Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4493: Pilgrimage of Ten Thousand Buddhas

The ancestors of the ancient Xilin Temple were the sons of Burning Sorrowful Buddha. This kind of Burning Sorrowful Buddha has been in retreat for endless years, only to leave the gate in recent years.

With the help of the relics of the ancient Buddha, the cultivation base of Burning Compassion Buddha successfully broke through to the quasi-supreme realm and took a crucial step.

And he has the relics of the ancient Buddha masters to nurture the Buddha's body, and he has also cultivated the Buddha's body. No one has ever cultivated a diamond that does not damage the Buddha's body.

This King Kong is not bad Buddha body is extremely strong, the current Burning Sad Buddha is definitely a human-shaped Buddha artifact, and the general quasi-sovereign Taoist artifact blasted his body, I am afraid that even his fur cannot be wiped off.


When Burning Sorrowful Buddha moved in the void, bursts of thunder rang out in the void, and the punch he fought so hard was caught by the old turtle.


A shocking power burst out of Old Turtle's body, and a faint and unreal figure appeared from his body. As soon as this phantom came out, all the creatures in West Desert felt its existence.

"That is……"

"The power of the Emperor..."

The old antique with Buddhism was alarmed.

Suddenly, the eyes of countless Buddhist monks in the entire West Desert were attracted by the ancient Xilin Temple.

There are golden Buddha lights from all over the West Desert rising into the sky and disappearing between the heaven and the earth. The strong men with Buddhism got the news and rushed to the ancient Xilin Temple.

"Haha, the tortoise egg really got up with that fellow burning grief."

In a small town thousands of miles away from the ancient Xilin Temple, a little monk in white clothes sitting at a tea stand on the street suddenly laughed. He saw this little monk with white teeth and red lips, handsome appearance, brilliant smile, harmless to humans and animals.

No one could have imagined that this seemingly young monk was actually a Buddhist monk Fanxiu who was a very headache for Laogui and Heitian.

"Well! Where are you going next?"

Little Monk Fanxiu groaned.

West Desert is the land of Buddhism. People in all places believe in Buddhism. This unknown town is no exception. The owner of the tea stall provides free tea to the monks.

"Didn't the little master go on a pilgrimage to Wanfoshan?"

The tea stall owner heard the little monk Fanxiu's self-talk and said with a smile.

"Wan Foshan? Yes, the boss really awakened the dreamer with a word, thank you boss." The young monk Fanxiu directly stood up to the tea stall owner, then turned and floated away.

Wanfo Mountain is a sacred mountain in the middle of the West Desert. The original West Desert did not have such a sacred mountain. This sacred mountain was moved from other places by Buddhism.

Because there are ten thousand Buddha statues on the mountain, it is called Wanfoshan.

This Wanfoshan is the Buddhist holy land in the minds of countless Buddhist disciples in West Desert.

Every year on March 21st, it is the pilgrimage day in West Desert. On this day, countless Buddhist disciples will come to Wanfoshan for pilgrimage, which is extremely lively.

According to legend, Wanfoshan fell from the sky on this day and was suppressed on the land of West Desert. Then, the entire bitter cold land began to undergo amazing changes.

Wanfo Mountain is considered by countless Buddhist disciples to be the source of the West Desert and even the Buddhism in the heavens.

No one knows what little monk Fanxiu is looking for.

At this time, in the open space in front of the main hall of the ancient Xilin Temple, the old tortoise and the burning sorrowful Buddha fought, and the two powerhouses moved fast to the extreme.

They did not use magical powers at all, but used pure Buddha and monster power to fight and fight in close hands.

This kind of confrontation is the most dangerous. Once a flaw is revealed, it will be torn to pieces by the opponent. Although the old turtle's monster body is extremely powerful, the opponent's King Kong is not bad and the Buddha body is also strong to the extreme.



The old tortoise and Burning Sorrowful Buddha kept shaking, the phantom on the old tortoise became clearer and clearer, and the power of the blood in his body gradually burst out.

The phantom is terrifying, and the power released is almost beyond the realm of the extreme realm. However, there seems to be an invisible shackle in the darkness that binds the phantom, preventing the power of this phantom from breaking through to the extreme. Dao realm.

That is not the power of heaven's punishment, the power of blood, it is impossible to break through to the realm of the extreme realm, just like the old tortoise can't become the supreme of the extreme without cutting off the blood inherited from his father, Taihuang.

At this time, among the Buddha's light that burned the sadness of the Buddha's eyebrows, there seemed to be a Buddha's shadow sitting on it.

I don’t know if it is Burning Sorrowful Buddha that controls the relics of the ancient Buddha Lord, or the relics of the ancient Buddha Lords controlling Burning Sorrows Buddha, but one thing can be confirmed, that is, this guy’s fighting power lies in the relics. Under the blessing of the son, it was elevated to the limit.

Although the ancient Xilin Temple is protected by the power of Buddhism, the two powerhouses still shatter everything wherever they go.


With a loud noise, the two strong men directly smashed through the wall and fought outside.

"The Emperor's Seal!"

The old turtle roared and squeezed the seal with both hands.


The aura of the endless world condensed in an instant, and a big seal appeared in the void, and went directly to the town of Burning Sad Buddha, violent to the extreme demon power.

The old turtle is really moving.

This is not the real Taihuang seal, but the old tortoise is condensed by the seal method. Although the power cannot be compared with the real Taihuang seal, it should not be underestimated.

"The eyes of the Buddha!"

Burning sadness Buddha's eyebrows suddenly shook, and a Buddha light rushed directly from his eyebrows and greeted him with the big seal on the side of the killing.


The Buddha light collided with the printing, and the next moment, a storm of destruction swept out in all directions, and the void directly collapsed wherever it passed.


Void vibrated, and a huge mask appeared, covering the entire Xilin Temple.

The Lord Xilin started the guardian formation of the ancient Xilin Temple.

Under the impact of the devastating storm, the guardian array of the ancient Xilin Temple was shaking violently, and countless Buddha patterns emerged on the mask, intertwined into a Buddha picture.

Buddha statues appeared on the mask, as if the Buddha of the ages had come, releasing endless Buddha power.


Xilin Buddha Lord is inexplicable, this kind of battle can actually shake the guardian formation of the ancient Xilin Temple. You know, since the guardian formation of the ancient Xilin Temple was set up, no more than three people can shake the great formation.

But now there are actually two people who can shake the guardian formation.

Lord Xilin was very disturbed, because Laogui and Burning Sorrow were too strong, no matter which one of them wanted to kill themselves, it didn't take a lot of trouble.

Quasi-Supreme is not invincible.

"What to do, if the ancestors lose, the trip to Wanfoshan will probably be lost."

All the senior officials in Xilin Temple are very nervous.

"We must go to Wanfoshan."

Lord Xilin gritted his teeth and said.

The pilgrimage to Wanfoshan is not simple. This is a secret that only the Buddhist leaders know.

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