Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4508: Extreme Secret Weapon

No one thought that an incarnation of the great evil Xuanhuang of the ages turned out to be the boss of the seven purgatory masters of the extreme west purgatory in the heavens.

An incarnation can become the boss of the Western Purgatory, isn't the real body much more powerful and terrifying?

Thinking of this, Gu Fei was a little moved. The eternal evil Xuanhuang was really not easy. After integrating the incarnation, the strength of this guy has exceeded Gu Fei's expectations.

"The big thing is bad!"

Gu Fei had a bad premonition. Although there was a natural punishment in the heavens, the natural punishment was not irresistible. As long as it was strong enough, the natural punishment could be ignored.


At this time, the great fierce Xuanhuang of the ages drove the black city, broke through the Buddha's light, and directly rammed into the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace, where the black city passed, countless Buddha patterns collapsed.

Everyone watched the scene in shock.

"What a Xuan Huang!"

In the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, the young monk Fan Xiu directly entered a Buddhist temple. The next moment, huge Buddha shadows immediately appeared above the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

Each Buddha image is like a giant golden mountain, revealing amazing waves of Buddha power.

"Good fellow, each one has the quasi-extreme strength..."

When the old turtle saw this, he was also stunned. You must know that there are as many as eighteen giant Buddha shadows. In other words, this is the existence of eighteen quasi-supreme ones!

This should still be the weakest formation of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, you know, this is the Buddha Palace of the ancient Buddha, and it is also an extremely Taoist tool.


Void shook, and a Buddha's shadow was shot, and a huge golden Buddha's hand slapped directly towards the black city where it collided.

The golden Buddha hand enveloped one side, and there was a ten thousand-character Buddha seal emerging from the palm.


With a loud noise, under everyone's gaze, the golden Buddha's hand was directly shot on the black city, and the powerful Buddha power burst out.

Heicheng paused, but in the next moment, a sharp blade of light rushed out of Heicheng, directly splitting the golden Buddha's hand in half.


In the inner world of Wanfoshan, all the Buddhist experts were shocked. This guy was so strong that he could split the palm of a Buddha's shadow comparable to the supreme in half.

The bergamot dissipated, and Heicheng rushed over.

"My Buddha is merciful..."

A Buddha horn sounded, and the eighteen Buddha shadows were shot at the same time, and the power of the Buddha was so powerful that it burst out, and the whole world became golden.

The endless Buddha light shrouded the entire black city.

"Be merciful, give me a break!"

In the black city, Xuan Huang roared, and the Xuan Huang gas was mighty, and the entire black city directly collided with the mighty Buddha power.


Amidst the loud noise, the entire world was shaking, and the void around Heicheng was constantly shattering and annihilating.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, Heicheng still moved forward, and the eighteen Buddha shadows couldn't stop it. The eighteen Buddha shadows became dimmed, and the next moment they disappeared into the void. .

The first layer of Buddhist formations outside the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace was breached, and the arrays of intertwined Buddhist patterns were collapsing.

However, even though the Buddha Array was broken, the Buddha power condensed by the Buddha Array was swallowed by the Buddha Palace, and a stronger Buddha Array immediately began to operate.


Several faint shadows of weapons appeared in the void.


A Buddha bell rang through the sky and the earth, and everyone who shook had blood and energy, and those with weaker cultivation bases immediately retreated far away. Being affected by this series of battles, the consequences would be very serious.

A Buddha knife broke through the void, slashed directly from the Buddha formation, and instantly landed on the black city.

The Xuanhuang Qi on the Black City was broken open, and the light of the knife slashed directly on the wall, leaving a slashed mark on the extremely hard wall.

This is a Buddhist formation, and every Buddhist soldier corresponds to an extremely Dao Buddhist artifact refined by the chief priest of the ancient Buddha.

The power displayed by such a Buddha formation is naturally extraordinary, but the black city is still rolling forward, and it is extremely strong.

"Unless the eternal Buddha master reborn, you will all die!"

Xuanhuang's voice came from the black city.

"Huh! Life and death!"

Little Monk Fanxiu fully controlled the Buddhist formation, and the next moment, all the six Buddhist artifacts in the Buddhist formation were blasted towards Heicheng.


Suddenly a powerful swallowing force broke out in Heicheng, and the six great Buddha artifacts that had been slashed and slashed all flew towards Heicheng.

Of course, those are not the real six Buddhist artifacts, even so, these six Buddhist artifacts shot at the same time, it is enough to bombard the general Quasi-Supreme.

However, the eternal hero Xuanhuang wanted to take away the six Buddhist soldiers, and he succeeded. The phantom of the six Buddhist soldiers disappeared into the black city.


In this way, the little monk Fan Xiu had to be moved.


Without any hesitation, the huge black city was like a mysterious yellow mountain, rushing towards the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace, wherever it passed, the endless Buddha power was blown away.


