Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4495: Buddhism

Storms gather in Wanfoshan.

It was because an incarnation of the ancient Buddha appeared on the top of Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain, attracting countless powerful people in the heavens to gather in the West Desert Buddha Land of the Heaven Realm. For a while, you can see monks everywhere in the West Desert Buddha Land.

The heavens are huge. Although it is the world of the human race, other alien races are also extremely powerful.

The West Desert Buddha Land is just a puppet of the Heaven Realm. The entire western region of the Heaven Realm is so vast that even the West Desert Buddha Gate can hardly control it.

In the Western Regions of the Celestial Realm, there are some places that even Buddhism can't control.

The extreme west of the western region of the heavens is a mysterious dark world, where is one of the famous forbidden places in the heavens, no matter how immortal monsters or Buddhas enter, it will be difficult to get out again.

Where is called the purgatory in the heavens, the extreme west purgatory, in that purgatory, there are unknown, powerful creatures entrenched.

At this time, there was actually a city outside the Jixi Purgatory, and that city was branded with countless Buddha seals. It was a Buddha city.

The Buddha Town is at the exit of the Jixi Purgatory, and the purpose is obvious, to prevent things from the Jixi Purgatory from coming out.

This Buddha city has existed for endless years, but it still exudes a powerful Buddhist aura, and even the black energy that swept out of the Western Purgatory will dissipate invisible within a dozen miles away from the Buddha city.


A terrifying roar came from the extreme west purgatory, the black gas was mighty, and in that black gas, the figure of powerful creatures could be vaguely seen.

There are powerful purgatory creatures who want to leave this ghost place, but they are blocked by the Buddha City and cannot cross the thunder pond for half a step.

"Huh! Waiting for Master Xuchen to leave, I'll see if this city can stop us." Someone was talking in the dark air.

"Well, Master Xuchen seems to be leaving the customs these days."

In the black qi, there was a purgatory creature nodded.


A loud laugh suddenly came from the Buddha City, and then a tall bald head wearing a moon white robe appeared on the wall.

"With me, you don't want to come in."

The big bald head said in a deep voice.

"Chee, little monk, how can you stop us?"

In the black air, a voice without a trace of emotion sounded.

"Don't you know if you try it?"

The big bald head in the Buddha City said disapprovingly.

"Huh! There are only a few days left, when the time comes, I want you to die!"

There are powerful divine consciousness fluctuations in the darkness.

"Although let the horse come here, see who is afraid of whom!"

The big bald head shows no signs of weakness.

"Good! Good! Very good!"

The wave of divine consciousness in the darkness spread again.

At this time, the surrounding city of Wanfoshan was overcrowded, and monks from outside lived in the inn.

"What the **** is he doing?"

Gu Fei and Laogui also came nearby. When he saw the figure on the top of ten thousand Buddhas, he was surprised.

What made Gu Fei really feel uncomfortable was that the incarnation of the ancient Buddha stood there quietly, as if it had become a statue, motionless.

The clone of the ancient Buddha will never appear on the top of Wanfo Mountain for no reason.

"There are a lot of people here, let's take a look at the excitement first!"

Gu Fei said to the old turtle.

"Okay, just do it!"

The old turtle nodded.

Then, they withdrew thousands of miles, hidden among the clouds, quietly watching Wanfo Mountain.

Just when Gu Fei and Old Turtle were hiding, a battle broke out on the ground below, two powerful forces suddenly broke out, and there were visible ripples in the void spreading in all directions.

Those guys in the Ancestral Realm and an ancestor of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect did not know why they fought suddenly.

Gu Fei glanced at the bottom, but saw that the strong from the Ancestral Realm was extremely powerful, and he could tear Quasi-Supreme in half with one hand.

But the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect was a lot worse than the strong man from the original ancestral realm.

Soon, this battle was over.

The strong man from the ancestor world blasted the ancestor of Ten Thousand Buddha Sect forward and backward with a punch, and the arm shook, and the old ancestor of Ten Thousand Buddha Sect exploded directly. .

The strong man from the ancestor world is a young man in Tsing Yi.

"Ye Beichen, the supreme king of the Eastern Region of the Ancestral Realm?"

Gu Fei couldn't help being stunned when he saw that young man. How could this guy appear here?

The Eastern Leaf Clan of the Ancestral Realm is definitely one of the oldest and powerful forces in the Ancestral Realm. Compared with the Wood Clan of the initial Ancestral Realm, the Leaf Clan is not just a little bit stronger than that.

The Ye Clan is even stronger than the Celestial Clan in the Southern Territory of the Ancestral Realm and the Chu Clan.

That is a super ancient power that has truly passed on endless years, because this clan also has Ye Qingtian.

Who is Ye Qingtian? That was out of its own way, an alternative eternal existence.

"What Ye Beichen Ye Xichen!"

The old turtle asked.

"If you are in the Ancestral Realm, he doesn't need to make a move, just release coercion, and you will be wiped out." Gu Fei said calmly.


Old Turtle was taken aback, such a powerful existence, he couldn't afford it.

