Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4491: Crazy old turtle

"Old turtle, you turtle egg, want to catch me? Eat shit!"

In the jade slip, there is only such a sentence.

At this time, the face of Lord Xilin, who was holding the jade slip in his hand, was ugly to the extreme. This little monk Fanxiu is really hateful. This is pitting them to death!

"A little monk just put this thing in my hands."

The old turtle held his hands, looked at the opposite Lord Xilin with cold eyes and said.

"What..., this is impossible..."

Lord Xilin has jumped, he doesn't remember this pot.

"Okay, hand over Fanxiu!"

Gu Fei stood with his hand in his hand and said calmly.

"We really don't have this person here."

An elder of Xilin Temple said quickly.

"Fanxiu is not from our Xilin Temple."

Another Buddhist elder also said.

In the face of Gu Fei and Laogui, only the personal disciple of the ancient Buddha master can remain calm, but the high-levels of other Xilin ancient temples can't calm down.

Even they have cultivated the mind of the Primordial God with the same expression in front of them.

"I want to search!"

The old turtle said loudly, at this time, his spiritual thoughts had already enveloped the entire area, and as long as the little monk Fanxiu appeared, he would be able to sense his position for the first time.

"Master Demon Lord, do you regard this as your Demon Lord ancestral land? Search if you want?"

Lord Xilin said in a deep voice.

"Yes, this is Xilin Temple!"

The senior officials of Xilin Temple behind Xilin Buddha were angry. If the old turtle searched Xilin Temple, how would outsiders think of Xilin Temple?

Everyone would think Xilin Temple was afraid of the demon lord.

"Master Demon Lord, Fan Xiu has already left, you should go!"

At this moment, the old monk who had not spoken suddenly said.

Naturally, no one dared to underestimate the personal disciples of the ancient Buddha master. You must know that the ancient Buddha master is one of the most powerful and supreme of the human race through the ages.

His disciples are naturally not weak.

The old monk does not show the mountains without dew, but Laogui and Gu Fei know that the most powerful existence in the entire Xilin Temple is this old monk.

"Hey, the descendants of the ancient Buddha, we naturally believe in what we say, but if we just let us go like this, that won't work," Laogui laughed.

"What do you want?"

Lord Xilin stared at the old turtle and said nervously.

"So much nonsense!"

The old turtle was very impatient, stretched out his right hand and grabbed it directly towards the Lord Xilin.


Xilin Buddha made a seal on both hands and printed directly forward.


The two forces collided together instantly, and there was a muffled noise.

Lord Xilin felt that a powerful force was coming from the opponent's hand. The next moment, he couldn't help but stepped back two steps and took two deep footprints on the ground.

The old tortoise is not moving like a mountain.


The high-levels of Xilin Temple were all dumbfounded, but this is their Buddha, who was forced to retreat as soon as he shot it?

Laogui's fierce name was not unheard of by the senior officials of Xilin Ancient Temple, but they never expected that the demon master of the heavens was so strong.

"The Queen's descendant is really amazing."

The old tortoise was about to continue his action, but a figure flashed in front of him, and a figure appeared directly in front of the old tortoise.

"Haha..., just right!"

The old turtle laughed and grabbed his right hand directly towards the person. His palm instantly turned into an ancestral dragon's claw. Wherever the claw passed, the void was directly scratched.

The person standing in front of the old turtle was the disciple of the ancient Buddha.


Void vibrated, and the old monk's right hand turned golden. With a pinch of his five fingers, he printed and issued the power of Buddha.


The old turtle's ancestral dragon claws directly collided with the old monk's Dao Yin.

A powerful force waved vigorously, and the people around were all shaken, only the Buddha Lord Naxilin retreated with the Buddha's light body.

The Buddhist temple behind the old monk shook.

Countless Buddha patterns appeared on the temple, blocking the mighty power fluctuations.


Laogui was a little surprised, this temple is not simple!

The old turtle did not take a step back, and the old monk did not back down either, the Buddha seal resisted the claws of the ancestor dragon, and the two powerhouses were competing for their vitality.

This is an extremely dangerous duel, as long as one party is weak, it will be bombarded and killed by the other party.

"Haha, good! That's how it should be!"

The old turtle laughed, this guy dared to compete with his own vitality and strength, and he didn't know how to write the word "death".

But, soon, the old turtle was speechless. He only felt that the other party's Buddha power was so great that it not only blocked his demon power, but also seemed endless, which surprised him.

"I said old tortoise, this time I met an opponent!"

Gu Feile is now, how could he not know what Old Turtle was thinking?

The personal disciple of the ancient Buddha master, Laogui naturally wants to compete with him. He is happy to see the hunt. If he defeats the personal disciple of the ancient Buddha master, wouldn't it be said that the descendants of the emperor have overwhelmed the Buddha The main heir?


The sound of gusts of wind and thunder came out of Old Turtle's body, and the demon power had run to the extreme, and every demon pattern emerged from his body.

In the next moment, an unusual aura of the great power spread from his body, his power suddenly increased, and the surrounding void was constantly shaking.

"This guy……"

Gu Fei was taken aback. He didn't expect the old tortoise to use the bloodline power so quickly, this bloodline power is the old tortoise's trump card!

Sure enough, as soon as the bloodline power came out, the old monk couldn't stop it, and his body shook.


At this moment, the old monk suddenly roared, and a cloud of golden light suddenly emerged from the center of his eyebrows. The next moment, a vast Buddha power burst out from the center of his eyebrows.

This power of Buddha is pure to the extreme, without a trace of impurities. Throughout the ages, there is only one person who has such a pure Buddha power, and that is the ancient Buddha.

"Good guy..."

Gu Fei sensed this Buddha power and knew that the old monk had also used his hole cards.

"That is……"

Old Turtle's heart trembled. He thought that once the power of the blood line came out, he would be able to defeat this personal disciple of the ancient Buddha, but now, it is a tie again.

"Then let me see how strong your Buddha power is!"

As soon as the old turtle gritted his teeth, he directly guided the Buddha power to obliterate his own blood. He wanted to use the other's Buddha power to cut off his own blood.


When Fo Li entered the body, he directly sprayed out blood.

"Is this guy crazy?"

Gu Fei had no choice but to move his face. It was a good idea to wipe out the power of blood with Buddha's power, but whether he could succeed was another question.

However, according to Gu Fei's estimation, Laogui would be miscalculating this time.

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