Heicheng slammed directly on the sealed Buddha light of Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

The next moment, that layer of sealed Buddha light actually collapsed, and the entire black city directly rammed into the sealed area of ​​the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

At the same time, the entire Buddhist palace was lit up, and a Buddha shadow appeared directly in the void, sitting cross-legged above the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

"Buddha and I are with me, subdue demons and demons!"

The young monk Fanxiu's immature voice came from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and the next moment, the Buddha's shadow sitting in the void directly slapped his palm towards the black city that had hit it.

This palm is just like the real eternal Buddha master is making a shot, directly shattering the void of heaven and earth.

"it is good!"

In the black city, Xuan Huang finally got serious, and a Xuan Huang Pagoda flew directly out of the black city and collided with the palm of the Buddha that was hit.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Tower?"

Laogui's eyes lit up when he saw the sacred tower. This sacred tower was very famous even in that distant age.


I saw that the pagoda directly smashed the palms of the Buddha, then smashed the Buddha's shadow, and then smashed into the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.


The moment the Nine Sky Profound Yellow Pagoda was about to hit the Ten Thousand Buddha Palace, a purple golden bowl flew out and directly hit the Nine Sky Profound Yellow Pagoda.

The Nine Sky Profound Yellow Pagoda was blocked, but the purple gold bowl was knocked away.

"too strong……"

In the temple of the Buddha, the face of Little Monk Fan Xiu was not so pretty.

As soon as he waved his hand, the purple golden bowl flew back into his hand, and saw numerous cracks appear on the bowl, as if it was about to break apart in the next moment.

"Xuan Huang, you bastard!"

Little Monk Fanxiu yelled at him. He was not a good person, and now he was forced to this point by Xuan Huang, he was really angry.

"Little boy, ask your grown-up to come out and talk."

Heicheng continued to rush towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, and the voice of the eternal violent and mysterious yellow spread throughout the world.


Hearing Xuan Huang's words, the old turtle couldn't help laughing. This guy was called Fanxiu, a kid? This guy is not a kid.

However, the little monk Fanxiu has always been like a child, and what he was like back then has not changed at all.

Gu Fei also smiled. It was the first time he heard someone call Little Monk Fanxiu a kid.

"Xuan Huang, do you really think the world is invincible?"

Little Monk Fanxiu gritted his teeth and said, the next moment, when he flipped his right hand, a Buddha bell immediately appeared in his hand. There was nothing extraordinary about the quaint little bell.

However, at the moment when the little monk Fanxiu directly activated the Buddha bell, countless ancient Buddhist patterns immediately appeared on the Buddha bell, and a breath of extreme Dao emerged from the Buddha bell.


The Buddha bell flew directly, and then shook, and a bell sounded. The melodious bell sounded seemingly harmless, but the moment the bell sounded, the black city falling from the sky stopped.

The bells spread throughout the world, at this moment, only the bells are left between the sky and the earth echoing between the sky and the earth.

The sound of this bell revealed the supreme power of Buddhism and calmed everyone's minds. At this moment, everyone almost forgot to kill and could not give birth to any killing thoughts.




In the black city, the eternal and powerful Xuanhuang roared frantically, and the murderous aura broke out, the sound of the killing shook the sky, the wind and the clouds changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, and the aura of peace between heaven and earth was immediately broken.

Even the sound of the Sanskrit Buddha bell was suppressed.

"Okay, don't play with you kid, just go to death for me!"

In the black city, Qiangu Daxuan Xuanhuang stood on the altar on the square in the center of the city, and in the next moment, he immediately released the seal of the Jidao on his body.


An extremely terrifying aura of extreme Dao immediately erupted from his body, the black city shook, and the surrounding sky and earth collapsed directly.

At this moment, everyone in this world felt their souls trembling.


Everyone was shocked to the extreme. No one thought that Xuan Huang would dare to use the power of the extreme power. You must know that the power of Heaven's Punishment can appear in this world.

Sure enough, a terrifying aura of destruction immediately fell from the sky.

"Haha, Xuan Huang, it's utterly stupid to think that you're going to die by yourself."

The figure of Little Monk Fanxiu appeared above the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace.

"is it?"

Standing on the altar of Heicheng, Xuan Huang suddenly grinned. The Extreme Dao aura on his body was rapidly becoming stronger, and soon his power had soared to the peak of Extreme Dao.

At this time, a series of destroying electric lights fell from the sky, and bombarded down on the altar, the great fierce Xuanhuang.

"Come on!"

Xuan Huang waved his hand, and the Nine Heavens Profound Yellow Pagoda immediately appeared in his hand, and then rose to the sky, directly blocking the destructive lightning from the sky.

"Extreme Dao Secret Realm Grade Extreme Dao Device?"

Gu Fei looked at the Nine Heavens Profound Yellow Pagoda, which was bathed in the sky and destroyed the electricity, and couldn't help being taken aback. This Taoist artifact turned out to be an extremely Taoist artifact, no wonder.

The thing he worries the most has happened.

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