Na Ye Beichen glanced in the direction where Gu Fei and Laogui were, then retracted his gaze, took a step, and instantly disappeared into the void.

Soon, in other places, war broke out again, and the entire West Desert Buddhist Land was extremely turbulent.

The immortals fight, and the people suffer, but this sentence is correct. The supreme existence of the quasi-supreme level is already the strongest existence in the heaven and the world.

Once a powerhouse of this level breaks out a war, it is very terrifying. It can wipe out a region from the ground, and hundreds of millions of lives will be charcoal, and the destructive power will be earth-shattering.

All forces are fighting, both in the open and in the dark, no one knows how many people will fall.

Especially the powerhouses in the Ancestral Realm had great grievances with those in the Celestial Realm and the Human Realm. The powerhouses in the Ancestral Realm did not treat the human races in the Celestial Realm and the Human Realm as human beings.

However, with Gu Fei's strong shot, those guys in the Ancestral Realm were also afraid.

Many of the powerhouses in the Ancestral Realm have already left the Heaven Realm.

However, some powerful ancestors who had nothing to do with Gu Fei did not leave the heavens. They had no grudges with Gu Fei, and Gu Fei would not look at them either.

Like the Ye Clan, there are other forces with the same ancient heritage as the Ye Clan who still want to consolidate in the heavenly realm, and they don't want to leave just like that.


When the various forces were fighting openly and secretly, a loud noise suddenly came from Wanfo Mountain, and then the endless Buddha light erupted from the top of Wanfo Mountain.

The summit of Wanfo Mountain, like a round of golden sun, illuminates the entire West Desert Buddhaland.

"Grandpa, that's..."

In a small town more than tens of thousands of miles away from Wanfo Mountain, a ragged child about six or seven years old looked at the sky in shock.

At this time, the entire sky turned golden, and the sound of Buddha faintly lingered in the void, and the aura of peace was surging across the sky and the ground.

The originally sick child was illuminated by the Buddha's light from the sky, and the illness was more than half healed immediately.

"Buddha Lord Appears!"

An old man beside the child knelt down with excitement and bowed in the direction of Wanfo Mountain. He was crying. His only grandson, who was seriously ill, was dying. Who would want the legendary Buddha light to appear.

The Buddha's light body can eliminate all diseases.

"The Lord Buddha has appeared..."

This scene is happening everywhere in the Buddhist land of Ximo. People who have been ill for a long time are all healed by the light of the Buddha that day.

It is really amazing. Countless ordinary people regard all these as the legendary Buddha relics. The Buddha has appeared and is saving all living beings.

Not only the human race, but other races are also undergoing amazing changes under the light of the Buddha. Withered trees sprouting, countless alien races hovering on the edge of death are also rejuvenated.

Countless creatures are bowing to Wanfo Mountain.

"Good guy!"

Gu Fei couldn't help being a little shocked when he saw this scene. He could see that countless strange auras gathered toward Wanfo Mountain, which was the power of faith, or the power of faith.

Buddhism is condensing the power of belief of sentient beings and increasing the luck of Buddhism.

Of course, this kind of luck is too illusory, but today, Gu Fei has seen this incredible method of Buddhism.

The belief of sentient beings has been turned into luck and guarding Wanfo Mountain. This power is probably comparable to the power of Extreme Dao level.

Moreover, this kind of power didn't even trigger the power of Heaven's Punishment.

"how is this possible……"

The old turtle was stunned, he also saw this amazing scene.

Not only the old tortoise, but also the existence of other quasi-superior level, they are not shocked. Although this force is very peaceful, once it breaks out, it is enough to crush everything. It is not a joke.

The path that Gu Fei walked had nothing to do with luck. He actually didn't care at all, because as long as his strength was strong enough, regardless of his luck or luck, all of them would blow up with one punch.

"No wonder Buddhism can pass on endless years and masters come forth in large numbers!"

The old turtle sighed.

The Yaozu doesn't pay attention to illusory luck, but now it seems that Buddhism has indeed taken a different path.

Before March 21st arrived, the Buddhist vision had already appeared.

The power of countless beliefs gathered to Wanfoshan, and the incarnation of the ancient Buddha on the mountain was long gone.


The entire Wanfo Mountain is shaking, and the mountain is constantly cracking, revealing dark cracks, and golden Buddha light flashes from time to time inside the cracks.

"Ten Thousand Buddha Palace..."

In a Buddha city thousands of miles away from Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain, a young monk with a purple golden bowl in his hand suddenly raised his head, only to see golden Buddha patterns looming in his eyes.

"The undead golden Buddha tree is mine!"

The little monk directly turned into a Buddha light and rushed towards Wanfo Mountain.

"Haha, Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace is reappearing, this opportunity cannot be missed!"

A figure with the light of the five elements all over appeared at the foot of Wanfo Mountain.

"Buddha, the trespasser died!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and an old monk stepped on the golden lotus, walking step by step from a distance.

"It's him?"

When Gu Fei and Laogui saw this old monk, they were startled, they turned out to be acquaintances.

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