Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4483: Mysterious forces

Gu Feijian cut the Supreme King, shocking the world.

The great clans in the heavens were very jealous of Gu Fei, because Gu Fei exposed his trump cards when he fought against the Supreme King, and was not afraid of the punishment.

This is an absolute deterrent to the countless forces in the heaven and the human world.

There is no fear of God's punishment, doesn't it mean that Gu Fei can break through to the extreme realm in the heaven or the human world? In this way, Gu Fei could walk sideways in the heaven and earth realms.

Especially those who had enemies with Gu Fei were extremely frightened, for fear that Gu Fei would come to him.

Even the remnants of the ancient times have been honest.

The descendant of the Sky Demon also chose to hide temporarily.

The combat power that Gu Fei showed was too scary. If anyone provokes Gu Fei now, it is definitely the rhythm of hunting for death, and no one wants to hunt for death by themselves.

"Haha, my brother is really awesome."

The ancestral land of the demon race, in the main hall of the ancestral hall, the old tortoise lay on the throne and laughed, while in the main hall, a group of high-level demons were also laughing.

At this time, the powerful ancestors outside the demon clan ancestral land all retreated, and even the most arrogant ancestor of the heavenly clan was gone.

This time, the Celestial Clan came to two great ancestors. One ancestor was slapped to death by the Jiang Renhuang outside the Starry Sky Ancient Battlefield, but the remaining ancestor was directly hidden.

The Celestial Clan can no longer bear the heavy damage from the fall of the Extreme Dao Supreme.

You know, even in the ancestor realm, Jidao Supreme is not so easy to cultivate. If you die, there will be one less. If the heavens want to rise again, the ancestors of the heavens cannot die.

The Li and Chu people also disappeared.

These two clans originally wanted to take advantage of Gu Fei's failure to completely solve the scourge of Gu Fei.

However, who would think that Gu Fei's combat power was so abnormal that even the supreme king who had returned to the supreme king's cultivation could not stop his shocking sword.

However, even though Gu Fei killed the Supreme King, he also consumed a lot of vitality. At this time, he was sitting on a mountain peak in the ancestral land of the demon clan, hesitating the vitality of the world, and gradually recovered his cultivation.

"Little brother, you are too good."

At this time, Emperor Jiang Ren took the little emperor to the top of the mountain.

"That's your hole card?"

Emperor Jiang Ren sat opposite Gu Fei.

"In the heaven and the world, to be able to ignore the punishment of heaven, naturally only things that transcend the extreme path can do it." Gu Fei smiled.

"The eternity in the legend!"

Jiang Renhuang sighed, his cultivation level has already reached a bottleneck, and there is almost no hope for which step he wants to take, but now, Gu Fei has given him hope.

"Can you borrow a sword for a use."

Jiang Renhuang said.

At this moment, Jiang Lin, the little emperor who had made the demon clan's ancestral land, stood aside honestly, not daring to be presumptuous.

Gu Fei looked at Emperor Jiang Ren without saying a word. He grabbed his right hand directly in the void, and a divine sword immediately appeared in his hand.

This sword, at first glance, looked like an ordinary black sword. If there is anything special, it is that the sword body is a bit bright like a star.

However, if you look carefully, you can find that the inside of this sword body seems to be sealed with an endless starry sky, and that little light is the stars.

This is Gu Fei's Nine Sky Star Sword.

The Nine Sky Stars Sword was the first Taoist tool that Gu Fei cultivated by himself. It has been practiced since shortly after his debut, and it has been practiced until today, and finally it has become an eternal Taoist tool.

The current Jiutian Xingchen Sword is definitely one of the strongest Dao tools that Gu Fei has.

That's why he could kill the Supreme King with a single sword.

As for the Ten Thousand Gods Ancestral Sword, the Shanhe Ding, and the Chaos Sealing the Sky, they were still a lot worse than the Star Sword, because these Taoists were not eternal Taoists after all.

That day the magic tower was not an eternal Taoist implement, and the wheels of the heavens and myriad worlds were very mysterious, even Gu Fei couldn't tell whether this Taoist implement was an eternal Taoist implement.

Of course, many of Gu Fei's Dao implements can compete with Heaven's Punishment, but they are not as handy as the Dao implements he cultivated.

"Thanks a lot!"

Jiang Renhuang said seriously, and then solemnly took the Nine Sky Stars Sword from Gu Fei's hand, his hand was actually a little trembling.

This is the eternal Taoist artifact in the legend.

Jiang Renhuang borrowed the Nine Sky Stars Sword from Gu Fei just to take that step. Of course, whether he can successfully take that step is entirely up to him.

If you realize it, then it will be a matter of course, and you will reach the sky in one step. If you don't realize it, even if you hold the Nine Sky Stars Sword for a lifetime, you will never want to take that step.

"This sword is a world of its own, little girl, are you interested in going in for some experience?"

Gu Fei suddenly said to the little emperor Jiang Lin.

When Jiang Renhuang heard this, his heart moved.

"Is it fun? I'll go if it is fun!"

The little emperor blinked her big eyes and said.

"It's very fun. My disciples and disciples are still practicing inside, and they haven't come out yet." Gu Fei smiled, and he wanted to become the little emperor.

Entering the inner world of the Nine Sky Stars Sword is a great opportunity for any monk.

Gu Ling broke through to the Quasi-Supreme realm inside.

Zhao Hao, Yan'er, Meng Long are still practicing inside.

"Really? Then I'm going!"

The little emperor clapped her hands and said.

"it is good!"

Gu Fei directly pointed out as he spoke, and a divine light immediately rushed out of his fingertips and plunged directly into the Nine Sky Stars Sword in the hands of Emperor Jiang.

The next moment, the Nine Heavens Stars Sword made a trembling, and a light gate appeared in the void.


Gu Fei said.

"Father, brother, then I will go."

The little emperor rushed into the light gate, and the light gate disappeared into the void.

"Thank you brother for fulfillment."

Jiang Renhuang looked at Gu Fei seriously and said.

"It's up to her to see how good she is."

Gu Fei smiled.

Jiang Renhuang smiled, did not say anything, he directly sat on the opposite side of Gu Fei holding the Jiutianxingchen sword, and closed his eyes.

Whether it is Gu Fei or Jiang Renhuang, they are the most powerful existence in the heaven and earth, especially Gu Fei, who just killed the Supreme King from the Ancestral Realm.

Gu Fei's limelight is unmatched in the heavens and the earth.

At this time, the two powerful men were sitting on a mountain peak in the ancestral land of the demon clan, and no one dared to bother, that is, the old turtles wandered under the mountain for a long time, and finally returned to the ancestral hall.

Laogui's old uncle is also back.

The strength of the Yaozu greatly increased.

At this time, a mysterious force began to appear in the heaven and earth.

The human world, Vientiane City, a month of black wind and high night, a dozen black-clothed masked men suddenly violent in the city, and then attacked the city lord's mansion, the whole city was shaken.

During the battle, the soldiers of Vientiane City were killed and wounded countless, and thousands of houses were destroyed. The two major defenders of the City Lord’s Mansion were killed in battle. In the end, the iron-blooded Taoist personally took action to kill the dozen crazy guys.

In the heavens, there were also mysterious people who attacked the demon clan’s stations or strongholds in the heavens, killing many demon clan.

After the old turtle got the news, he directly smashed the table, almost mad.

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