had received news, and countless powerful men in the human world began to flood into the heaven.

Soon, in a mountain in the heavens, a strong man from the human world, Qinglong, broke out with an ancestor of the Li family from the ancestor world.

Qinglong killed the ancestors of the Li clan in heaven, shaking the world.

Soon, a terrifying powerhouse of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan was born, and he directly shredded a quasi-supreme of the Golden Crow clan of the ancestor realm. The blood of the Golden Crow burned the earth, and a creature was charred.

A few days later, news broke that an ancestor of the Chu family entered the Moon God Palace, and then there was no more.

In the Eastern Territory of the Heaven Realm, Yuan Hong, the prince of the Golden Spirit Ape Clan, left the pass and directly killed the supreme existence of the Golden Nine Sages of the ancestor realm, shaking the heavens.

Jin Jiusheng, the supreme powerhouse of the Golden Clan who dared to challenge Gu Fei, died in the hands of these inferior creatures in the heavens, which made all the powerhouses from the ancestor world unbelievable.

Those strong ancestors who had swept across the heavens invincible began to meet opponents.

And the appearance of the human emperor even suppressed all the strong from the ancestor world.

Emperor Jiang, the only emperor in the heavens and the world, the most powerful and invincible, he seemed to have surpassed everything, as if he had not feared the power of heaven's punishment.

Since the Emperor of Humanity returned to the human world, no one has seen him take action. This time, Gu Fei fought the Supreme King, but even his old man was alarmed.

The moment Jiang Renhuang set foot on the heavens, only a divine thought was released, and he swept the entire heavens in an instant. All the strong knew that the human emperor had arrived at this moment.

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